Why don't incels just date a blind girl?

Why don't incels just date a blind girl?

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because they blame their looks but it's really their personality that's the problem

But there's no such thing as a personality, user.

BIind girls just want Chad

Personality only matters if you're attractive

Personality matters either way, but it matters less if you're attractive. How do robots get everything wrong?

This is false, my blind sister married a mentalcel who's ugly as shit and autistic

Blind from birth or blind due to accidents in normie life?

Blind from an accident while having sex with Chad

OP is asking the right questions, however, they probably will still want to feel your face. and your body. And your dick.

>XD a majority of you fucks have 0 chance

It's fine if you have a horsedick and stay silent., only letting out those Chadmoans.

There's not many of them to go around, a lot of them will want a fellow blind guy, and their blindness merely gives robots a little more of a shot - robots still have to compete with normies and Chad for blind girls' hearts.

Imagine actually believing this because you read a forum post on GiantBomb

>Chad can have any girl he wants
>Chad will go for the blind girl
You're a moron who only speaks in oxymoron.

>not believing everything you read online
Alright Mr. Skeptic, what's your view of the world?

Chad goes for every girl. He only wants to pump and dump them, but they're down for that.

where do l find a 10/10 blind girl?

So Chad sleeps with them once. How does that affect your chances with the girl?

I suspect a whoosh happened here.

I mean, a 10/10 girl would still go for a 10/10 guy, so it's not like you'd have a chance. Stick to your own league, user.

Inflates the standards of the girl and she believes she only deserves Chad

They can smell me. Even if I get close blind girls always want to touch your face and they will know I am not Chad

Because cities have lots of chads. Chad is always traveling into your town for work and cumming inside your oneitis

Give me one and I'll love and take care of her

Oh right, you believe that you're a shitty guy that could never get a girl, so you want her to "not know any better". Have you considered getting yourself to a state where girls would consider you fuckable? Cause you know that not every guy a girl has slept with is a Chad, right?

>having a oneitis
I think I see the problem here. You've grown attached to one woman who will only ever see you as a friend, and wouldn't sleep with you if there was ANYONE else to sleep with. It's not Chad at this point who are your problem, it's every other guy. So I guess your choices are to either move on and find some other girls you might eventually have a chance with or just kill every other guy in the city so that you're the only one left and your oneitis HAS to go for you.

Not enough blind girls for all the incel population.
And seeing how stuck up whores are today it wouldn't surprise me if the blind girls would only date 10/10 chads.

>stuck up
Do you even read what you write before you post it, user?

You're a retarded nigger faggot if you think i use the same language in real life with normies.
>inb4 internalised bullshit.

my voice is squeaky and dorky, i also struggle to portray emotional inflection due to reduced affect display
it stems from being on the spectrum for schizophrenia... thanks mom.

so i would not make an exciting conservational partner

Yeah, no shit, I was referring to the fact that women are both "whores" for sleeping with people and "stuck up" for not sleeping with you. I bet you wouldn't think they were whores if they were sleeping with you, right? Like, I can tell you're angry, but you're not directing your anger correctly. Think about your views and if you truly believe in everything you say.

>so you want her to "not know any better"
I would just like a level playing field with experience. I know that is an impossible thing to wish for but it is the only chance I have really.
>Have you considered getting yourself to a state where girls would consider you fuckable?
What would you suggest?
>Cause you know that not every guy a girl has slept with is a Chad, right?
When compared to me, every previous partner is Chad. Would a girl be happy dating a 3/10 after being with 7+/10 men all her life? I don't think she would

Well, what would you say are your biggest flaws when it comes to dating, user? I don't mean lack of experience, you mentioned that you're a 3/10, what exactly do you mean by that? I'm not a Chad or anything, but I've had a fair amount of experiences with girls, and hopefully, if you list off what you believe is wrong with you and making girls not really give you a chance, we can examine those faults and give you a much better chance with women.

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>what exactly do you mean by that?
Really short (5'3), not great teeth, balding and shit hair, weird voice makes me sound like a richfag in my cunt, no social skills, skinnyfat, no hobbies or hobbies that are 100% male, hearing difficulties. There's some meme answers I suppose.
My biggest problem is that I have absolutely zero experience with women and no means to meet any. I wouldn't know what to say or what you are supposed to talk about.

They are stuck up because they have fully embraced hypergamy and are whores because they like to ride the cock carousel on tinder.

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Personalitylets BTFO

I would bore her in 5 minutes, like I do with regular women.

you are being obtuse thinking a blind girl would want to see me

Looks aren't my problem.
My personality and my life is the problem.

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Alright, so imma be honest, it does seem like you have your fair share of faults. I'll address your biggest problem and simply explain how I talk to women - I tend to treat them like guys and I'd talk to them about the same stuff as I would with guys. I know it sounds like a meme answer, but I tend to not really make a distinction and end up hoping that they like talking to me enough that it'll transform into something more, but if not that's ok as well, I enjoy the conversation anyway.

Now, obviously me saying all of this isn't going to magically change you or make you prepared to talk to girls. I'd say that practice is key, both because it makes you understand how to talk better, and because it less you less anxious and afraid of the conversation. I'd recommend trying out a few dating websites - not to find yourself a gf or anything (though wouldn't that be nice) - but just to get a feel for conversing with girls and get any practice you can.

Engage in sexual intercourse ypu involuntary celibate

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Yeah keep hiding behind cherry-picked statistics - it's not going to get you a girl, it'll just make you more bitter.

>r9k is one person
I have never blamed my looks and and I'm well aware of my autistic and horrible personality and how it ruins my every chance for a relationship with another human.

I've found that I can talk to women (gfs of workmates) when I have had a lot to drink and I used to be able to work dating sites the same way. Though i never actually followed them up after becoming sober. I used to ask friends what to say on these sites and I'll see if I can get back into doing that.
Thanks anyway but we'll see what shit pick up line I can roll off Google and try to make a conversation about that. Might have to start going out again but I'm not sure where I can talk to girls who aren't cashiers

I go to hookers once or twice a month but its very unfulfilling cause it's basically paid masturbation.
How are they cherry-picked? Pic is from okcupid before they were were forced to take it down do to feminist activists/media cause it was making whores look bad.

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>Give me
The state of the modern male

Yeah, that just goes to show that you can talk to girls, you just need to get a bit more practice. Like, girls won't fawn over you like they do over really attractive guys, but most people don't have that sort of attention, and they manage to make it work.

>pick up lines
Try to tailor them to the girl. I usually go for "if you were a fruit, you'd be a fineapple", but if I see that they like maths or w/e, I try to instead go for something related to that (e.g. "I'm proving the existence of love at nth sight by induction, and you're my base case"). They'll be worse, but the effort put into them will make them more endearing and they've always been more successful.

>Dating sites are more woman-centred
Yeah, no shit, that's not exactly a massive secret. It's hardly enough to form a world view on, you're just relying on that overused photo to try and prop up your anger and make you feel righteous.

>Have you considered getting yourself to a state where girls would consider you fuckable?
Ah, yes.
I'll just go and grow myself some luscious hair and get a few inches taller.
Then I'll enter a rigorous fitness training program and start using steroids.
And then I'll finally have a chance with some 2/10 used up slut with two kids from three baby daddies.
Damn, I'm living the dream...

>pick up lines on dating apps

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As for the very basics of conversation, you don't seem like a complete incel, so you probably have it down, but just in case you don't - it's essentially about finding out common interests and talking about those. Probe, ask questions about stuff they seem interested in, talk about your own experiences but listen in at least an equal capacity.

>using some random ironic line to break the ice and start a conversation is BAD

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>I've never had a pick up line used on me before
I have the problem where every conversation turns into an Omegle-tier job interview because I run out of things to say beyond "what is your job" and "what do you like to do". I feel like I have to force a girl to reply to actually get a conversation and it as all about as enjoyable as banging my head off the wall

The majority of the dating scene is happening on dating apps, where its "cunt-centred" like you said.

People have pretty much stopped hitting on each other irl because of social media. Unless you're some old-ass boomer that goes for 40+ women, but even there it's drying up.

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I mean, I've never done any of those things and I've had decent success with girls, so you're clearly thinking of reasons why you can't succeed and preemptively setting yourself up for failure. It's ok to give up user, it really is - I've given up on a huge number of things - but it's disingenuous to not be honest with yourself about it and instead blame girls, your surroundings, or really anything but yourself.

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>How are they cherry-picked?
If they don't paint women as a flawless godsend the white knights will call it cherry picked.

Studies that say women cheat more than men?
Cherry picked.
Studies that say some 5% of men were cucked and are raising another man's child?
Cherry picked.
Studies that say women have completely unrealistic standards for dating?
Cherry picked.

I actually enjoy talking to women - I can talk to them for hours and feel energised after it. I personally try to find anything that they seem interested about and ask them questions about that - if they say that they like music on their profile, I ask about what they're into, if they've seen live, if they go to gigs/concerts, etc. I guess it's a bit of a trial-and-error process and obviously most of the time it won't work, but you don't need it to work most of the time, you need it to work once.

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Can I post in this thread please?

>People have pretty much stopped hitting on each other irl because of social media
Now THAT is something I'd like to see statistics for.

Sure thing buddy, what's on your mind?

>I've never done any of those things and I've had decent success with girls,
Congrats on the 3/10 used up slut. I bet she doesn't even remember the first 40 men she fucked.

I mean, I've slept around as well, so I prefer sleeping with experienced women, but to each their own. Also, if that's a 3/10, I don't know why you're so scared of getting one yourself. Be honest with yourself user - it's the best thing you can do for yourself.

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>Why don't incels just date a blind girl?
I've never even met one personally.
But I hear they are as bad as "normal" chicks.
I knew a deaf girl who wouldn't set for anything other than Chad. Haven't seen her for years, but at the time she was dating a half deaf Chad.

Nice girls who'll value you for how you are as a person simply don't exist. It's all about looks and willingness to spend money on women (even if you don't have lots of it, as long as you spend it in the cunts it's fine)

You realize that
>Being unattractive + Good personality = Friend material
>Attractive + Good personality = Boyfriend material
Having a good personality means nothing if you don't meet the standards of attraction for someone.That's literally how friendships work. You're not attracted to the person but you like them, so you hang out with them.
Someone having a good personality will not make a straight man attracted to a gay friend. Just as having a good personality will not mak a girl attracted to someone she isn't attracted to.

When I see you sheltered people talk about relationships I just imagine some dude in his basement who has never interacted with a girl but thinks that not hating women or believing that they're not perfect means he is eligible to comment or have an opinion at all on the subject. You're still an ugly virgin and respecting women will not change that.
Good luck with that while I continue through my 3rd long-term girlfriend. I continue to be boring af while still getting hoes. I've literally had all of my SOs complain about me doing nothing but playing games and watching youtube, and yet they stayed because I'm conventionally attractive.

Keep lying to yourselves.

I've never had that experience with girls, so I find it hard to believe that I've been talking to the only girls that aren't money-digging shallow bitches.

I actually think being with a blind girl sound pretty cool. However, I also have read that even blind people care about looks to a degree. Either they can tell that you are unattractive by touching you, or their friends will tell them that you are ugly and they can do better.

Plus, even with my looks out of the way, I'm too boring to keep a woman interested.

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>Now THAT is something I'd like to see statistics for.
Haven't found hardcore pew data on that, but it is known that social media is inhibiting offline between people.

89 percent of men and 84 percent of women looking for a partner say they use dating apps regularly.
By contrast, only 28 percent of men and 33 percent of women say they rely on "in real life encounters" to meet people.
-April 2017 survey of Hinge users

And that was in 2017, the dating apps adoption is only growing.

>Studies that say women cheat more than men?
>Studies that say some 5% of men were cucked and are raising another man's child?
When did i post that?
>Studies that say women have completely unrealistic standards for dating?
Never said unrealistic, that graph just shows that they only find the top 20% of men attractive as opposed to men who tend to stay and date in their league.

My looks are one of the best things that I have going for me. Being an incel is not just about looking like shit, cause I certainly dont and here I am.

>hey fellas, Chad here

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That's Cuck, not Chad.

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Conventionally attractive is not chad, stupid fuck. Looks matter way more than personality when it comes to first impressions and meeting a partner. Personality does matter, but when it comes to getting a girlfriend? No. Maybe after the relationship is established. Anyone that says otherwise is ugly.
I do the cucking, niglet.

That's the point. The people here who claim to be Chads are not, and never will be Chads. Chad doesn't browse Mongolian throat singing forums to complain about how all women are whores, Chad doesn't even know what Jow Forums is. Chad is seizing the day doing Chad shit. If you browse this site, you are not and will NEVER be Chad

Do you think people can't be attractive without being chad? Are you fucking retarded? I'm just a normalfag. Nothing to do with being chad, and I never said I get a ton of pussy. Just that I get it more than the losers acting like personality is all there is to relationships.

I'm confused, by this logic does that mean blind girls can never really be attracted to others?

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That was more of a reply to the retarded conversations in the thread, not about the blind girls.

Who knows? kind of just got used to be single and autistic. I was said a lot of times that I could find a nice girl and shit but the idea of being that close to someone kinda makes me feel not in my comfort zone and when people hug me or put their hand on my shoulder and shit I feel uncomfortable. I do have friends , go out and stuff and some of the incels I know also do, but I think it has more to do with a mental barrier.
At least that's what I can say based on my experience

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