Well I've officially tested positive

Well I've officially tested positive.

I'm what you would call "pozzed"

I think I might just kill myself.

Attached: cdd4d85c9315ddf2f4f76d6dcc2858e5.jpg (500x615, 32K)

that's what you get for being a faggot, have fun in hell!

pics of the confirming document or gtfo

Dude, PReP is a thing, where do you live?

Attached: 3rd.png (831x1200, 209K)

>tranny pozzed
Im shocked. How could this ever happen. Never would I have thought theres a chance for this to happen.

How'd you catch the gift, OP?


Don't worry OP, you can still live a long healthy life. Your dating pool may be restricted due to the stigma but you can still be happy in life

Can AIDS be transmitted through dilation with the same dildo as a positive tranny?

>I think I might just kill myself
You kinda already did

Sasuga homosex

Hope partaking in the hookup culture was worth it.

Get treated and keep up with your medications and office visits. Most patients are able to completely reduce their infection to the point that they're undetectable. This not only protects your health but will also reduce any risk towards future partners. I know this is a blow but it's definitely not the end of the world.

If you're worried about your health, keep up with your doctor visits and antiretrovirals. As long as you treat it before it progresses to AIDS, your life expectancy literally doesn't drop. If you're worried about being alone, seek out a support group. You may even find a partner there.

My bf recently got diagnosed. I immediately went to get tested and somehow I'm negative which is a huge shock as the only person he could have gotten it from was his ex gf of 2+ years ago, and we've been dating for 2+ years. I love him too much to leave him over this and there are ways to mitigate any risks of infection through treatment, prophylaxis, and PReP meds that I could take.

>My bf recently got diagnosed. I immediately went to get tested and somehow I'm negative which is a huge shock as the only person he could have gotten it from was his ex gf of 2+ years ago, and we've been dating for 2+ years.

Attached: 1291458698482.jpg (484x386, 85K)

>PReP meds
Good to know you were prescribed black dick

Ironically, his ex gf we found out cheated on him with some nigger which is how she got it. I know you're probably laughing because you think we're fags who got HIV from degeneracy, but we're both straight, me being a natal woman.

>some nigger
Oh, you degenerates alright!

I'm laughing because the thought he's been cheating on you apparently didn't occur to you.

We went over the timeline of events though plus we have a very healthy relationship with ample communication and little insecurity. He got very sick a few weeks after he broke up with his ex. On top of that he developed a rash that never fully went away on his tummy and back. He got a sick a few times since we've been together and a routine blood test that he finally took revealed an anomaly with his white blood cell count leading them to give him the test. Typically, upon infection, it can take a few weeks to a few months to manifest. Plus we live together and hang out with the same social circles but spend a lot of our time indoors playing video games and such.

don't kill yourself watch attack on titan first

You naive sucker.
The chance of a man catching HIV from fucking a woman is 1 in 2500. If your bf was fucking his girl 7 times a day for year after she cheated on him ... then maybe that story checks out. Otherwise he's taking it up the ass whenever you go out.

Is this real? Source desu

Ah yes because 1 in 2500 means you're guaranteed to be safe the first 2499 times!

Cheer up OP, you need to have a more positive attitude

page 9
keep laughing at this AID tranny
get fucked

Yes it can if it has bussy juices and such on it

is it the needle/gay aids or vagina aids?

Gay aids.

Probably from a party where it was somewhat encouraged to give me a ride.

If an actual female gets hiv it's because her partner has had sex with men.

Dude that's not bad news lots of guys go bug chasing where they try to find a POS guy to get it

Not to rub it in but that is what you get for sleeping with strangers, degenerate pervert.

>Its not so bad, PLENTY of guys get it by fucking other dirty men!
Do you even hear yourself? The AIDS problem could be solved overnight by exterminating everyone with HIV/AIDS.

I know. Laying in a big bed and letting guys essentially wait in line for me was nice though.

Nothing wrong with the bug

Keep up with treatment and it will hardly progress. In a decade or so they will probbably have a cure anyway.

You're fucking retarded, do humanity a favor and remove both your low IQ and disease from its presence.

I don't want to tell you it is fine, but if you can endure and finance the threatment then it is not the end of the world. I've had a pal who had it (no, he is still alive). He had to take meds and had strange pains. But other than that he is fine to this day. We don't talk because he went abroad.

Only one thing, please don't lie about it. And don't spread it on purpose.
Because if I got to know that someone infected me on a purpose or let alone knew they were infected and never mentioned it. I'd kill that person. Upfront on the street if I needed to, not caring about prison sentence. And it might be Jow Forums, but I'm not bullshitting on this one.

But as long as you play cool you can still have a good and long life.

If you want to die from a diease then go ahead. But if any of your degenerate kind ever thinks about "suprising" someone with "gifting", it should be publicly tortured until death.

It is real. Have a look at pic related.

Attached: HIV Transmission Risk.png (598x849, 100K)

>I have some dificulties in life
>I have to kill myself
Don't be dumb.