Ask someone who lives in Japan anything.
Pic related, what I'm currently drinking plus tatami
Ask someone who lives in Japan anything.
Pic related, what I'm currently drinking plus tatami
How do you feel when you see a Japanese school girl?
>Ask someone who lives in Japan anything.
Alright, do Japanese women really like white men or is this just a meme?
how long did it take to lean?
Realistically, how hard is it to actually get a qt japanese schoolgirl gf?
>0.6% alcohol
How many times have they told you to go homu, waito piggu?
I went to tokyo and saw more qts then ever. Most beautiful women are in japan right OP?
you dirty fucking primal animals, fuck off chads and give op some real questions
Is Japan really as nice as some people say it is?
Or is it just like any place?
wouldnt 0.6 be considered nonalcoholic, pretty sure its a 6%
What's the clock in japan right now?
It's morning here in iceland and im drinking
were you the user that recommended me storng gold last night? either way how has your time in japan been?
The uniforms are incredibly cute, but because I teach them for a living it feels wrong to be attracted to schoolgirls/uniforms anymore. Maybe it's because I'm in the countryside but they don't really have nice bodies at all. They're just kind of stout
Honestly appraise your appearance out of 10, add +2 to it, and provided you're not autistic come get free Japanese GF
I haven't learned it yet. I'm 6 months in of incredibly irregular study and I'm probably N5 level. However I can kind of have a very basic conversation in person
It's 6% my good man
I would honestly agree, I think the way Japanese women dress add a lot to it
Yes, but the countryside is just as boring and dull as any other rural place. Cities are great, nightlife and shopping are great. Japan suffers from being overhyped; if anime didn't exist I can't imagine why anyone would hate this place. Ultimate comfy and convenience
Here is the current temperature and humidity as well. What're you drinking?
Slot beer.
I'm outside in the garden drinking out of a cup with my dog. It's sunny af right now.
I'm doing a TEFL certificate course and have no experience in teaching. Are you a teacher? If so how easy is it to get a job in Japan?
If not how did you get in? Also where you live and what's up?
do you ever took the train and groped schoolgirls?
or witnessed groping
Why are you drinking that disgusting shit? When I lived in Japan we called it "fake beer". Tastes like shit, gets you drunk, and gives you a bad hangover.
I'm thinking about going to Japan for the JET program, I have been studying for the TEFL and I read raw mangos and animoo all the time. Have you used any sex services in Japan? How are sex club scenes, strip clubs, full body massages, etc. I understand prostitution is not legal per se but you can hire women to jerk you off? I need to know before I apply to this hard-to-do program because I want to stop being a robot and get top tier Jap sex services.
I live in japan and married my Japanese wife. Japan is pretty stuck in its ways but is maximum comfy mode. dont work as a eikaiwa teacher. That is the literal cancer of foreign society there. Its a sad lonely life style that you convince your self to love because your too much of a weeb to admit japans wrong doings. I had bad culture shock after 6 months than met my wife after 8 months. Been here 3 years now. Dont come here expecting girls to throw them selves at you. If you were socially retarded in your own country. You will be much more socially retarded in this one when you cant go to a restaurant because they dont have pictures on the menu. I was a lucky one. All my old co workers at the eikaiwa are still in the sleep untill 12 work 5 to 10 go home watch Netflix until 2. And repeat. Weekends for them is posting pictures of beer and saying japan is amazing from their small box sized company apartment. That is payed from there monthly salary.
>Ask someone who lives in Japan anything.
Is it soul crushing? I was there over December/Jan, and watching the people, how they go about their day to day, interact in public; plainly watching them exist, it seems like a depressing, muted sort of life.
Sounds comfy. What weather does sunny entail? Summer is starting very soon so I get to look forward to high 30s and 80+ humidity daily
I am. I got in through JET, actually without a TEFL or any significant teaching experience. I studied abroad for 2 months at a high-ranked Japanese school which included a week volunteer stint at a juku (cram school), but other than that I didn't really teach in any professional capacity. As long as you have enough charisma to charm interviewers, your college degree and native English alone will eventually get you into some program
I take the train all the time but have never groped any schoolgirls. The only physical contact I ever did was putting my arm around them for photos when they were graduating. I have never witnessed any groping either, to my knowledge. And I have been in shoulder-to-shoulder-trainman-pushes-people-inside-the-doors situations before.
Finding out it was fake was quite a shock. I honestly think it tastes just fine. I only get hangover from sweet alcohol so I stick to beer and highballs
JET is not hard to do at all, but the amount of people who apply is what makes it competitive. A good chunk of these people are complete retards who almost literally cannot dress themselves. Check the JET subr*ddit at any time for a regular cavaclade of stupid questions.
I haven't done any sex services myself, but from listening to my friends, as a foreigner you'll likely be limited to non-penetrative services assuming you can speak enough Japanese to negotiate such a thing, find the right place, or have a friend to help you. I know they can go as far as oral but I have yet to hear of anyone having paid penetrative sex as a foreigner. Of course I'm sure this will all be waived should you know the right people, but I doubt that an English teacher would ever be able to make any connections like that
You a military fag that's based there?
>your college degree
I was not, but I hope you enjoyed it. I'm having the time of my life. This is the easiest job I've ever had, my social life has jumpstarted again, and Japan is literally my dream society. There's bad parts too but as someone who lives only on the surface the surface is very nice.
I worked for two years before coming to Japan, and I'm having a blast because it's like being in college all over again. I definitely cannot do it as a career, but my vague hope is to springboard to a different career when my contract is up
Yes, it probably can be. Just like any other country, a lot of people hate their job. But unlike other countries, changing careers is rare, lifetime contracts straight out of college is considered an ideal situation, and you are forced to work at selfsame hated job for 10-12 hours a day. Easy to see why the suicide rate is so high. I'm a dirty brainlet consumerist at heart so I love Japan's never-ending supply of cute shit, merchandise, fashion, etc. However, that being said, a good half of people I meet have no hobbies at all aside from, I guess, "Netflix," and yeah, there doesn't seem to be much to give people meaning in their lives. Most people get that from their jobs, but the work culture is often soul-crushing. Other people get it from their families, but many are trapped in loveless marriages. I still remember:
>talking to a teacher at a drinking party
>was curious why several married teachers don't wear their rings
>wondering if it's the same reason as the West, i.e. marriage has failed
>he doesn't wear a ring either although I know he has two kids
>happily showing us pictures of kids, proudly calls himself a "stupid parent" who thinks that his kids are objectively the cutest
>he tells me because it feels uncomfortable, and for other people it's because they don't love their spouse
>I'm pretty drunk so I jokingly ask "but you love your wife, right?"
>"No, I don't love my wife."
i am glad you are enjoying it friend, thought you skipped my post. i taught enlgihs in korea years ago and i loved it as well. a few friends did JET and they told me it was a bit too much but i am happy to hear you are having a great time. how long are you thinking of staying there?
na education
No, I'm an English teacher. Not sure who's hated more. I guess it'd still be us because there aren't many Chad English teachers
Japan has pretty lax standards all things considered, but why should anyone with just a high school degree be allowed to teach kids? If you became a high school teacher, you have the same education level of that kid who graduated last year
Maybe up to 3 years on JET but as far how long in Japan, if a good non-teaching opportunity came up I'd be willing to stay perhaps into my early 30s. How long were you in Korea for? What do you do now?
Why do Japanese drink hot alcohol
How many times have you been stuck with the kancho? And have you seen it done to others?
>If you became a high school teacher, you have the same education level of that kid who graduated last year
Man it's just really shit to see something like that because it takes all other merit out of the question. You're telling me that I'd be automatically better for the position if I just spent 4 years at a meme college?
Either way, not all countries have quality university-level education, so there's that.
How did you learn Japanese?
Don't you need a special Visa to live there? How did you get one?
Same reason people drink hot tea, it's pretty nice
Sorry to say I would never even consider doing it, but they don't kancho at my school (at least not what I've seen). It might be a junior high thing
Well, it is four years, nearly half another decade, of additional formal education. College can be a meme sure but at least when it comes to Japan if you want a shot at a decent, non-illegal gig you need a degree. If you are interested in teaching in Asia in general check out the TEFL general in /trv/, it is possible to teach without a degree if you can forge one well enough or find a shady enough company that'll take you
I can't say I have yet, but I basically did a year of straight Anki before diving into grammar. Went through Tae Kim and going through the Japanese Test 4 You website to drill through JLPT grammar points. Once I learn enough I'll start reading books or manga
You do, but to become an English teacher you'll probably get it through a dispatch company, who will handle the visa for you. A tourist visa for people from the US is up to 90 days but my particular visa is for up to 3 years. And also to the other user, the degree requirement is partially there (at least for my program) because my visa requires a college degree
my cousin did JET to and ended up getting married.
I dont really have any interest to going to japan other than visiting arcades and getting anime merch, how hard would it be to go around Akihabara alone with no Japanese experience?
"TEACHING" English kek
Do other people call you white piggu?
Not that difficult at all. Akihbara is so fun to just wander around in, and Tokyo is so chock-full of tourists you'll be hard-pressed to find a place that can't accommodate to foreigners
E-eigo no senseinda! B-baka ni shinasai!
Call it my listening skills but I haven't heard any slurs thrown at me yet
One bump before I go to bed
Are Japanese men willing to date Japanese female gaijin? I really love japan
how fucked up Yamanote Line during rush hour?
Have you gone to a mahjong parlor?
Is it expensive?
Do they sell Kamen Rider costumes there? Where would I buy one from the USA?
Japanese men are far less forward especially as a gaijin female you'll have to approach them first. They're essentially scared of you but pretty much all will want to date you
I don't live around Tokyo but during rush hour the absolute worst it can get is you're squeezed up against other people and HAVE to shove in order to even get in. But normally it's just crowded, not quite enough room to turn around and forget the hope of getting a seat.
Sorry, I haven't, but from the looks of them they won't let gaijin in and definitely not non-Japanese speaking people.
I'm sure they do. Go to and look for things that ship internationally. You can change the language to English at the bottom. Either that or try Rakuten
If I already hate most anime and a lot of the weird shit they have there, is there any reason to still pursue a job in Japan, like a gig in a U.S. embassy perhaps?
Yes, because Japan being weird is a meme. The majority of it is a normal first world Asian country. You don't run into old men dressed as schoolgirls and eat live frogs for breakfast every day user
Oh, Great One. May I see your liquor fridge?
how popular is canned coffee there? do you drink it?
Will you be applying for work at New Yokosuka Harbor?
literally every single person on earth hates weebs