How are people on reddit so fucking stupid? I said that science decides gender, and had 3 different people try to refute me. None of them had any evidence either, but they refused to acknowledge my evidence.
How are people on reddit so fucking stupid? I said that science decides gender...
ok reddard
There are only two (2) genders, what is there to discuss?
I hate reddit because nobody really fits my political views. I sort of agree most with the neoliberal/center right types but most people on the website are either alt light/alt right or sjws and unironic tankies
The site is full of losers.
there are many cases in science where there are more than two genders
You also have a non-gender, for those born with sexual birth defects. Such as most robots on r9k
I never typed that faggot shit
>being an unironic neoliberal
Come and face me in a silly dancing competition, you blight on western civilisation!
You were either born with a dick (male) or not(female) whatever titles you want to claim after that is between you and your mental problems
Fact still remains that there are only two (2) genders
They know that you're wrong but are too stupid to refute your argument. Science doesn't determine gender because gender is a separate thing from sex. Gender is, for example, the social expectation for women to have long hair and wear dresses and for men to have short hair and wear suits. Gender is the expectation that women are submissive and men are confident and assertive (these are often correlated with biology, but the whole point is that it's still a malleable thing, so even if a majority of men really is more assertive than women, they don't have to be and biology isn't the ultimate judge here).
So sex doesn't decide gender because gender is a social thing. But sex is pretty weird as well, since about 2% of the population is intersex (that's more than there are jews in the world and yet we often don't acknowledge intersex people), and there are people that appear female in every sense of the word but have XY chromosomes and vice versa (btw i bet that most people never tested what chromosomes they have but are really sure of it for some reason). Turns out that sex isn't *determined* by anything, it just so happens that stuff such as XY chromosomes, a penis, a different body shape etc. usually fall neatly into place in order to make what we call a male.
What about hermaphrodites? How would you classify somebody born with this birth defect other than non-gender?
Listen jackass, I don't know how you got it to say you're op, but don't fucking hijack my post
No, that definition is outdated. Gender is now a synonym for sex. Therefore, science determines gender
They're obviously trash, so like your average everyday trash you have around the house
They're such a small and insignificant number that they don't count for more then trash
Sorry if you were born as one, you're literal trash
gender being a synonym of sex doesn't mean gender = sex
read up on david reimer u autistic sperg.
Lmao it doesn't say I'm op, this is how replies work on this site, newfriend. I was arguing in good faith by the way, genuinely trying to get people to consider this point of view.
I hope you will someday discover you suffer from a genetic disease. Have some respect for the sanctity of human life you Jow Forumstard.
so the meaning of gender changed to comfort mentally ill people... Who the fuck cares. Just use sex around far leftists.
It's completely retarded but unfortunately queer faggots changed the meaning of gender so that they could power trip on people using the word gender as sex. Putting more fire in the oven certainly wont help... If you want faggots to stop their faggotry simply ignore them... Insulting or embracing them gives them more power.
If you feel you are a woman call yourself a woman, if you feel like a penis identify as a penis.
I do, it's called keeping it simple, which it was until some retards decided to "muh feefees" scream until they got one thing and now everyone wants their thing too
>give them an inch and they'll take a mile
Fuck self entitled brats
Got any reason for why they are trash?
>I do
Do you concider yourself to be trash?
>Jow Forumstard
You know what site you decided to get on, right?
>I don't know how you got it to say you're op
Holy fucking shit. Nice job outing yourself as a newfag.
There are are lot of anons who are not Jow Forumstard nor a failed student druggie turned to socialism. They have their containment board.
>Got any reason for why they are trash?
I do
>Do you concider yourself to be trash?
No, not trying to undo six million years of evolution for feefees either so
No man is an island, user, sometimes you need help with something too. It is better for society to help those who need it, unless you want to have an explosion of homeless bums shitting up the street.
>he thinks the OP label on the reply signifies the user is OP
Terrible opinions aside, I think you should consider learning a little more about the site before posting further dude.
I could use some help with stress relief, bashing in homeless people sounds like a great idea, good job user, wouldn't have thought of it without your help
I know things may seem bleak right now, but trust me the world isn't as dark as you make it out to be. I think once you graduate middle school you'll realize that being edgy online doesn't actually get you anywhere.
Then you have my apologies, I was unaware
Yes, yes it does. That's what a synonym is.
Oh fuck off oldfag
Terrible opinions? That's your opinion, not a fact. Don't present it like it is unless you can prove me wrong
No, you've given me a great business idea user, imagine if you will a "shelter" but it's actually a stress relief center, we take in homeless people and charge others, provide them with a club and let them go wild for a few minutes. I call it "3 minute break"
But I believe we should discuss this on more neutral grounds
zw3crggtadila2sg I'll make a topic later tonight if you want to be partners, you did come up with a portion of it after all and I don't want to scam you out of your piece
Do get back to me on the name, I'm just brainstorming ideas now, this is great, it's even expandable with other groups, this could be the start of a great day after all
This is the stupidest argument i have ever heard that keeps being regurgitated. Sexual dimorphism does not determine gender. Because sure females are feminine most of the time and males are masculine most of the time but there is a significant overlap. So a feminine male is still a man and a masculine female is still a woman.
A woman has always meant an adult female and a man has always meant an adult male until very recently. Sexual dimorphism has nothing to do with it.
>How are people on reddit so fucking stupid?
How are people on Jow Forums way more stupid? It's almost like a brainlet magnet
>what about this example that doesn't fit your classification
>fuck it it doesn't count
You still haven't addressed anything. Where do intersex people fit on your classification? Clearly people exist that are born outside the two categories you defined, so your system doesn't always hold up.
>You know what site you decided to get on, right?
>implying the entire site is Jow Forums
Holy shit, fuck off back to r/t_d you fucking newfag
the election ruined this site