>>tfw hs drop out with no talents or skills. NEET for 7 years now
>tfw hs drop out with no talents or skills. NEET for 7 years now
How often do you contemplate suicide?
I'm in the exact same boat.
Spend 200 and get your A+ certification and get a decent job doing IT. Life will get better user
Im also low iq stupid. Id just fail
A more relevant question is when do I not do that.
What the fuck do you do all day long? Before you ask me the same thing, I either sleep all day or sit staring at the walls or with my eyes closed. Some times I walk, then I feel paranoid and like a fool then go home.
>tfw 18
>dropped out of hs at final year
Any tips to unfuck self for future?
God, I wish I was a NEET. Maybe then I'd have the time to finally push myself to do something and get my life on track
I smoke tobacco the whole day
i think if i had a job i could be this man in pic, i dont smoke tho :/
Same, dropped out four years ago and haven't left my room.
I browse imageboards, play on WoW private servers, and watch old seasons of Survivor.
>highest ACT and SAT in high school
>went to best ranked uni in the state for free
>graduated, got degree that supposedly had very high employment rates
>still was NEET for a whole year despite applying to over 1000 places
I have a job now but NEET was 100x better. If i'm not retired by 40 i'll end it
damn my man what private servers are you playing on
what do you do for money though? im in the same boat but i just cannot stand living with the family it utterly breaks my brain, problem is i cannot take a step to even get some deadend job because i dont think il be able to do it i know this is false but theres like some invisible brick wall that i just cannot get around or through.
>Ywn have a son to teach how to shave
>parent is old and retiring soon to a country where it's dangerous to smuggle and ship the suicide drug I want
>only 1 supplier of pic related, scared that they will one day be shut down
50% of the reason I'm KMS is because I fucking hate plane rides and I'm too lazy get out of my room.
fucking moralfags make it so hard to have legalized euthanasia.
I'm on northdale and dragonblight.
No money. I am completely dependent on my parents.
>be me
>dropped out final year
>multiple mental health issues
>abusive dad
>minimum to no support
>no skills or aspirations
how do i end it painlessly
That's me in that pic, taking unnecessary risks because i no longer give a fuck.
Shit sucks bro. I think you should not be allowed to drop out even if you are legal adult age. You are still a teenager at 18 and prone to making stupid decisions.
Fuck, I just realised I've been NEET for a decade as of this year. And that 30 is just around the corner. I want off this ride.
gud luck my hombre if you dont end it now youll findyourself in the 25+ threads posting that very same greentext
was 17 and my mother made the decision bc was on suicide prevention. i fucking hate this shit.
fml may as well work up the courage
>push myself
oh no no no
Pretty much this. Get your CompTIA cert and know how to operate servers, linux, power shell, and script
My friend did his undergrad in math, and could not get a job that was not a shitty codemonkey position after graduating, and is now making around 70k
>did slightly above average in HS
>go to slightly above uni
>do good in first semester
>lose interest and become a shut in
>lose scholarship and free internship placement I was promised if I could complete enough courses
>now I am 1 year behind and have no idea what to do
>dont even give a shit about engineering anymore