Just got my hair done. Actually feels pretty good. Remember, anons, self-care is important.
>tfw still no braid
Just got my hair done. Actually feels pretty good. Remember, anons, self-care is important.
>tfw still no braid
Other urls found in this thread:
suck my cock faggot
Tranny get out of my board
damn OP
you reminded me I need to go to the supermarket to buy shampoo and soap and toothpaste
I don't have courage to go now
You are a faggot and need to be beaten and sexually abused
>tfw still no braid
I'm a guy and I know how to braid hair. I'd teach you if I could.
That's cute. How did you learn?
My mother wasn't around growing up and my sister is useless so I learned how to do it for her. It's actually really easy once you kinda know what you're doing.
>Tfw was supposed to have a younger sister but my mom miscarried
I should also get a haircut, but I guess I'll keep it for another 2 more month.
How hot is it in Malaysia right now? It's almost 30 degrees here and I hate it.
I'm sorry user. If it's any consolation my sister and I argue a lot. It isn't that great.
Its 26 degrees here, not feeling anything at all currently.
Where do you create these avatars, i want to make one too
Die, you fucking faggot
30 is so good avatarfag
21 here and I'm freezing
>tfw still no braid
a braid wont help you pass, schizo tranny
No. It's death. At least when it's cold you can dress more. Now I can be naked and it's still hell.
Yeah yeah.
>you can dress more
I'll legitimately try that
>Now I can be naked and it's still hell.
That sounds sexy.
>superlative of bad
>or of ill
>1 : most corrupt, bad, evil, or ill his worst fault
>2a : most unfavorable, difficult, unpleasant, or painful the worst news your worst enemy
>b : most unsuitable, faulty, unattractive, or ill-conceived has the worst table manners
>c : least skillful or efficient the worst person for the job
>3 : most wanting in quality, value, or condition the worst results
Not the best attempt to ruin me today.
Hello discord scum.
Please hang yourself, freak.
>implying you can ruin whats already ruined
dumb individual with gender dysphoria
If this is you please consider suicide.
Trap or female?
As flattering as it is, I'm a boy.
Tranny, obiously.
A boy on HRT, that is.
Do you have any more picture of your butt? It's really plump.
Has she posted any more?
If you've seen any of my threads, you'd know I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to have people think I'm a girl. It's not true though.
Post more butt pictures...
Only because you realized how shit and dumb you were at catfishing. Had you not been exposed you'd have kept the larp up.