Welp looks like it's time for me to go
Welp looks like it's time for me to go
I feel more like a cyborg/failed normalfag at this point in life, but I used to be a lot more autistic and a failure.
im looking forward to another thread filled with normalniggers
i dont mind being a wizard, i enjoy it.
you can never fail in life since its a free gift, you cannot waste something you got for free
>Look at me Im such a wizard lol xD all you normie poseurs here aren't as cool as ME
welp, im lame, no surprise, i wish i was lame enough to have friends though
im a hikineet, im bored so i took the test. i knew cuckchan was lost for good but when im hated for being a true robot i see that its really is lost for good.
youre a phonefag and a coper, only normalnigger copers are so toxic.
it dosnt matter anyways, youre a small animal on a spacerock
I got sperg
This quiz is shit.
this test is garbage and misses important factors and overrates unimportsnt factors
X = 0. This is shit.
>Too normal for the spergs, too sperg for the normies
that hurts a lot
Got the same.
Guess we're both lame.
Expected. At least I'm not in normie range.
Top shit.
As expected. Atleast i'm not within the normie spectrum.
Hello brethren originally
I'm apparently a lame normie
dead on about the indie bit
weird tho because last time i got cool normie so idk
based normie here
can't post results because I'm playing cs:go rn and browse on steam browser
do i not belong here?
Alright brosephs! I'll catch you at the quad later! Just gotta finish mack'n on my party girl and putting gas in the car that I own.
i imagine there are a lot of lame normans browsing 4chin
i'm one of them
Sperg here where do I get my fellow spergy burger gf?
Cherokee chicks on the trail of beers.
ngl this hurts a bit, doesn't feel quite right tho. Maybe it's because my life is going from shit to pretty good rn and I'm currently stuck in some weird inbetween.
I don't even have a normie taste like pic related suggests, but I don't know if that even matters anymore. I certainly don't belong here but I'm not accomplishing anything big irl either, so idk, maybe it's right.
My life got better, but i never left. I just sit and watch you all.
>My life got better, but i never left. I just sit and watch you all.
that is very subjective, i enjoy my hikineet life becuase space dosnt make sense
>were all on a rock for no reason
>we dont know where the universe is
>this universe is all we know and will ever know