Ugly girls in high school

If you could revert time go back to high school, would you reciprocate the ugly girls who obsessed over you? The one with glasses had a crush on me for years and I'm regretful I thought I was out of her league

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>ugly girls who obsessed over you

No. I enjoyed the pain I gave her with my 3 years of leading her on and rejecting her at every opportunity. Sex would only last 1 minute, this lasted 3 years.

Even the ugly women hated me.

>the ugly girls who obsessed over you
I'm the one obsessing over ugly girls.

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No I would not, I have standards but I'm not an hypocrite anymore so I don't complain if girls out of my league reject me. Not like I've been seeking any or care though

In 11th grade I was put in a class with all 9th graders, cute little fuji dork sat behind me and we'd pass notes back and forth, she must've had a foot fetish because she kept taking her shoes off and rubbing her feet on me or putting them on my desk, right behind my elbow. I would sit in that class thinking about nothing but tackling her to the ground and fucking her like a wild animal. Problem was whenever I'd try to hint at her and I being a thing or us doing something she'd back away. She wasn't into me I guess, she just like to tease me. Women, man... can't live with em.

You niggers are proof that kids who went to anything other than single-sex private schools physically cannot be robots

reminder that if you ever had ANY girl obsess over you to get the fuck off my board right now
>b-but muh menta-
i said FUCK OFF
i dont care how ugly, schizophrenic, abusive, disgusting, or whatever excuse youre coming up with she was
if a girl (female) ever lusted after you youre a normalfag and its fine if you want to try and deny it, just dont fucking do it on r9k

you had at least one girl who wasnt necessarily in your 'life' but was visibly on the periphery of it who was obsessed with you extensively for some time, you just didnt now it

>would you reciprocate the ugly girls who obsessed over you
Hard NO.
What's the point of having a relationship with a girl your dick couldn't get hard to.

butterface is a real thing dawg

That is some pretty optimistic thinking

No, I don't want no pardon
For what I was and am.
I won't be reconstructed,
And I don't care a dam.

Porn is better than a butterface dawg.

I'd fuck both of those girls

To be fair, 80% of this happens in high school and middle school

>i know your life better than you do trust me bro

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nah its just this is the case with 99% of guys (unless youre literally down syndrome or youre missing a leg or some shit) but the catch is

I had an attractive girl called me cute out of nowhere but she had a bf. What did it mean? Is it normal to call people of the opposite gender cute when you're in a relationship?

>99% of guys
woah...its almost like youre in a board designed for the bottom 1%...

Girls do this to anyone who isn't completely hopeless, the bad news is that she's probably said it to another 500 guys in the course of her life but the good news is you're at least a 4 if not a 5-6

Just fuck a turd chopper if you cant get women to have sex with you

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its not though. like i said, youre not part of the bottom 1% unless youre literally a downie or have some severe physical defect. maybe theres a few of those guys on this board but most people here are just double-failed normies

Is that you Anne Frank?

No. No one is required to reciprocate a crush, male or female. Nothing to be regretful of imo.

Stop associating robots with incels.

I am too retarded to "reciprocate" whatever that means in this context.

she isnt even that ugly wtf. long hair + a change to none ridiculous glasses would make her at least average

My social status was very low in School, my friends were all the other robots/rejects who got bullied or outcast for whatever reason and my contact with females was practically zero. There was one instance when one of the most popular girls came up to me and asked me about my project in wood crafting class. She only spoke to me that one time and never again.

Yeah I had one in 8 grade she was so annoying I punched her up in the face once just so she will shut up. That made her even more crazy about me her parents had to move her to another school. Women are fucked up in the head, never trust them.

No because, luckily, no ugly mutt ever obsessed over me, only the good looking tall girls

after reading all this... is it possible that i'm -compared to my self-image- a total pussy-magnet? i have a pulse and i am not retarded in any other way than socially. could it be that i just didn't get it? that all this time i could have had the sex and was just too retarded to catch on to the advances of any of the girls? i thought women make their desires known to others in an obvious way. they obviously have no problem doing that if the object of desire is an alpha male. we live in a time in which all women basicially self identify as free whores for who ever they see fit. could it be that we here have all this time projected our own disgust with ourselves on to the females? that they would have been willing to grant us the rite of passage into nonvirginhood, had we just asked? are we the picky roastie we make them out to be? i think i'm gonna try to get my stinky willy in some slutpuss tomorrow and I'm not paying for it!
how the fuck could i have fucked up ticking a box, captcha?

Congratulations you have figured it out 10 years too late.

>the only girl that EVER liked me was the super fat girl in middle school
the answer is still no though. Really fat girls are gross although a bit of chub is acceptable