But seriously though, what is the point of living when life is so shit?

but seriously though, what is the point of living when life is so shit?

the only things I enjoy are games, anime and fapping, everything else is boring and pointless

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You have to work to make money for (((them)))
Plus suicide is too costly.
Enjoy the blackpill.

What makes the things you currently enjoy not boring and pointless to you?

yes life is shit, the point of living is survival or whatever you want it to be. if you don't want survival and don't believe in any religion then kill yourself immediately, everybody is a winner. you won't "suffer" anymore and we will have the resources that could have been otherwise "wasted" on you

There is no point. Its a sandbox, its like minecraft. Go build something, explore, cause some mayham.

How harsh this sounds, it is definitely true. no meaning means no reason to live

May as well act as if live is worth living in earnest. If you do this and you're wrong, you lose nothing, there was nothing to lose, because it's all meaningless.

The only way you lose is if life matters, whatever that should mean to you, and you waste it.

>its like minecraft. Go build something, explore, cause some mayham.
not at all, you are extremely limited in the real world
you can only do interesting things once you acquire a lot of wealth which will take years of grinding
there is no joy in hard work, you are forced to do it till you get old

you can build small drones or other intresting shit that aren't that expensive

Stop with thw fapping dude fapping fucks you up i used to fap everyday 2-4 hours a day everyday for 3 years i am on nofap for 1 week now and i have more motivation games are also more fun

>you can only do interesting things once you aquire a lot of wealth
Not true at all. You can explore and cause mayham for free. Building something big costs money, sure, but the game isnt called freecraft. Mining for the resources is part of the game too.

how do i start on a creative world in reallife?

What would you be doing in a life that was worth living?

Love this style of image, combination of anime and photography. (Or any kind of drawing and photography.) Where can I find more like this?

When will this retarded meme end? It's not the jews fault that you have to eat. Oh I'm sorry I mean it's not "(((their)))" fault.

Have a reddit quote, user.
>"You want to end your life the way it is now."
Meaning, you can change your life. One day you won't feel like this.

here you go buddy

In the most shallow places I may have gotten a relatable answer: Hannibal.
I am just curious of what happens. What will happen if I continue living? What will happen if I do this, do that, etc.
For me, the point is trying to know what could otherwise be unknowable when you're dead.

Fapping is pointless too faggot

try something new. nofap is overrated but replace games with lifting/biking/hiking swimming and anime with reading (even if its just light doujinshis to begin with)

Ah, I can answer this question. Try changing your context. push yourself out of your comfort zone and read something new, learn something new, go somewhere new.

>push yourself out of your comfort zone
overused meme, there's nothing to do outside if you're alone, have you noticed that most people that walk in public places are in groups? i literally have 0 friends