Welp looks like it's time for me to go


Welp looks like it's time for me to go

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I feel more like a cyborg/failed normalfag at this point in life, but I used to be a lot more autistic and a failure.

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im looking forward to another thread filled with normalniggers
i dont mind being a wizard, i enjoy it.
you can never fail in life since its a free gift, you cannot waste something you got for free

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>Look at me Im such a wizard lol xD all you normie poseurs here aren't as cool as ME

welp, im lame, no surprise, i wish i was lame enough to have friends though

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im a hikineet, im bored so i took the test. i knew cuckchan was lost for good but when im hated for being a true robot i see that its really is lost for good.
youre a phonefag and a coper, only normalnigger copers are so toxic.
it dosnt matter anyways, youre a small animal on a spacerock

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I got sperg

This quiz is shit.

this test is garbage and misses important factors and overrates unimportsnt factors

X = 0. This is shit.

>Too normal for the spergs, too sperg for the normies
that hurts a lot

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Got the same.
Guess we're both lame.

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Expected. At least I'm not in normie range.

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Top shit.

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As expected. Atleast i'm not within the normie spectrum.

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Hello brethren originally

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I'm apparently a lame normie

dead on about the indie bit
weird tho because last time i got cool normie so idk

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based normie here
can't post results because I'm playing cs:go rn and browse on steam browser
do i not belong here?

Alright brosephs! I'll catch you at the quad later! Just gotta finish mack'n on my party girl and putting gas in the car that I own.

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i imagine there are a lot of lame normans browsing 4chin
i'm one of them

Sperg here where do I get my fellow spergy burger gf?

Cherokee chicks on the trail of beers.

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ngl this hurts a bit, doesn't feel quite right tho. Maybe it's because my life is going from shit to pretty good rn and I'm currently stuck in some weird inbetween.
I don't even have a normie taste like pic related suggests, but I don't know if that even matters anymore. I certainly don't belong here but I'm not accomplishing anything big irl either, so idk, maybe it's right.

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My life got better, but i never left. I just sit and watch you all.

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>My life got better, but i never left. I just sit and watch you all.
that is very subjective, i enjoy my hikineet life becuase space dosnt make sense
>were all on a rock for no reason
>we dont know where the universe is
>this universe is all we know and will ever know