This is a near middle-aged tranny without makeup. So this proves that they don't need makeup to pass and CAN age well

This is a near middle-aged tranny without makeup. So this proves that they don't need makeup to pass and CAN age well.

Attached: 4wx5o3tobaj21.jpg (640x1138, 124K)

those bangs are likely hiding a manly hairline and guarantee a straight on angle would reveal that manly ass jaw he's hiding.

stop being an asshole dude, nat is a pretty ts, not gonna lie

it just proves semen has some kind of positive effect. Apparently cum facials are a myth though

Agreed. I have nothing against trannies those two observations are just unavoidable facts though.

He doesn't pass at all lmao, you can instantly tell it's a tranny and that's without hearing his man-voice and seeing his huge hands and feet.

Yoooo that's crazy u like this

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wtf I love cutting off my dick now!

that nigga is not near middle aged

>nose job and lip fillers
Check mate OP

Well lad, men age better than women anyway

Wouldn't they just continue to age better and better with more hormones? Middle age woman start to look like somebody's uncle because of the menopause but tranny's are constantly injecting female hormones right?

That's a porn star. You probably should base your world views around porn stars.

His hairline is obviously receding.

>tfw tranny who looks more feminine than me doesn't pass as female

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Shouldn't have cut your dick of, what can i tell ya.

No, THIS is a near middle-aged tranny without makeup. So this proves that they don't need makeup to pass and CAN age well.

Attached: image0.png (1250x700, 982K)

He's in his mid to late 30s user

35. Middle age is 45-65.
Not too bad considering they transitioned so late in life compared to others.

It's less about age and more about genes. Some people have no hope of ever passing at 18 and some people can pass at 30.

Bangs are fake. His hairline is almost at the top of his head

No dick, but unfortunately I still have a similar hairline among other things

Jesus. At that point you just off yourself.

I have a real hard time beliving you look less like a girl. Prolly just insecurity.

look at the top of h(er)is head

Attached: 1535394142939.png (1515x935, 1.64M)

Looking at this creature I sense deception. I cannot unfeel this. This creature is not what it says it is I just know it.

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Worshipping tranny prostitutes. wew

This. Also undergoing the op will stop male hormone production and help you retain youthful look longer.

I think I look quite similar to her desu. except
>thinner lips & smaller mouth
>longer chin

Natalie Mars has a crazy strong jaw. Would look better in that picture if her face wasn't so red.

>CAN age well
(pic related) actually went to the same school as Terrence Speed, and was "academically brilliant"
...Andreja Pejic, after Croatia got scouted to model in Australia (1st in everything andro, but now trans today)

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0.01% of males have a feminine enough body chemistry to stay feminine past 25. However 2% of the population are trannies at maximum. Also, consider that many feminine men are not transgender, and a lot of feminine men are gay rather than transgender if they aren't straight, so that reduces the amount of men who can pass as a female at distance even more. That means that the overwhelming majority of males that are trannies will be masculine ugly hons with mental issues.

be my biological female relationship partner (((please)))

she fixed her widows peak, which wasnt that terrible to begine with, a long time ago with hair transplants. She has a full head of hair now

Like the non-binary and gender critical people were not a factor...
(and some were not trying looking good)
Also the full transition rates (in medical) were nearer to 0.2%
So we can do more to pass than that other clique is.

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that's just an incel trying to cope by becoming a tranny