>bf changed the passwords on his phone/computer and won't tell me them
>Keeps talking in the abstract about how people change and get sick of each other
>Leaves to another room for hours to talk to his "friend"
Bf changed the passwords on his phone/computer and won't tell me them
Obviously dump him. He too much of a pussy to do it himself so do it for him.
I have nowhere else to go, no money
I'll let you be my house maid if you do chores you can live with me
I'm not cute, I'm already doing the maid setup though and I'm good at it
>i'm not cute
you think anyone on this site gives a fuck? Literally just don't be obese and atleast 1 robot on this fuck off site will let you house sit.
All you have to do is not be a landwhale
6ft 270lbs
Is that obese?
not any of those anons that posted but, penis or vagina?
Are you insane, why would you need the passwords to his phone/computer?
Do you not trust him at all?
That you felt the 'need' to have his passwords shows how shit your relationship is/has become.
>homosexual realizes there's no such thing as love between two individuals of the same sex
Yes, nearly morbidly so. Stop worrying about him before your heart stops.
>bf changed the passwords on his phone/computer and won't tell me them
So you assume you had them before. Has a concept of privacy ever hit your roastie brain?
He never cared before and now he's so secritive. It's suspicious.
Explain your father and "mother" then.
>he thinks faggots can have children
>Has a concept of privacy ever hit your roastie brain?
He always said he had nothing to hide, now suddenly he freaks out if I even stand behind him while he uses his phone.
and now you realize you maybe shouldn't have told him no when he asked for all these blowjobs
He stopped trying to initiate sex months ago, no matter how much I offer he's not interested
>he doesn't want sex
You are unironically fucked, you're on a sinking ship. You've probs got a couple weeks, tops, before he dumps you.