They are evolving

They are evolving

How will femoid compete?

Attached: 1559596910368.webm (708x720, 1.79M)

Most likely via reproduction and not killing themselves

>he thinks women will be the only ones able to have children in the near future

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>How will femoid compete?
By having an actual cunt.

What the fuck
I am a full fag but this nigger is fucking ugly as shit and his penis is fucking nasty

Saucey sauce pl0x

Kys terf subhuman


Have fun user

Damn i'm not gay but i'd murder that hole

Why are the best traps east european?

Unironically Slavic genetics combined with the small percentage of men in every population group that happen to look naturally feminine

By not having dicks you faggot. I have a dick and it's gross, my balls smell like a dumpster right now

They aren't. They're asians or latin

>fucking a mexican boy
absolutely unacceptable

Maybe you should cut them off seeing as how you're too retarded to wash them you gross fuckwit.

Asians and latinas make good traps too but east europeans are the best when it comes to white traps

>absolutely unacceptable

Attached: 1519417097443.jpg (1280x1707, 651K)

Guess I'm coincidentally bisexual because I'd fuck his ass

By not having hiv

I just wanna cum in a cute Mexican boi's tummy

nice trips, well since you are FULL FAG, you think she's ugly because she does look like a cute feminine girl. You hate her junk too because it's not a gigantic 10 inch BBC, like the ones you are used to COCK FAGGOT.

Cum on a cute*

Attached: CIbrPJ8UYAIsY3E.jpg (600x834, 63K)

Oof she is beautiful! I guess I'm gay now.

>he looks even more feminine than me, a biological female

Attached: nAg1h02.jpg (720x642, 74K)

I think you meant she

He got far less bitchier face than me so I feel you.

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How tf do these people behave outside of their homes? Do they have jobs or non-Internet friends? Wouldn't someone eventually find out they have a dick? Or do they just never go outside?

>Live in a bigot country

Dunno. I've seen two in my life. Other I wouldn't guess had a dick but pretty obvious for the first. Both probably unemployed.
Guess best bet is to become programmer and work faceless for some company after you acquire enough education.

Depending on how self aware they are they will either go out looking male and only dress and makeup in their quarters (more likely to have a job) or go full on walking freakshow

stfu fag nobody wants to date a tranny

Terfs are still better than fags because you can breed them.
You can never have kids
The day women aren't the only ones having kids is the day children are cloned and incubated in vats in a lab. Then we'll never have gross fucking faggots ever again, we'll engineer them the right way.

Ok, be my gf now.


terfs are epic and based

Having a Mexican trap gf is the best, great housewife that cooks and cleans for me and also lets me partake in bussy regularly.

Gross dude. I'll bump it so that the gay people come out as gay already and stop making these threads, though.

he's also being constantly pumped with 10x the amount of estrogen that normal women produce and has likely had plastic surgery.

>engineer them
Wow dumbass you really are a dumbass you dumbass
Not only are you acting like CRISPR shit will be available to everyone within the next 10 millenia, but you're also implying being gay is genetic which its not.
Stay seething retard.