I'm unhappy because I don't have what I wan-

Stop giving yourself excuses like this, become a Buddhist and let go of attachments already.

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>let go of attachments already.

Did, and people still manage to fuck up even the most basic aspects of my existance. Cunts.

>he thinks sitting and not moving for 3 hours will make me happier
What a waste of time

>says the retard making a dozen threads lamenting he wasnt born in europe and was instead born in a decent developing country
lead by example, brazil isnt that bad nigger not even a third world country anyway, thats ethiopia

UUUh im tired of you weebs...

>let go of attachments already.

Did, and
No you didn't.

>give up on life
Why is Buddhism so fucking gay?

Renouncing to desire is renouncing to life.
Embrace your desires, they keep you alive and push you to excel and go beyond.

I think because the green hippies and sjws really like its nature faggotry

the desire to be free of desire is still a desire dipshit
enjoy chasing your tail through a sad downward spiral of nihilistic ever-eternity

Being free of desire means you have everything you want.
Yes, and the Bible is word for word historical non-fiction correct?

What if every men were content with what they already have ? They would stop seeking out satisfaction, thinking about new inventions, improving themselves...
How much things have you accomplished to get what your desire wanted ?

Actually I did, faggot, you try and see how "serene" and "detatched"you act when you live in a fucking hellhole with shitty, noisy neighbours, cunt.

notice how its also mostly rich people with their lives solved and too much time on their hands that like it? if im not mistaken buddha himself was like that

>life is shit
>time to git gud
>Buddha comes and says: bro, let go of your attachments and think of nothing
>starts thinking of nothing all day
>life stays shit

Stupid religion, no wonder failed stacies like it

>not knowing theres a stage in enlightenment where you are so free from desires and attachments that you detach from enlightenment itself and free yourself from delusions of self
LMAOing at your lyfe mate

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Oh shit is the motherfucking smol town user?

>noisy neighbours,
Indeed its hell my man, I know this feel too well

>Oh shit is the motherfucking smol town user?


Not the one you replied to, but than you become literally nothing. That's a great gold filled pot at the end of the rainbow (sarcasm)

>delusions of self
do lsd trying to reach ego death and get over it

I don't see the contradiction. Why can't men create inventions that could better the world, while at the same time be satisfied with their lives?

If you have no desires, then the world can't be better than it is to you.
And this is not how it works. Men are mainly driven by the pursuit of their own interest before anything else, that's why capitalism is so productive.

Whats the point of life if were only surviving and waiting to die? If only that fat, dead oriental guy were here now to give me a convincing answer.

>become a Buddhist
Fuck off with your shit man made religions.

The point of live is to find hapiness. No matter what you believe in and what your ethics are, literally everyone wants to be happy. Now tell me, what do you think is more likely to give you eternal hapiness?
Living a live of consumerism and materialism where a certain product will only make you happy for a short amount of time before you crave for more? Or isolating themselves from materialistic attachments conpletely and finding hapiness in the simplicity of nature?

I'm not unhappy because I have unfulfilled desires. I'm unhappy because the world is shit, people are trash, and I have to put up with all this bullshit from you fucking shits. There's literally nothing in this world I actually want, and yet I'm as miserable as ever. Spouting this meme version of Buddhism is retarded.

>then the world can't be better than it is to you
I don't believe that is true. I think you can still recognize flaws in the world around you and even work to correct them, but also live a content life. It is about being at peace with your place within this world.

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