Guten tag, meine freunde
Guten tag, meine freunde
gott zum grusse du niederer lustknabe
die vogel singe nicht mere...
Und dass ist der grund warum wir Nationalismus brauchen.
Eine sehr schone Frau
Ob ihr eigentlich alle geistig behindert seid
Wir mussen die Juden toten
i really miss when germans were white instead of spics, africans and arabs
Are you a time traveler from 2500? Or a Jow Forums incel neet?
are you a turkroach living on wellfare?
OMG there are japanese people in my building
So you are a 17 year old burger khv high school dropout.
Moin ihr Sacklaeuse
Poor sjw tranny is triggered by politically incorrect Jow Forums posts. I would tell you to fucking kill yourself, but itll happen eventually anyway. You are projecting so hard on that guy, all sjws are hideous, unfuckable betas who are either neet or work for min wage. Conservatives on Jow Forums are mostly engineering students and random redpilled 40 year olds with families
Bit biased?
>just started Antabuse
Closeted homosexual incel got triggered something fierce.
>Conservatives on Jow Forums are mostly engineering students
Nope, Jow Forums data mining threads and paying attention to random anons talking about themselves will reveal this. Im also an eng student at a huge "brand name" school and know people in eng and cs who use it regularly. Cope, tranny.
>projecting this hard
Spamming to hide your rage wont change reality, tranny. Jow Forums tracked a flag in a rural area simply by analyzing stars and flight paths. Most big memes also come from there. Just because youre a fucking loser who frequents r9k and wants a nanny state, doesnt mean they are.
Holly shit I'm cruuently in Cologne and my God, there are there so many niggers. I wanted to count all of the non whites and shitskins I see during my one week stay here but I stopped counting at over 30 on the first day. Honestly I did not expect it to be so bad. I thought I might see like 50 of them in total. Is all of Germany like this or is Cologne an extreme exception?
the Aryans are leaving in spaceships. the immigration is a smoke screen
This reminds me what happened 2-3 years ago.
I live in the country side of Austria and I haven't been in the city in a long time, and this was before the refugee crisis I go back there and holy shit I haven't seen so many arabs and blacks in my city before. Kind of made me upset about where Europe was heading if it was like this all over. Can't imagine how Germany is considering they took most of them in.
I think cologne is one of the worst places for that, but its pretty bad everywhere. Jews need their low IQ worker drones and fear the european man.
>a few people finding a flag means everyone on the board is genius
My fucking SIDES
>post qt Germaryan girl
>robots inevitably start fighting itt
At least they seem to stick to their own kind. I haven't seen any interracial couples yet. My worst experience so far was then I walked into a bakery and I saw a poointheloo lady handling the bread with her bare hands. Absolutly disgusting.
>being in engineering or having a family means youre a genius
>ignoring everything else because it proves you wrong
>le ebin r3ddit caps to make your braindead post seem more interesting
Found the retard. No wonder you dont use Jow Forums, youre too stupid, even for the neetsocs.
lol the Aryans are building a utopia. and we arent invited
>I saw a poointheloo lady handling the bread with her bare hands
Why are german words so long? I'm trying to learn german but by the time I finish saying something as simple as "more sausages, please", I'm out of breath and exhausted.
Fix you're stupid language.
i bet theyre all relocating to Northern Canada/Greenland.
Who are? The 3rd worlders or germans?
I remember this one time where I was just walking on the side walk and a car just came out speeding with loud music and people yelling out of the window, lmao and around the corner you could hear a crash, I walk closer to it just to see what's up, 3-4 arab dudes just crashed into a parked car with the owner still there. This was during the refugee crisis.
Also the newer generation of those immigrants will mix with the population. The current immigrant generation can't even speak german . which is why there is barley any interracial couples and those that do are just leftists wanting some colored cock.
only purebloods know. sorry robot
all muggles left behind L O L byebye
there are no spics here. the situation with the various kinds of niggers, mostly the sand variety, has gotten out of hand.
>morgen ist erst mittwoch
zur arbeit aufzustehen verursacht bei mir reale, physische schmerzen
>es gibt keine spics hier
Ahi te equivocas, amigo. Du siehst sie nicht, weil sie im Gegensatz zu Arabern und Schwarzen zur Arbeit gehen.
Faule Suedamerikaner gehen eher nach Spanien. Die kriegen Buergerschaft fast geschenkt.
"more sausages, please" would be "Mehr Wurst, bitte". Literally the same.
Long words like Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung or Sehenswuerdigkeiten would actually be longer on foreign languages, because they only need a word for what us take a whole sentence.
Not even german.
I think that you need to realize that german only has such long words, because they aren't unique words. They're combinations of short words. Don't try to learn each individual long word.
op ist ein neger.