The tale of the infected mosquito bite

Does this healing look normal or should I go see a doctor?
Previous threads:
I seriously wasn't planning on making these threads a recurring thing, but I've been in a hypochodriac kind of mood since this thing's been on my arm for more than a month.
Don't mind the dark circle. It's a fading pen circle I drew to mark the redness as a way of tracking possible spreading. Fortunately, the redness has receded, for the most part.

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LOL. ya go see a doctor

>ya go see a doctor
What makes you say that? I mean, specifically?

I have no knowledge of infections, but I want you to ask your local doctor.

because its been on your arm for more than a month

It doesn't look like a bite I had that got infected. I'll post it later

It looked worse before, though. Do you think it looks like it's healing normally?

no. go see a doctor

Medfag here. Looks like a ringworm

Nigger go see a doctor even if it's healing ''nicely''
If that shit's been on your arm for a month then that's not normal at all
I'm not a medfag or whatever the fuck but Christ almighty, for your own good please go see a doctor to make sure it's not something bad. Even if it turns out that it's something not-so-severe, it's better to be safe rather than be sorry

Okay. I don't know how I'd convince my stubborn, doctor-hating dad to take me, though.

just buy some Lamisil then. only Lamisil, other brands suck

Just ignore it, this shit happens to me every single time I get bit, it will heal normally.

this guy is bad news

>haven't went to the doctor in 6 years
Theres nothing a pocket knife and neosporin cant fix

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I'm a NEET and don't have a penny to my name.

ask your dad to go to the pharmacy and get dat Lamisil

I already brought it up to him before and he got hydrogen peroxide a couple days ago. Is that good enough?

That's a weird looking nipple you got dude

nope. its not. gotta be lamisil. tell your dad i called him a cheep fuk

He is kind of a cheap fuck 2bh. He admits to it though.

ya he is. does he have a drinkin problem?

Nope. He doesn't drink or do any drugs. Just smokes weed occasionally. He's not a bad person. Just cheap and stubborn. I don't want to talk about my dad, though. I'm worried about this mosquito bite thing. Started doing some googling and it kinda looks like MRSA and now I'm paranoid and shaking like a cold chihuahua.

ya you need medicine. he probably has a vice if hes so cheap on getting medicine for you

>this shit happens to me every single time I get bit
You scratch every bug bite you get?

you are developing polythelia soon you will be covered in nipples

Infected mosquito bump.

Looks like borreliosis to me, get it checked before it becomes permanent nerve damage. Was it a mosquito or a tick?

OP usually the "Bulls eye" mark (circle with ring around it) coming from a bug bite means parasite like Lymes disease or ringworm

>Don't mind the dark circle. It's a fading pen circle I drew to mark the redness as a way of tracking possible spreading.
Come on, guys...

It kinda itches a little still...

I scratch everything and have no skin around my fingernails.

how long has it been orignal post

>how long has it been
What do you mean?

how many days ago did you get the bite x

In early May. It used to look like a normal mosquito bite, but it was extremely itchy. Itchier than the other mosquito bites I had, which are all gone now. I don't think disease carrying skeeters live in Miami, though.

could be some kind of plasmodium spp.

Cutanous Leishmania maybe, they could give ulcers around the bite, but they only come from sand flies

pic from WHO

Attached: Cutaneous_Leishmaniasis_hr.jpg (2048x1536, 1.26M)

Thats skin cancer not ironically

Well I don't have any ulcers. And after looking up and comparing a sand fly's bite with a mosquito's, it was definitely a mosquito bite.