>thought bullying would end with highschool
>tfw it got worse
Thought bullying would end with highschool
>not getting a bat and kneecapping them
your own fault
Buy a gun and shoot them all.
I want to retaliate but if this isn't self defense I don't have the "energy" to fight.
well then prepare yourself because even in workplaces, bullying is still common and it gets worse when your boss/supervisor is also your bully.
it will only end when you bully back
Yes you do user. Ive felt just that and then i decided to fucking end the shit. I was in the juvie for a while but it was worth it
You can learn a lot from women how to get back on collegues and bully them back without giving them a chance to call you out on it. Do them little favors that you know will irritate them in reality, but they are not allowed to call it out due to society's expectations.
>Someone making you feel sad? Kick their ass or kill them!
>wtf why don't I have a gf or any friends?? Must be because I'm not tall enough or something
On a side note, I am sorry to hear that you're feeling uncomfortable around certain people, OP.
>used to use vidya as an escape
>the bullies are in vidya as well
There is no escape.
>Getting bullied at all
How does this even happen? I am a friendless virgin loser, but no one ever bullies me. I dont understand, did you do something to antagonize them?
>did you do something to antagonize them?
I'm not sure what OP is specifically experiencing, and I can't say I've had much exposure to bullying in my adult life. But I can remember older kids in high school occasionally harassing me for seemingly no reason. To this day I'm not entirely sure why I was targeted, but I do know that it only ever happened when I was alone and when the bullies were in a group. So I'm assuming it was a sort of social-bonding/ego-boosting through punching down.
>live through what you think is constant bullying all your life.
>come to find out its mostly banter and ball busting that you misinterpreted as bullying because you're weak little pussy ass bitch.
I'm 34 and still get bullied at work.
Bullying story
>Be me, 13, 8th grade (I'm 19 now)
>Kid named Ben always called me names on the bus. Said shit about my mother, classic insults.
>Ignored him but he kept doing it
>One day I got tired of it, and threw a snowball at him as I spotted him outside the school
>He ran over to me and pushed me against the wall
>Back then we were all assigned these Windows tablets, really slow and useless but man these things were heavy-duty.
>So I hit him on the shoulder/back area with my tablet
>He stood there stunned and I ran away
>Few hours later the principal calls me down to the office, says he has the entire incident on videotape
>My parents and Ben's parents are called down and we sit in the office
>Mfw Ben starts crying his eyes out
>Mfw Ben's redneck dad is there watching his bully of a son cry
>Mfw I sit there watching my bully cry
>We both got one day of in-school suspension, but after that he never bothered me again.
Honestly pretty good ending. Good job
>tfw actually end after highschool
>tfw people respect me and treat me nice
>tfw i still want to kill myself
Thanks. I am not a violent person so I didn't actually get into a fight with him. I don't think I could have mustered up the courage to hit him harder than I did. But hey, it worked...
>you had windows tablets in school
God damn it, fucking zoomer scum.
>people who were 12 year olds at the start of 2013 can post here now
Where are you getting bullied? Work?
University was good for me because there were so many people everywhere that you didn't exist if you didn't want to. Then again we don't live on campus like Americans (to my understanding all of you do). I start my job in 4 days and I'm very scared of workplace bullying
Born in 99, does that make me a zoomer? :(
just say no. they are legally obligated to stop.
yes, I consider the cut off at around 95, even though this isn't mainstream.
I was born 14 years before you for fuck sake. No way we're in the same generation. You weren't even fucking conscious for 9/11
someone on this board told me before, basically
>If you can remember 9/11, you're not a zoomer
>If you can't remember 9/11, but were alive during it, you're disputably a zoomer, varies from person to person
>If you weren't alive during 9/11, you're a zoomer
That may be, but you can't put me in the same category as these 13 year olds today. I have absolutely nothing in common with the rest of Gen Z. We need a new classification for people like me.
I would say its more about what they grew up with, the video games they played, and how prevalent technology like smart phones were.
>There are people younger than this website posting in /b/ right now
there are 13-14 year old kids posting on /b/ right who were born in 2004-2006.
I grew up with the Game Boy Advance, didn't have a smart phone until I was 14... I experienced the same stuff that people born 5-10 years earlier than me experienced.
For me (born early 90s) you're Gen Z. You're the kids who grew up watching adhd shows like iCarly and Hannah Montana, had Web 2.0 in elementary, and don't remember 9/11. Those of you born in the late 90s simply have a much different understanding of the world than my generation (born early 90s), and were ranted on those my age.
exactly, I was born 85 and I even remember the world before the internet and cellphones became mainstream. There's no way I'm in the same gen as someone who was born with all of these things so common.
Now you've got all these zoomers taking over the internet saying "Born late 90s deserve their own in-between category", "That based 98 mw2 zoomber", or "Hey you guys remember Minecraft and icarly in 3rd grade". When to those around our age, the late 90s-born zoomers are pretty much the same shit as the late 2000s-born ones.
>thought loneliness would end with highschool
>tfw it got worse
didn't think it was possible for me to have even less friends
college is hell, you know people but no one is really your friend
I'm also kind ;e wrong generation, I feel I have much more in common with the gen Xers.
Gtfo normalfag nigger
t. Salty that hes becoming a boring 30 year old mustve sucked to waste your 20s
This. What the fuck is actually wrong with normies?
Yeah, I look like I'm retarded. Doesn't give you any excuse to stare at or harass me you fucktards.
>Haha I'm insulting you to your face but it's okay bro it's just banter!
Haha I'm making you swallow your teeth but it's just banter bro chill haha!
What if you're not a burgerwhale and don't give a single shit about 9/11?
same, the ghosts still haunt me
the 90s didnt really end until 9/11. its still the same
>Thought bullying would end after high school
>It didn't, but it's no longer me being bullied, it's other more meek people
>Always step in to stop the bullying
>Always look like the bad guy because bullies are always more popular and more connected than I am in the work place or social situations
Shit's hard.
your a doing good, i hope that those words help you brother
Just get them fired or make then quit. That's what I always do.
>Buy protein powder
>Consume it regularly
>Start having protein farts
>Unleash the Shaddam
Fight back, you spineless nigger.
I literally saw a dude born in 2007 posting there last month. Not kidding