Men are the superior gender, why do you give up all your power to women?

Men are the superior gender, why do you give up all your power to women?

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I dunno, why did YOU give up all your power to women, user?

because my small animal brain makes me stop thinking when i see big boobies


l used to tho, now I have a gf

modern society is lazy. no wars to be fought, no people to conquer. the animal instincts of the man turn to lesser pursuits, and the woman takes over.

why do you think vidya is so overwhelmingly popular among young men? it fulfills the deeper desire to subjugate and conquer.

A biological instinct to reproduce

but isnt giving all your power to women evolutionarily counter-productive?

>why do you think vidya is so overwhelmingly popular among young men? it fulfills the deeper desire to subjugate and conquer.

and war movies too?

What "power"? What are you talking about

putting pussy on a pedo-stool

What power is involved there exactly?

You don't see the implicit shift in the power dynamic that occurs when men do this shit???

>"superior gender"
>supposed to be stronger, mentally and physically
>3.5 times higher suicide rate even though the rate of depression is lower
At least moids are better at killing themselves

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dudes who kill themselves are hardcore, they got balls of steel

and you come off as a disgusting tranny btw

>implying I did any of that shit

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More women attempt suicide, yet more men succeed. Is there anything we can't do better than women?

This women are to oblivious to even consider suicide because its a fact that they live life on easy mode

>Men are the superior gender, why do you give up all your power to women?

fucking this

This. Stop with the roastie worship.

This is how I know you are a bitter roastie. Robots rarely talks with this fury and hatred in their tone for literal victims like suicidal guys.

be sexy kek

men can be sexy tho

>all these other yous are bitter men
Laughing with you user. Everything you said is completely correct.

>Everything you said is completely correct.


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Nope. Modern men have proven to be pathetic. I see other guys donating hundreds to twitch thots and guys showering women's patreon with money whenever they dispense basic bitch criticism of leftist politics on youtube. The new default for men is cucked.

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>Nope. Modern men have proven to be pathetic.

Because they've debased themselves to raise up the woman!!

>Men are the superior gender
Why do they commit the overwhelming majority of crimes then? Men are the nigger gender.

and women are the jews of gender

But the majority of the wealthiest people are men. Not sure that makes sense.

Its more about the sneakiness and duplicity

80% of men are disposable

only 10-20% get to live like kings. blame capitalism

>blame capitalism

babby tier reasoning

I think sneakiness and duplicity are better than violence and callousness.

I wish I looked like this motherfucker