What's stopping you from going on a killing spree?
What's stopping you from going on a killing spree?
>imagine being such a loser you go on a killing spree
killing you softly with my fingers
killing you softly with my words
killing you softly with my song
>forcing your way through is not chad
I have better things to do with the resources I have.
Because mummy raised me to be a good boy
I don't see how you could resent normies so much. reading elliot's manifesto is even more bizarre since i can sympathise with him a lot, i also flunked out of high school because of gaming, divorces and family bullshit, except his life seemed cozy as fuck because they were rich, and he spent time around normies too, when yhou spend time around normies you find that the pain of unfulfiled desire is the the same for everyone. also i dont get why he wanted to kill his roommates and his brother instead of just roasties, completely retarded
I think killing sprees are dumb, unimaginative, and pointless. It's even worse when someone like pic related does it for some cause. It ends up hurting the people you are trying to "help."
Killing sprees are too personal, I prefer indiscriminate death
Are hapas really so messed up bros?? Ex kinda turned me onto the hapa pill, but she seemed just fine honestly and I didn't really spot any issues.
Hapa pill me
i dont believe in murdering random innocent people :)
Mama would beat the shit out of me if i did something bad
the virgin spree killer vs the chad abortion clinic worker
I still want to consume media
yes. Witcher netflix soon :)
>Are hapas really so messed up
only male hapas
1. I lack the white blood necessary for such urges (less than 30% white)
2. I have anger directed towards specific people, not society as a whole
>I gain nothing from killing innocent people
I don't really hate other people, just myself
I don't wanna fuck up my life and/or die.
I live in a cucked country with a no-gun policy. Fuck my life
Realising my problems are manifestations of my own short comings and there is no one to blame except myself
Jow Forums is full of people who are pretty smart and nice but have anxiety and self esteem issues.
Except for a tiny percentage of assholes with personality disorders we are a board of peace.
I have close friends I haven't gotten to meet yet and I feel like I owe that to them.
I don't really want to.
Sure, there are some people that I hate but it's not like I'd give a fuck if I am dead.
All I want is for someone to genuinely care about me and maybe I can find some rest in nothingness.
Enjoy blacked.com fantasy edition.
Rather not risk botching my suicide and ending up a vegetable or life in prison. Watching societys collapse is more satisfying
I am on the fence will most likely rope
It's not effective. Sure, you kill 100 people, but the next day, 100,000 more niggers are born.
There must be a better way.
lack of guns and summer
Waste of time
It never changes anything
Hated by all.
Except a handful of legitimately hateable basket cases on various forums of complete lunatics.
What is there to gain? Nothing.
I am on neetbucks.
"Let It live". This phraze.
>bout tree fiddy
Not original
the fact that fucking up my life for a shit human being isn't worth it
>It ends up hurting the people you are trying to "help."
>going on a killing spree
>wanting to help anyone
They all did it for themselves. They all did it for that moment of gratification and power. That precious moment of felling freedom by knowing it's all gone all your pain will be gone and in contrast you can feel in heaven after seeing fear in the expression moments before you take their lives.
It's not that I think the lives of normies are valuable. Normies are like mosquitoes. Even if you kill one, there's another one exactly like it somewhere else. You're not destroying anything unique. But there's no inherent value to killing them either. Clap your hands all you want, you're never going to be able to kill them all. And if you hate mosquitoes so much, why did you go to the swamp? Just to kill them?
Waging war against normies leads to nothing of importance other than pain to yourself. It's best to just accept their existence and avoid having to deal with them as much as possible. The best way to find meaning and justification for your existence is to seek out other people that have souls. It's too bad that we are so rare and so far apart that many of us will never find each other and will go through much of their life feeling alienated and alone, like it's them against the world. It's easy to become blind and resentful because of it.
I don't hate other people I hate myself
>when yhou spend time around normies you find that the pain of unfulfiled desire is the the same for everyone
but for some it really is hypocritical and unjustified to claim that they are just as sad as a loser. No, you are not. When you get sad, you know that there will still be people who will love you, and there are people you can spend time with. When a loser gets sad, all they have is the empty solitude of their life to greet them.
The lobotomy I got the first time I tried
Self-restraint, an appreciation for the sanctity of life, and the fact that most mass shooters are colossal faggots that I don't want to emulate.
Theres too many of them, user
Hell. Going to hell.
My life is too good for that shit. I do feel it would be pretty lulzy to lead someone to do it, thought I fear I'm not that persuasive and I wouldn't trust some r9k browser to not mention me in some autistic journal or similar.
friendly reminder that if you kill innocent people because of your own personal hang-ups you are a fucking faggot and dont belong on r9k.
Yeah, I came here to pretty much say this. I don't feel like anyone else should have to die for my misery.
Lack of interest.
Even, if I was a psychopath I'm so fucking lazy that I probably would not do it.
This thread glows in the dark
Only a sociopath would do it or a man that the government psychologically tortures
either or
I'd be wrongfully punished for doing so.
I spend my days trying to fill them with stupid nonsense. I am getting tired of this delusion, so someday I might actually end it all with style like Elliot
I have no desire to kill people or cause any suffering in general
My own pain is the result of genetics and chance
Do it with a paintball or squirt gun.
Christchurch style, it would be hilarious.
wait what? a original what
Just the jail. And not wanting to rot there for the rest of my life, or wanting to kill myself instead. If jail did not exist, I had already killed thousands of people, all kinds of fuckheads: animal abusers, child and gang rapists, worst of bullies, and yes, fuckheads who only want to fuck virgin pussy, spitting on women who have had more than three partners in their lives calling them "used up holes" or "whores" (while wanting to fuck as many women as possible themselves). All of these fuckheads would deserve to die imo. And we'd SEVERELY need new legislations to PUNISH THEM ALL. The two first groups with DEATH SENTENCE and the two others with something else that is REALLY, REALLY NASTY.
And yeah, WHO IN THE FUCK would like to fuck a pathetic filth who kicks a woman into her stomach and her head just because she slaps him a bit. MEN LIKE THAT STINK LIKE SHIT AND PISS. They're plain repulsive. Unfuckable.
Not bothering to check your replies. As about 90% of you people are the fuckheads of the fourth group.
Because you will be punished for it in the afterlife.. Maybe. Because people you dont even know dont deserve to be killed because it wont change anything.
>If jail did not exist, I WOULD HAVE already killed thousands of people
Sorry my English is rusting in the lack of posting here.
>No one has wronged me enough to deserve death
>Don't want to kill innocent people
>Don't want to throw lives away
>Don't want to give pr*gressives more ammunition to use to mislead braindead soccer moms into voting away our rights
>Don't want to give poltards more reasons to hate nogs
I just like sharpie-ing dicks onto shit too much to end it all breh
I really like to post on Jow Forums so I don't want to die.
A while ago I had a nightmare that I did a school shooting type thing and then changed my mind but it was too late and the damage was already done. Really fucked with me for a few days, I don't know why I have so many nightmares about doing something awful and regretting it.
I don't care about everyone else, though. I only want to shoot myself.
Consequences, both physical and potentially spiritual as well.
im working on it op im getting bigger and gaining weight and muscle so when i end up in jail i can handle myself this world is going to pay for everything it did to me