To all femanons, In a hipotetical situation, you have a nice beta bf, he is kind and nice...

To all femanons, In a hipotetical situation, you have a nice beta bf, he is kind and nice, but skinny and you know beta at all, then a chad starts hittin on u, honestly, would you dump the beta bf for a chance with chad? or at least cuck him??

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thin guys are okay these days and many younger girls like them. if a girl goes out with a skinny guy they probably like that body type

No, I wouldn't.

No, if he's beta that means he'll let me peg him and most likely have degenerate fetishes/kinks that I would love to carry out + proper feelings would be involved at all times
Chad would just be pump and dump. That's quite shit, really,,, not to mention the fact that no feelings would even exist with Chad. That's not good "settling down" material, y'know?

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I hate everyone that isn't the 4 people I already talk to. I would probably push them over a cliff if there were no witnesses the first time they irritated me.

If he was a sticc? Would never leave desu. And I don't like the chad type anyway since they bullied me in school.

What kind of degenerate fetishes would you love to carry out

Why do boys ask this dumb question all the time? "Would you leave me if X, Y and Z showed up to sweep you off your feet?" Guys who feel insecure about this are the biggest turnoff.

by this you really do mean "biggest" right? because yes this is true

Anything if he's into it lmao
Only thing I wouldn't do is cuck shit.

I had a self proclaimed beta boyfriend and the chance to cheat but I never did. He cheated on me though.

No. Chad would probably make fun of me for being mute and wouldn't care enough to learn sign language or anything to help communication.

>wants to peg a dude
>not cucked
w e w

search for "dual mating strategy". women evolved to trick beta males in to raising the alpha males kids. she will cuck the beta and make him raise the alpha males kids.

I just like seeing my partner getting off
That and pegging also gets me off so eh

>That and pegging also gets me off
no it doesn't. you dumb whore

sounds like someone wants a girl to peg him

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>would you dump

What about feet stuff, pls be in oregon

You'd be a good gf

If plaved right, the belt can create friction. If the feels are right, I can more or less get off from that
Feet stuff is really nice, once jerked off my partner using my feet and both of us liked it

>my partner
You know you're giving a bad rep to all of the girls on this board, right?

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do you think a person like this would give a fuck about anybody but themselves?

Nothing wrong with discussing fetishes and shit on an anonymous anime board
That and I don't want to lead lads on
If I have I'm really sorry though,,

fuck off nigger tranny

I should've figured desu.

Not a tranny but aight

>Implying a beta would want to date me

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I would tho as long as you care about me and supports me emotionally and don't leave

I can dream

Implying that the girls on this board dont have a bad rep. Big kek

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Skinny or buff is irrelevant nowadays. It's not like you wrestle bears or have to kill tigers or w/e.
I'd just want a nice bf that loves me and gives me lots of hugs and head pats

I could do that, but you're probably underage

But I work a very physical job and enjoy running for the health benefits. Also be my GF I'll cuddle and head Pat you to your hearts content