Why is every fembot I meet fat?
You girls have ONE job and you can't even manage that.
I may be an ugly sperg but at least I'm healthy and take care of myself.
Why is every fembot I meet fat?
You girls have ONE job and you can't even manage that.
I may be an ugly sperg but at least I'm healthy and take care of myself.
Because if they weren't fat they wouldn't need to be here.
Fug off, you can be ugly while being a skelly
It's how females cope.
Men get drunk, do drugs or just kill themselves, women stuff their faces with everything that vaguely resembles something edible.
A woman has to be fat or absolutely monstrously deformed in order to be a social outcast. It's amazing that a girl can simply drop her caloric intake to 1300 kcal a day and she'll steadily become a normalfag and appealing to 99% of men, but a guy has to put his body through hellish stresses every single day of his life while maintaining a strict diet and routine of sleep and water consumption while denying himself simple pleasures like alcohol and comfort foods to be a 6/10.
The average guy on the street with a gf definitely isnt a 6 pack chad. But then you guys dont see the plain and normal women with these guys as human do you
this is how i feel about guys who are into anime and tabletop gaming
or anyone really, if i rock up to the local game store for a one shot campaign im always the thinnest person there by far
Not him but most average guys I see are dating butter golems these days
This, I look like Captain America by comparison.
21.7 BMI here. Have problems with compulsive overeating. Google BED if interested. Kinda like OCD, but for food.
I don't care about having a bf or socialising, though, so not even a fembot.
>The average guy on the street with a gf definitely isnt a 6 pack chad
I dunno, guys who aren't absolute Chads tend to be dating fat or hideous women. You never see some 5/10 guy with a 5/10 chick, it's always an ugly cope Asian or some flabby midget or girl with a gut who can't hide it in her skinny jeans and crop top.
It's ok you can be my fat GF so long as you let me cook for u and come hiking with me
What about guys who watch anime AND shower?
Im sorry to brake this to you the worst thing you can be in life is being a fat loser
I'm skinny and I am into Anime
>Whats your point?
wow user im at the same bmi and i have exactly the same problem as you. hope it gets better, it really sucks
It's amazing how much money and male attention that women get for simply not being fat. Yet they can't stop shoving food in their mouth. If I could have an army of thirsty females to gib me money just for being a skinny bastard, I'd make sure that I was skinny.
I'm not fat you fucking faggot but every "robot" I've spoken to is either fat or massively unhygienic and not to mention a callous asshole.
I'm fit, shower everyday and use lotion. Now when are we going for noodles and a walk thru the park qt?
If you're not fat then you must be ugly as fuck lmao
t.pic related originally
not her, but making fun of acne is going too far, user
that's a pretty healthy weight isn't it? around average, maybe a bit higher than average but not overweight
yeah, bmi of 21 is basically right in the middle of healthy
Where the hell is my bf who plays hat in time with me?
I like to think it's more the fact I'm socially retarded. What's your excuse?
>implying you wouldn't
what about me what? ive had relationships and not a virgin idk why you mean lol
Me, but we will probably never meet.
Thanks, user. Hope I get rid of it and finally lose weight until it's time to take a new pic for my ID, lole.
Yes, healthy BMI is considered to be from 18.5 to 24.9. I know I'm not technically fat but I'm chubby and don't like how it looks. I only find skinny people attractive.
Besides, I stick out as plump in my country. Women my age here are skinny and I've always been the fattest or the second fattest in any group.
Well let's crack this puzzle together
>Be lonely
>Have no friends
>Get depressed or have some disorder that made the first two point become true
>Hate yourself or at least despise yourself for being lonely and a failure who has no friends
>Rely completely to simplest way to please pleasure receptors, food
>Don't go outside because you want to be alone and are afraid of social contacts
>Remember your depression/disorder? Take these meds which may give you: any fucking side effect. Mostly makes you tired, hungry, turns your stomach into carnival or/and gives slight headaches
>Be already slightly overweight from teen years, hard to change habits
>Hate yourself even more for getting chubby
Basically the same shit as for guys, but you get also periods which are very nice.
me unless you're gay, then I'll just be your f who plays it with you
FUCK I know exactly how you feel. Everyone here is extremely skinny and I stick out like a sore thumb. I eat around 1000 cals a day too but my weight just seems stuck at 21bmi. Kill me lads.
Be my socially retarded gf that I help teach to socialize better despite being below average at socializing myself.
>you must be ugly as fuck
If being here means I must be ugly as fuck then why are you here? Your inability to follow a conversation tells me all I need to know now though. You're here because you're retarded.
oh man don't worry i have the exact same problem
all my weight goes to my tits and thighs but i love the slim look so much more than the thicc look so im suffering
No one said anything about it related to being here,you just made that up in your mind you retard and you started shitting on robots anyway miss low iq
I am in UK so likely, everyone seems to be american on here.
I'm F with lots of downsides.
If you're calling other people retarded does that mean that you have a high IQ?
I'm in EU near UK but I dont even know what hat is
I'm a leaf you're too far away femanon
>if you're not fat then you must be ugly as fuck
Why is one of those definitely applicable then? You're either shit as stringing together sentences or shit at understanding them.
Not really.
Just accept it lol if youre on r9k is for a reason and not bc you are that mentally sane cute girl. its okay tho, im not saying im handsome or whatever either
don't know if that F's for friend of female, but either way send some shit to Jelly#3989. Online mode is always fun.
I got a deja vu from these posts
I dunno why
Average, but not healthy. Healthy is 18.5-25
Why are you messing with me then?
Great. 2 bites and nothing to show for it.
Dejavy why??
21.7 is between 18.5 and 25, what are you talking about?
Then why take shots at me in the first place? I was just responding to the OP. And yeah I know I'm not perfect and that's why I'm here but I'm working on it. I don't like it either.
Explain what HAT is then
I swear I saw these same posts like a week ago
I'm going crazy aaaaaaaa
>Not really.
Aww man, finding high IQ girls or girls that like math is so hard.
Nah dont worry those are probably similar posts, I get dejavus like so many times per week
t. retarded
well then you're skinnyfat. Just because you're technically a healthy weight doesn't mean you can't lose weight, or gain muscle
I don't know what you consider high IQ. I got straight A's in school but so did a lot of stupid people.
Why don't you just e-date? You're more likely to meet a guy you like that way and if you really hit it off one of you can fly to the other
Almost flew to meet a femanon I knew for a long time last year until her living situation changed.
Yeah you're that cuck who she friendzoned poor boy Chad is probably banging her now
You aren't retarded!
Don't self depricate!
Take a hug~
I don't really care about IQ specifically, just Intelligence in general is what I'd love in a girl. Usually if they have a degree in a STEM field then that's an easy way to know if someone is at least smart, but there's bound to be plenty of intelligent women who didn't go to college for various reasons as well.
I don't deny that at all man it's most likely what happened since girls do that a lot. I still had a nice time with her though
Thanks for the hug but you'll probably hurt me anyway
I'm pretty sure I'm actually underweight. I've only ever spoken to one user and he made fun of me for it.
Oh no! I don't want to hurt, sorry D:
I shall wish you awesome day/night/morning/evening!
Talk to me I wont make fun of me
he was probably a nasty chubby chaser, stay cute
You should be my underweight gf, I'm also underweight so we would match.
Though weight probably isn't the best thing to bond over.
>Same shit as for guys
I don't know about that. I have a 19.1 bmi and i think about killing myself almost every day.
The same reason most bots like me are fat. Being lazy NEETs that stay in their rooms all day and play video games/stay online means that you gain weight quickly. People that go out and do things end up fitter because they are doing physical things. It is what it is. Most bots and femanons need to lose weight and clean themselves up in order to become normies. It's possible to do but it takes work and effort, which most of us don't have the discipline to do.
>tfw no gf who will wish me goodnight everynight
you just hurt me
The trick is to be too lazy to make/buy food
let's improve together cause you just described me with the first line you wrote
Just don't spiral into an eating disorder, shit sucks ass. Unless you already had, then rip.
Right. Some people go 'whatddya talkin bout u not fat at all??' as if I'm blind and can't see that my legs are twice as thick as any other youngster's at the bus stop.
Do you count calories or estimate? I weigh everything I eat on my kitchen scales, then count how many calories it is. I was surprised at first.
I never said I can't BECAUSE my weight is in the healthy range, I know I can get skinny. I said I don't succeed in doing that due to my eating disorder. That was in reply to the OP who asked why femanons stay fat.
Every time I browse Jow Forums I come across >tfw no maths-loving gf and >tfw no high-IQ gf. The consistency of it cracks me up.
Hah, as if. For me being lazy means I become anorexic since I don't like food, just being underweight already takes a lot of effort for me.
Being a normal weight is something I've never experienced, I've only ever been skinny. Even eating 4 meals a day is barely doing anything to help me gain weight.
In my case, I've been a NEET bot for 4 years after graduating college with a shit degree, but I'm about to start working as a construction worker on Monday, my first job ever. I'm massively overweight and lazy, but if I stay working at this job for months, it'll get me into shape. I need to start running and lifting weights. Not sure how this is something we can do together, other than giving motivation to push each other through it. It's something that you have to grab yourself. You need to completely change your mindset.
I usually overestimate my calories as fuck. Like double what it says online so I eat very little basically. I really want to get into CICO and buy myself a kitchen scale but I'm scared to check the prices on them.
>Just don't spiral into an eating disorder, shit sucks ass.
in this house we alternate between binging for days and fasting for days
>The consistency of it cracks me up.
I wouldn't be surprised if all those times you saw that were actually me as well. I just really really want a gf who I can relate to.
He said he preferred thick girls or whatever. I've tried to put weight on before but it didn't work.
For me, it's not really food that gets me. I usually only eat dinner and a snack. What does it is drinks. Soda, juice, beer, etc etc. I usually gulp sugary drinks every day, all day. Completely empty calories.
I like thing girls though, was he some kind of crush of you or what
I'm not fat.
But I would never e-date.
never change your body to be unhealthy for someone else. getting fit is fine but you should never get "thicker" because some guys likes it.
Why wouldnt you? You never know
Looks like a bunch of shitty excuses to me
Oh no!
I am a guy tho
So think about me like I was some creep and tell me to f off
Then other anons join you and you might feel better!
Because of the calibre of people I meet talking here.
I always press that I do not want an online relationship and just decent conversation and always get "I really love you, I feel like myself around you" after 3 days.
People will always try to be the one that "changes you" if that makes sense.
Just switch to water then, soda and beer are gross anyway.
If you don't want water then turn off the air conditioning or do some running till you desperately want water.
Not really. People just comment on it sometimes and it makes me anxious.
I couldn't put the weight on anyway.
Eh I understand your point but not everyone here is like that just some couple of retards. Some people idk just fall in love too easily but thats cuz they're lonely people i guess, Im no on to jugde, this is r9k after all. Im just interested on talking most of the times
Pls be my female efriend I can practice talking to. No e relationships, do you have discord?
then do listen to that people? as other user said jdon't change for someone else
christ you sound pathetic as fuck no wonder why she doesn't e-date
I guess you're right, but many are like it.
I do have discord but have no intentions being someones "practice friend" sorry.
Kitchen scales aren't expensive. You don't need any high tech shite, pick a cheap one in your local supermarket. I have a small flat one, an investment I don't regret.
I used to fast but abandoned that idea because every time I'd just binge afterwards. I got out of the fast-binge cycle by stopping my fasting attempts, and so my binging desires went away.
I still overeat, but don't do those horrid stuffing sessions I used to do.
You'll have better luck looking around your local maths faculty. Maths is a rather niche hobby, even among the big-brained people. Besides, girls there you can actually touch.
'Tfw no high-IQ gf' sounds corny as hell, gives off spergs vibes. Tfw so intelligent can't find a girl that could match me, that sorta thing.
Go back to instagram normalfag
>Tfw no pretentious brainlet gf
I'm neither pretentious nor a brainlet. I just don't wish to be used and cast aside.
I know but that's easy to say though isn't it user. You've never been pressured by family or friends to act or change something about yourself? I did want to gain weight for other reasons though.
>attain wizardhood
>figure out how simple it is to please a woman
>spend years picking up so many I can't even guess other than over 100
>eventually lose interest in any since none ever offer anything of value
I don't know what to do any more. I'm down to reading archived internet from before it all went to shit.
>I don't know what to do any more
write more convincing lies?