Another IP bites the dust.
Another IP bites the dust
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When will you start advertising the Pagang discord with your posts? Not afraid of people seeing your ass pics in the #nsfw channel, are you?
I want to see Aiste's ass pics.
There's no discord and absolutely no such pictures. Not gonna whore my body on the internet. Not even I am that pathetic.
haha ok. we can pretend it didn't happen if you want, but still, we need that d*scord clout schizo nigga
Post the pics dumb discordfag.
Looks like r9k has another lolcow.
you asked for it bro, don't blame me for whatever happens.
man that'd be a thicc ass boi
xhe's a big eater, shitposting and revolting against the modern jannies & abrahamists is hard work.
If that is him(her) then I need to marry him(her) right now.
Discord? Fuck I wish the Aqua avatarfag came back to explain things
OK, I've checked and I still don't know what you're on about.
WTF does IP mean in this context?
How did your ass become so good girl?
He's hawt :3
Thats a bio female
Explain yourself. Now. Originally of course.
I knew she was a roastie
The tranny isnt going to explain shit. Why dont (You) explain this secret discord nigger schizo tranny cult?
more... please.... god i have to have more
I insisted for penis pics when he came out after the schizo girl larp but kept refusing arguing it was gay. My guess is its still a guy with female friends doing pics for him, or a botched mtf tranny with a discord cult.
With this maybe we can finally kick this dumb tranny off our board. Bet mods are having a toast right now
Its a mentally ill roastie, someone with friends wouldnt post here that much
I hope they let the thread up, we need to end this attention whore. But it may be another attempt of him samefagging and larping to make his threads interesting again. If this faggot refuses to talk I think its safe to assume the later, it wouldnt be rare for a schizo tranny to have multiple personalities disorder.
Trannies dont have such big butts
I dont care if its a tranny, a mentally ill roastie or a 600lbs mutt, I just want the truth. Also fuck thirsty betas for ruining everything.
If thats really a pic of aiste, i can assure you its a biological female
I dont know why I feel its a super secret discord server of multiple people larping as this made up "aiste" character, they all know "her/his" story and agree on story plot twists before acting on them. No sane single individual would do this and we all know how fucked up discordniggers can be.
Probably that gunjy discord nigger has something to do with all this, mark my words
r9k conspiracy time, discordniggers always striking from the bushes in the night
Aiste is not sane tho
Might be the case, that methhead literally knows thousands of discordniggers of all kinds, wouldnt be hard for him to pull this, and yet his double digit iq keeps ruining things
Its all a masive larp if you havent noticed, retard keeps contradicting himself all the time.
Some of us have stuff going on in our lives, goes both to discordfags and the crowd here.
If it is an organized LARP that means the discordfags can run this place
Faggot literally talked to this aiste person or whatever they are, I saw some screenshots. Idk why they insist on making this board shit, like making it not anonymous. It's like okay I just want to have a comfy time but literal retards have to shit on what I have? I'm not the best one to say this but these people should srsly get a life or some hobbies other than being obnoxious on some app made for gaming and stop shitting on some anonymous board, like srsly dud get a cat or some hobbie but this shit is just annoying. I wish discord would have never been created, Christ
I think so too, must be some massive larp or something but what for? Literally I don't get it? Attention? Or what the fuck
Yeah this is what I mean don't these people have shit to do other than being spamming shit from their computer all day? At least some of us try to improve and stuff
>If it is an organized LARP that means the discordfags can run this place
m8, they kind of already run reddit and the sjw hiro picked dont help. True anonymous posters are at a great disadvantage here because there really is a parallel world of discord niggerdom out there user is completely unaware of. Also unironical psyops by god knows what groups. Fuck this honeypot honestly.
how comes irc was never THIS CANCEROUS?
Aiste, become a Buddhist no desu. It's the only way to escape from suffering.
Idk dude we can't say that was not cancerous either but at least Skype and shit wasn't as cancerous as discord, like legit people think discord is the real life and their opinions and life choices are based on that app, everyday is the same here so many threads about drama on there we don't even care about, shit is annoying we could just ignore the threads but shit is everywhere even if you're participating on threads that aren't even related, there's always a discord, always
Discord is easier to use, so retards and normalfags love it
>but what for?
Manipulating people for fun? The schizo tranny gang must be lmaoing whenever a clueless lonely user starts pouring his heart into his posts telling his life story and shit like many have done.
Idk man, zoomers are fucked up, this edgy unfeeling sociopath trope is ruining everything.
Aiste eye.
Can we doxx this mentally ill whore yet?
>Damn Aiste looks like THAT!?!?!
Is that really him? Hahahahaha holy shit.
Im not sure, I saved that pic from a confused tranny thread because it reminded me of him. I dont think it even said it was a man or a woman, what does it look like to you?
For me it's a either a man or a really ugly female
>3 hours
I think you forgot that you're not supposed to be the interpreter of the rules, janny.
Damn kinda ugly for that phat ass huh? guess you only got so many skillpoints to distribute at the end of the day
Here's a deal janny, you let this thread up and let us see how far we can get doxxing the tranny, after that no more work for you. Seriously let us expose this trannoid scum.
very demanding, for one in your
position. but I can respect your needs. merely go back to being nice to the posters in your threads, or the shreckening will continue.
the fuck are you dumb cunts on about