I hope all my muslim anons will have a great Eid, just wishing for the best for you guys. Enjoy the presents, celebration and togetherness with your family.
Eid mubarak
I hope all my muslim anons will have a great Eid, just wishing for the best for you guys. Enjoy the presents, celebration and togetherness with your family.
Eid mubarak
Fuck off dumm muzzlie
Your culture is absurd and you are degenerate
Eid Mubarak, Eid Kareem brother!
hope you have a good one as well
Uh oh, why do I get the feeling that this is a celebration where kids suffer
Muslim: *Breathes*
Random bigots: fuck off Muzzie terrorist scum, your religion is barbaric hurdur duur ALLAHU AKBAR BOMB
>non-muslim: *breathes*
>Muslims: Fuck off Kafir u believe in Allah or we stone u to death and throw u out of our muslim nation!!1!
Go live in saudi arabia if you like them so much, sandnigger cockguzzler
Eid Mubarak
bro what is wrong with you? have you ever read anything about Islamic teachings?
western muslims dont hate whites
even muslims in their own countries don't think about you
only your governments
I hope you all have a terrible Edd McBarack and get off our board.
Why can't muslims be chill and constructive?
Bashing your head on concrete 500 times a day must be great for your cognition, I'm sure you and your cousin, I mean wife, have really stimulating conversations.
Ay, thank you brother I hope you have a great day celebrating Eid tomorrow wallah.
>tfw board is still full with Islamophobia
I don't even hate non-Muslims even Jews despite all the thing you said, why can't you do the same and why can't I just live in peace with you guys, I just want to be friends with everyone.
goat fucking faggot
i'm at a family dinner and my family is asking when ill be married. "you're 25 now, how much longer must we wait for a grandchild user?" and my uncle who is pushing this 16 year old orphan girl on me.
>can only see her in the summer
>not legally married so i can fuck off whenever
>she takes care of the kids until she moves here
>did i say 16? i meant 14.
They are constructive. They constructed some of the most beautiful monuments in this world
What's wrong with that, akhi?
happy eid mubarak to fellow exmuslims that dislike the religion but still enjoy the eid for your own reasons.
Why you exmuslim?
I'm no muslim, but I wish you all happy festivities!
Thank you anime poster
Not op but I don't believe in afterlife or Yahweh or any other gods.
Even if there is a creator it wouldn't care about us more than we care about some microscopic living beings inside out bodies.
Not believing in god or aftetlife doesn't make you not a muslim. There's such a thing as cultural muslims too
But some people do care about microscopic living things in our bodies and dedicate their life to studying them. Perhaps God is very studious?
its wrong to marry some girl without her interest imo
thank you so much wholesome animeposter :)
How you know she's not interested?
So basically Muslim Christmas? Eating with family? sounds neat (but absolutely heretical none the less.)
shes 14 lol i haven't talked to her but shes got fucking massive tits for her age so i cant imagine her being a virgin
I choose not to answer the question.
you clearly have never read the quran.
get a copy of the quran and read it.
muslim literally translates to: someone who submits. Submit to yehweh just like abraham 2000BC
King solomon 1400BC
Jesus 2019 years ago
And Mohammed 1440 years ago
And ... I don't do that.
Culturally muslim is not a thing.
Why would god care about humans who existed for 100,000 years more than cockroaches that existed for 350,000,000 years?
Sounds like a humans think very highly of themselves because we can use air conditioners or the internet.
The rouge truck of peace
Eid Mubarak guys, I hope everyone of every faith here makes it
That place is a filthy shithole.
happy eid boyos, month's been fun
that region is no longer rules by muslims though. educate yourself?
Also there are shitty places like that in america.
The only places that wouldn't have places like that is probably japan or Singapore.
eid mubarak to you too frens
I don't want you to hate me just because I'm a Muslim.
Where in America is like that? Here's the beautiful shores of Muslim majority Indonesia.
What about the beautiful streets of Pakistan? You'd think Allah hated the 96% of dumb Muslim fucks in that shithole.
>I don't even hate non-Muslims even Jews despite all the thing you said, why can't you do the same and why can't I just live in peace with you guys, I just want to be friends with everyone.
Unfortunately forcing dissimilar peoples into close proximity is always going to result in conflict and resentment.
The best way for us to coexist as friends is to stay in our own countries.
>Friend's muslim
>fasted with him 2 years in a row now
Shit ain't so bad.
I don't mind if we stay in our own country but let's say that someday that I went to some country that has a higher rate of Islamophobia, am I going to be safe?
tl;dr is that I don't want to get shot randomly or killed if I'm visiting some country just because of how I look and what my religion is.
Then fuck off out of Christian majority countries.
im not muslim but i had a dream that i was walking to a mosque with a muslim family because it was eid.
wake up and go on Jow Forums and its actually eid wtf
I guess visiting the middle eastern again isn't a bad idea. I just hope it'll be better than the last one.
why would you care that you die.
have some faith tripfag
i know this world was made by "something/someone" because space dosnt make sense
>we dont know where the universe is
>big rocks in a big space for no reason
>would the universe exist if we go extinct?
>is this universe all we know and all well ever know
we were just born on a fucking rock yet people are mindless and dont care
Is there anything better than walking through the alleys of Marrakech?
Speaking about faith, mine isn't as strong as those religious Muslim out there. I have my doubts sometimes on how do God even do His "job". People do keep say if good or bad thing happen they'll always say "its God's plan" whatsoever. We Muslims are not allowed to questioning about our God and how He do His thing. But I can't help but being so curious and asking why this or why that.
It's time to go back lad
>Goes onto Google
>Types in 'slums in Asia'
>'r u triggered :^)'
You lot are cringe. There is no need to be this mad since a brown kid bullied you in school
>>fasted with him 2 years in a row now
Let me tell you guys something about a Muslim fast. During ramadan(peace be upon allahuahahaha) these desert faggots don't eat or drink anything for a whole month!
Except that every day after the sun sets there's a big fat banquet buffet waiting for them!
Now Jimmy might ask "but I thought they were supposed to fast for a month what the **** is this??"
That's a very good question Jimmy but I'll provide you an even better answer. This is top tier Islamic apologetics:
The defense argument says that during night ALLAH CANNOT SEE so it's A OKAY TO EAT!!!
Retarded religion for superstitious desert faggots
No, look at the file names. It's images from those beautiful Muslim majority countries. Actually, is there a single one that's not a shithole apart from Saudi Arabia? It's almost like Allah fucking hates those inbreds. Why do they have to come here, and then attack us for being Christian in our own countries?
>Someone actually sat down, typed this out, used an anime profile picture of a female, then submitted it to a Nigerian scam board
>Yes I basically searched for slums but my point still stands!!
Get some rope, go hang yourself in your bathroom.
islam is a scourge and must be eliminated. it's the only religion that commits crimes on a daily basis.
Oh nevermind, all those people they brought in to build those high rises live in slums on the outskirts. So not one, not a single fucking country that's Muslim majority is not a fucking literal pile of trash.
it dosnt matter what he does, because any pain endured now is forgotten at death. when we die we will see the pain we endured differently as this body is like a robot we control and pain is just an electrical impulse tripfag
So if I posted pictures of my own country, a Christian nation, would you do mental gymnastics to convince others that it's the work of Muslims?
I don't get you mate, you've got serious underlying issues. Was you bullied at work? Did an Asian girl reject you? I haven't seen such fanaticism for searching for images of brown people in slums. Do you live in those 0 waste zones in Japan? Does no one in your local area produce a speck of trash? I'm just a bit confused by you
i've only slept for 4 hours and these shit kids are constantly ringing for candy. fuck islam i hate this shit. next time i just scream sieg heil.
I've probably been here before you first stepped into /b/
Notice that pile of trash in the background? This is in Saudi Arabia. Allah fucking hates you, uncivilised fucks go back to your shitholes.
fucking kek good luck
youre the NPC, cuck, you defend it now but they would gladly gut you, filthy kaffir
western muslims hate whites especially
i couldnt care less about the ones killing one another in their shitty desert states
stop spreading lies, faggot
>Ringing for candy
Nice larp. It doesn't even happen during CNY.
>Saudi Arabia
>It's like the poster is purposely avoiding the prosperous regions
If this is your only argument, I'm going to suggest you kill yourself.
The prosperous region of Saudi Arabia, right next to those shithole slum slave areas, is the only place that's Muslim majority that's not a pile of trash. Why do you come to Christian majority countries and act like Allah's going to do anything except bring them down to the level of every other "Allah governed" wasteland.
Why is it, if a woman travels to Morroco, she's normally going to wear a head scarf and respect the religion, but if Muslims flood Christian countries you just drive trucks into innocent people, start setting up Sharia courts and basically tell us to go fuck ourselves at that Allah plans to turn the entire world into a trash heap. Fuck you.
Firstly, I'm not Muslim.
Secondly, I could not understand a single sentence in that paragraph.
Have you tried learning English?
>I'm so triggered I had to respond twice
Fine, you're not Muslim well enjoy your Sharia. 80% of Muslims that get married in Western countries use their own court systems because they don't believe in the rules of the land, they believe in Allah who clearly fucking hates them and leaves them with piles of sand and trash.
i don't know about your time zone but here in germany it is already eid. i wish i could tell my muslim relatives how much i despise this godforsaken cult. pretending to be mudslim is dreadfull. i can't understand how western sjw can defend this. mohammed was a pedo and a warlord. there is nothing sacred about this dosgusting subhuman. i despise these shitheads who defend iiiiiisssllaaaaaaaaaam with every cell of my body. yes im seething. but if god is real i hope he has no sympathy for muslims.
My country made eid tomorrow because theyre fucking retarded but eid mubarak bros
To be fair they could argue that their god gave them oil, making their lives one of luxury and laziness.
Its a celebration where kids are given candy and money from elders, I would not consider that suffering
There's no trash on the streets where I live, or anywhere in my country that I've seen. We have official rubbish trucks that empty out bins at the curb and take it off to a sectioned off area to be buried. Do you see trash on your streets? Do you live in a Muslim majority country?
As long you guys don't bomb anyone, I give my best wishes.
What exactly is it about following Allah that means your community is so lazy, fragmented and useless that you can't work together to not just let trash pile up fucking everywhere in public spaces?
Yeah totally. I'll be sure to snag the liberal ones that basically don't even practice it. Mind you, it's possible to find a liberal Christian girl. You keep letting your cognitive dissonance trick you into believing that religion is the key component for getting a traditional girlfriend after she says she's been to several festivals
Tell them then. Go to debates in your country. Argue at hustings. Campaign with a nationalist party. Being angry on Jow Forums won't help, yet debate will stir up the media on the issue. Europe is attempting to make the Muslims that have come in from the refugee crisis liberals. Fuck, even most of the refugee children speak a European language now
>Inb4 this is the end of the white race
Every race is going to become mixed. Get over it l
Holy shit was unironically coming here to post this. Yeah I'm glad the fasting is over desu senpai. It's always a pain every year I do it. Gonna celebrate by watching some "Fauda" on Netflix while eating everything in my house. Eid Mumbarak, Eid Kareem!
>My country isn't Muslim majority
>I have basic infrastructure
>Therefore Muslims are smelly
Fucking hell did you finish highschool or do you make casual connections as an argument in real life too
What about Saudi Arabia? That countries not poor. What's your excuse for that being a shithole?
Television is haram, muslims aren't even allowed to have any pictures. I'm not even muslim yet I know this.
>Every race is going to become mixed. Get over it
Luxury? You mean a few warlords and a pile of trash. Plus if the richest men take 5 wives that means 4 men get no wives, and turn radical. It's a shit system.
lol i'm not insane. they would rope me in my homecountry and nationalists here hate me because i'm not white. fuck this gay earth. i don't belong anywhere. im just a 24 year old loser without a purpose.
You haven't said actually anything aside from posting images of random Asian countries with 'slum' in the search bar. Are you saying that, SA is bad?
Yeah, you should be saying that to the white guys that immigrate abroad and get an Asian wife.
Learn another language, or since you speak English, move to the UK or Italy and complain about brown people there
Get a flat of your own so that nobody can check if you are doing the mandatory prayers. That's it then, no further obligations other than eating halal meat, giving to the poor and going to Mecca once. Would your family kill you for converting to Christianity so you no longer have to follow dietary and purity laws? I (a Christian) pray before dinner and before falling asleep and I go to church on Sunday. Occasionally I read bible or a Christian book. No great demands on my time or energy. (I do hope Jesus thinks I'm doing enough, though.)
I lived in several Arab countries and none of them look like that hoss. I mean I am sure you can go into some shithole poor slums anywhere and criticize it but places like Beirut, Cairo, and Amman are megacities with infrastructure that isn't shit like in Burgerland. You have to drive 20 minutes to get to anywhere and you call yourself a developed nation? Topkek lads
I'd love to see the beautiful shores of Lebanon in person.
Question for muslims: how can you stand by a religion that allows intercourse with dead bodies?
(In English because this garbage board doesn't allow non-ASCII text when I post in Arabic).
(Intercourse with dead women)
These are sources explaining how intercourse with dead bodies is in fact Halal in islam
The end of the needy to explain the curriculum in the jurisprudence on the doctrine of the Imam Shafie
Pic related is the Book Of Purity Chapter Of Washing
>A dead body need not be washed after you have sexual intercourse with her
they wouldn't kill me. i don't even have to pray. what really concerns me is that they expect me to marry. i don't mind having an arranged marriage as long as she wants it and likes me too, but i just can't pretend for the rest of my life. i am too afraid to convert. i was born here but i am not german. if i leave my culture and family behind how can i be sure to assimilate in german culture and start a christian family? i'm khv and a mess. being a foreigner makes things only worse.
>Beirut and Mount Lebanon have been facing a severe garbage crisis. After the closure of the Bourj Hammoud dump in 1997, the al-Naameh dumpsite was opened by the government in 1998. The al-Naameh dumpsite was planned to contain 2 million tons of waste for a limited period of six years at the most. It was designed to be a temporary solution, while the government would have devised a long-term plan. Sixteen years later al-Naameh was still open and exceeded its capacity by 13 million tons. In July 2015 the residents of the area, already protesting in the recent years, forced the closure of the dumpsite.The inefficiency of the government, as well as the corruption inside of the waste management company Sukleen in charge of managing the garbage in Lebanon, have resulted in piles of garbage blocking streets in Mount Lebanon and Beirut.
>reverse image search
>not even in Lebanon
You gotta try harder than that fag
Okay, since condensing your thoughts is really hard, here's my counterpoint
Also, some nations with higher GDP than Saudi Arabia:
USA (because you've highlighted one small aspect, I'm going to do the same and use it as a generalisation)
So did you leave the tourist areas of Ciaro? Looks like they have trash building up on their fucking roofs. They call it the "Garbage city" and I'm not making it up.
South Africa and India aren't Western countries, and neither is Russia really so we'll put those videos aside for now. And that area in LA is full of black people isn't it, but yes I agree that's pretty of bad but not as bad as the pictures I've shared, with trash and sewage everywhere.
Lies. Allah hates Muslims.