Post what's in front of you right now!
I want a window into your lives... I'm currently sitting in a cabin in the woods eating toast. What about you?
Post what's in front of you right now!
Ask and ye shall receive
That... Is not original... Because it was in the fucking Bible I guess.
You have a nice flat. It needs some natural light, but other than that it's great.
Oh now you done it OP.
Not sure if you can tell. The lighting on this room is word on the picture because there is a window on the ceiling making everything else look darker than it is.
I'm a massage therapist working one of my 3 days a week of work right now.
You're the most successful poster I've met here so far. I don't even have a job.
Lol thanks, the lights are off though yadip
I didn't have any job ever, before this one, and I was living with my parents. That was 8 months ago.
28 khhv though and still going strong.
You made me feel better about myself, thanks, and not just out of pity, but out of respect. If you can do it so can I and we're gonna make it bud!
Good for you man. Loving the dream as you should. I have to get my life in working order before I die.
Thanks guys ^^
Didn't expect my picture and where I am at to mean anything really but I guess it does.
I'm not any closer than any of you to have a gf in anyway though. That is still dreamlike.
>I'm a massage therapist
So a gay prostitute?
Munching maltesers while on public transport
Where are you headed user?
Fuck yeah dudeeeoriiii
Arnhem central, headed home from uni
Ever tried these user?
Up in the air. This is my life. Also fuck this shitty airborne wifi.
rated r is much better than villains. idiots here try to say like clockworks good but even lullabies is better than that
Wooden buildings are so fucking comfy.
Jealous as bleeep right now. I wish this was my life too but I'm broke and sad
Where are you flying to? How long are you on the plane?
10 hour flight returning to Europe from Asia but at least it's business class so I can sleep on a flat bed and knock back drinks and enjoy the food.
It smells really nice all my friends are outside and I just sitting on my bed breathing in the perfect clean wood scented air.
Atleast some one wants to smack you across the face because of the crunching and you look irritably stupid.
I'm at work and it's raining way too heavy for me to make my way to canteen. I'll just shitpost from here with trash reception until rain stops and I can go eat something.
Where do you work? Can you take a pic of that thing on the wall?
I work in farming, panel on the wall is not really used anymore.
Takin a dump! My peepee is in fromt of me!
I make 140k as a drilling engineer at Halliburton in Odessa Texas so fuck you buddy.
Come to Odessa Texas and make six figures jerking off oilfield workers.
>taking my mornin shit
They dont have those around here
I purposefully sit somewhere secluded as to not annoy people, and unlike whatever shithole you are from, we are taught to eat with our mouths shut
Show peepee and doo doo