Why not settle for a brown gf?

Why not settle for a brown gf?

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Brown girIs only want Chad

Because I wouldnt be able to do anal in fear of getting poo dick

No, i simply refuse, i won't do it

Brown girls only want Chad, but here's a video that you could enjoy.


>pic related
Lmao okay

Serious answer is because non-westernised ones only want your money/visa, and westernised ones are unbelievably neurotic from the tension between their desire to be considered westernised and from their image of their dad, they're BPD girls with 20 cousins that will ask you for loans and show up to your place uninvited

stop watching porn dumbass

implying that a cutie like her would date my pathetic ass.

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At this point I would settle for a nignog.

She white
Probably mediterranean

Now that's just sad bro
Step your game up

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I didn't say I would settle for an ugly one.

I would more then settle. Are you offering?

sure there bucko
step up

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Not brown enough! bring me an ugly-cute indian girl!

I have tried twice both where stuck up bitches but honestly most women are regardless of race so idk

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why are you gay user?

what did he mean by this?

My dick doesn't like them. Not racist btw just attracted to extremely pale girls

Brown girls are the best!
Unoriginal comment

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i have a slightly brown gf now as of last week. skin tone is similar to OPs pic. never thought id acquire one, or any gf for that matter but its working out quite well. my sperginess goes down a bit when i hang out with her because i try really hard to not be too weird

you like poo so you're gay

Id settle for anything at this poinnt

Everyone who is not albino white isn't automatically brown you fucking moron.