Intelligent people are

Intelligent people are
>more likely to be single and lonely
>more likely to be forgetful
>more likely to be prone to addictions
>more likely to enjoy bad movies
>more likely to believe fake news
>more prone to mental illness

Is there a single advantage to being intelligent except for being able to solve some retarded puzzles?

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Cite your sources.
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>intelligent people are more likely to believe propaganda
No, you're just a retard OP

THIS ... exactly this
Fuckin op grabs facts out of his anal cavity

those aren't reliable sources my friend

It true. I'm too smart for world

You must be really unintelligent for believing all that dumb pop-psych shit then.

LOL Unilad.
>Imagine being this disabled.

can you cite reliable sources that prove otherwise?

>Hurr Durr I'm reading boulevard press.

Just KEK .. take articles that aren't scientifically reviewed and believe them. Those articles are just written to generate add revenue.

Hey at least it isn't quadriplad

All of these are journalists drawing causation from correlational relationships (if the study even established that) ie bullshitting by misinterpreting. You are a fool for not only believing it but trying to reverse extrapolate.

Everything except the fake news is true. Fake news are designed for bluepilled normies. Are u a nigger or what?

I thought intelligence was an universally desirable trait until a girl asked me about psychology and I mentioned books I've read she never heard about and should know and called me a nerd. Then I talked to a Chad who had to cheat in history class to remember the USA is capitalist and the USSR is socialist but that slayed more pussy I could ever think of, and then I talked to a college professor that has a PhD in literal neuroscience but said he is mentally disturbed and has anxiety. He has to wageslave giving class and is bald and unhappy. Then I realized intelligence is just a fucking meme.

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This is me apart from the fake news and most bad movies.

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>>more likely to believe fake news
Don't know where the fuck you got this from.

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>Smart people are more likely to be retarded in a variety of ways
OK user, whatever you say

>being a professor is wageslave
Low IQ faggot detected

Intelligent people are also more likely to be assholes

you're talking about knowledge there bud, not intelligence

No not really. Intelligence is really important up to a certain point but after that its only a burden. There's a sweet spot somewhere that gives you all of the intelligence you need to get shit done but not enough to destroy yourself.

>Is there a single advantage to being intelligent except for being able to solve some retarded puzzles?

getting paid to do that

Wisdom and Intelligence are desirable.
Knowledge only to some degree.
Caring so much about fucking dumb pussy isn't very intelligent compared to try and find someone you click with on a personal level.
Just because you have a PhD in neuroscience won't magically solve personal issues and mental illnesses.

>Intelligent people are more likely to believe fake news
>OP posts these sources
OP confirmed to be extremely high IQ

cite me a peer reviewed study stating that you're not retarded. go ahead.

Intelligent people never claim that they are intelligent
People of great intelligence are more exposed to the fact how little they know, so they're often unwillingly humble about the amount of knowledge they bear

Good try though wagie

Intelligence is one of the rare traits where having more has absolutely no disadvantage.

I don't give a shit about day-to-day intelligent people, like those with 130-140 IQ. The ones I find super interesting are the turbo-geniuses with 160+ IQs. Uncle Ted really stoked my interest in the subject. I wish there were more places to read about them.