Hello robots I have a question. I am trying to be a normal person and perhaps get a GF...

Hello robots I have a question. I am trying to be a normal person and perhaps get a GF. If I messaged her this yesterday at 12:40, and she didn't respond to it the entire day today, is it a bad idea to send another message asking how she's doing? What should I do? I don't want to be a robot anymore...

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I went on one date with her. It went great. We talked for hours without a single awkward moment. Then she kissed me at the end and it all seemed very genuine. So I have a little hope that this could work out.

Realize she's had a couple of people message her like this. If you became attracted to her, some other people could have gotten attracted to her as well. Don't stress her out with your semi-constant pestering. Ask other women out while you're waiting for her reply.

That may be, but she told me I was the first person she's met from the dating app. She just downloaded it recently and I was the first guy she met from there. And we really hit it off, I don't think she's talking to a bunch of other guys now... I hope not, at least... But yeah, I'll just wait until tomorrow. If there's still no response then I dunno what to do.

You don't have any skills bruh

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>she told me I was the first person she's met from the dating app

Don't want to sound condescending, but you have to read between the lines. The dating app is not her entire world, user. She may get suitors from other places. Like in REAL LIFE.

Dating nowadays just behooves a man not to put all of his eggs into one basket.

Stop playing with your dick and get to the point in a cute fun way
Stop being a weak faggot and saying things like I assume your busy, I bed yourd be tired
Legit bro, have some balls, who is this girl huh, noone, just another pretty face so fuck em, be a man

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Ask her when you can see her again, keep it short and sweet

>being tired after a 6.5 hour shift, presumably with at least two breaks
Either she's a really weak as bitch or she isn't that interested in seeing you again

Thanks for being real with me, user. I guess I'll have to wait until Thursday if I even see her then. Depending on how the next meeting goes, then I'll get a better idea of if she's interested in me or not.


The point is I'm trying to make it in life, I'm trying to be a normal guy. I don't want to be stuck here forever. I see this as a potential opportunity, not just another bitch. If anything, a chance to lose my virginity.

Thanks user, I did not text her. If she doesn't respond by tomorrow, should I bite the bullet and text her "how you doing?" or something?

You may already have an idea, but I would go with your stated plan.
The point is to get knocked down and get back up as fast as possible because life on earth is so short.

BRUH legit you sound like a weak pathetic loser
A half assed man
Step your games up and step your chains up
If you don't want tethered to just any girl that even looks at you and smiles, you better have some confidence and stop being a fucking pushover

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I respect that, user. You're not doing anything wrong. I've always found that it's best to just put your cards on the table and let others react/respond accordingly. You can't waste time playing textual games with people.

I'm alarmingly efficient at texting and getting girls into bed at this point in life. Just hey, you should come out to this thing with me, done.

Ok bruh I gotcha senpai
If you want some real advice you can call on me
Feeling in a good mood today

Never look needy. They hate that. Don't say anything.

NO. you let it ice for a week, perhaps forever

You sound like a disingenuous creep

Thanks man. I will just wait it out and see what happens. Worst case, the whole thing collapses and I go back to my lonely life, and forget my pain with weed and alcohol.

Yeah, I guess that'll be the plan. Can't let this ruin my life if it doesn't work out. At some point I will have to lose my virginity though...

Nah man look at it like this, if it doesn't work out who cares?
Legit she's just some girl, you just met her lol, not your love here
You need to get into your head that it doesn't matter, so don't try to escape reality by doping yourself up, pull your pants up and get back to work getting those girlys

Virginity doesn't have to be tied with serious dating, as you may well already know. There are many avenues for the former.

Tomato Toh-mah-toh, user

I like hopping into bed. What else is there in life

Thanks for the motivation! Really helps. Fuck it, if it doesn't work out, I'll get back on the horse and find another girl, maybe. But I am not looking for a one night thing, I want love. Is that possible nowadays? I don't know. I'm fucking lonely.

That's just sad bro
You sound like a guy that was beaten down his whole life and needs something to make himself feel good
Come on famalam, there is much more to life then sex, stop living in these seemingly insignificant moments and living life just 5min more and actually start LIVING

Don't listen to these faggots just hit her up as long as you're not smothering her.
Also, no smileys.

Love is legit bro it can happen, and bro you said that word maybe, bruh that's unconfident, be sure with your words, be confident in you
The more you talk to girls the more you'll understand them and even yourself, so keep at it

Hmmmmm it does make me feel good, but I don't really think I was beaten down too much in life. Life has been pretty good to me.

I'm more just commenting on how easy it can be to get what you want, which is female companionship, when you're direct and open and clear about it, and also exploring other options.

I'd say I'm living life to its fullest out here, man. Trust me that I'm having fun

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>But I am not looking for a one night thing, I want love. Is that possible nowadays? I don't know. I'm fucking lonely.
Not the user you're replying to, but you may have to "date down" to do so. There are, indeed, a lot of thirsty unwanted females out there.
Rare is the woman you want to date and give you the love you need. I wouldn't count on finding it, given our short time on this planet.

Whoa, hold on there pal... Seems like the consensus is that I shouldn't send another message. Honest -- if she doesn't write to me by tomorrow, should I ask how she's doing? I appreciate the help user. It means a lot to me.

She's not into you. Women who are into you don't make excuses for not meeting up, they constantly spam you with inane shite and they get pissy when you don't message them for a few hours. Ignore the incels, they're just projecting.

NO. stop texting her

Having fun isn't always living, people that are all strung out on meth are having a whole lot of fun but when they start crashed down of shit my friend that aint' fun nomore, they have no base, no stability in their life, so no matter how fun things may seem now doesn't mean they will be tomorrow, so without that base, that stability, that life, you'll just be living on the edge of life never knowing when it's all going to come falling down around you
So come on my friend, don't fall for the short trip, to actually live is the long haul
Don't want till it's too late to realise that

I can tell you're a good guy, user. Thank you for looking out for me. You're right, man. It's time for me to stop living a life of short-term pleasures and instead build a solid foundation of career and good health and education so I can one day start a family and have kids.

Thanks, man. From now on, I'll change

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>9 lines by you
>4 lines by her

There's nothing you can do anymore, OP. She's not into you and doesn't care.

Thanks for seeing past all my spelling and grammatical errors, we're even now
But no probs my friend, legit I do care about people I wish you the best man, much love

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I have never cared about spelling and grammatical errors.

What a bro

Now I truly see the light

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Honestly I'd wait till tomorrow and shoot her a message to see if she's still available

Listen to this user
Also drop the """nice guy""" texting style, women hate it when you're passive like that. Just literally act or if you can give no single fucks and act like you want to actually get in her pants (no perv shit tho, know the limits of what you can say based on the situation). Makes move and score. Keep her or drop her from there on out.
t. ex-player

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Stop being so available. It's boring her.
