Do femanons get cocklust?

Do femanons get cocklust?

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yes im having one very often

in general it seems like homosexual guys obsess over dicks way more. the female equivalent for boobs and ass is frame and general musculature, height being something for which there is no male equivalent in improtance

One of my usual fantasies involves me getting under a bf's desk unnoticed and taking his pp into my mouth, but it might have more to do with the sub nature of the act.
Also, once I tried to get an user to post his dick for me in a (lewd) thread, but he wouldn't do it without gender confirmation. I posted a pic of my hand but immediately experienced immense guilt, and promptly deleted it.

no dicks are icky i want whos attached to the dick

Add me on discord and we can send lewd hand pics



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Apparently most western women like lesbian porn more than straight porn.

I watch some hentai, and Yaoi occasionally, so I guess so? I will probably never be with a guy IRL, tho.

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>One of my usual fantasies involves me getting under a bf's desk unnoticed and taking his pp into my mouth, but it might have more to do with the sub nature of the act.
Good fembot. My fembot ex used to do this.

I have felt it before but pretty much only when I'm ovulating. I haven't given my husband a blowjob in at least 4 or 5 years.

>4-5 years
honestly what the fuck is wrong with you and how do you still have a marriage?

Obviously her husband is a cuck.

>the absolute state of boomers
good thing ill never get old

Dicks can be really hot but most are just ok. I guess I'm in the middle when it comes to this because I'm not a disgusting sub or without a sex drive.

Why, what is holding you back?

Love or sex, if he doesn't get it from you, he'll look for it elsewhere.

Most marriages barely have any sex, let alone the best kind. Women only use sex with their beta husbands to get security. They fuck real men on the sly.

How many other cocks have you had down your right throat?

>not a sub
so you're even more useless than most women

Mild autism, I rarely go out, dont know how to talk to boys, apart from my tits I have average at best looks

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They get cockenvy.

Not really.
I'm lesbian.

Would you watch hentai with some user?

aw, I'd date you user

Like in person or talk about it while watching online? I really do not know how to talk outside of chat.

Thanks, but I doubt you would be okay with me IRL. Short, dirty brown/red hair, lots of freckles, terrible eyesight,

What would a femanon think of a boyish looking hairless twink that has a 6" dick? Are there women interested in that?

You can practice with me femnon


Id still creampie you. You've got a vag right?



>ask for picture of dick
>no guilt
>post pic of hand
>to embarrassed to continue
Thats too cute. Where do I get a shy slutty gf?

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>Short, dirty brown/red hair, lots of freckles, terrible eyesight
That's cute
10/10 would cuddle

Like online and stuff, you can chat while watching on chat, I'd be down if you want?

>black hair
is that josuke?

>doesn't mention weight

What the FUCK. Imagine being cucked by omission for years and just tolerating it. This is why I'm not getting married. I hope he's cheating on you, because I certainly would be. You probably cook once a month and clean even less often.

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Is it not ideal to be equal with a partner? Not less or more than them?

> imagine posting romans
> the gayest world power ever
lmaoing at your life

Women don't have sex drives the same way men do. This is scientifically proven and implicitly true. N excellent book for marriages "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus" went into detail. Women are attracted to practical and emotional aspects of sex like the feeling of being loved, the feeling of having a strong male provider, etc. While men have a more primal lust that causes these lapses in judgement. It's why you know it is a dude every time an user on a cocklust general says "Use my mouth as an onahole! Turn me into your cum slut! I just want thick and stinky dicks to stuff my slut slits until they are stretched to the limit!!! Cooocckkkssss!!!"

I have no idea, the art is by Asanagi. I think these characters are from a video game.

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>equal with a partner
that sounds fucking gay

I keep him happy in other ways. We have sex every week or two.

I'm only 33.

He gets sex with me almost every week. And we love each other very much.

Only 3 since I started dating my husband. And only one of those has happened since we got married. (He doesn't know about it but I'd hope he would forgive me if he did, we still hook up sometimes but not as often as we used to.) I gave a lot of blowjobs in college but I think everyone does.

All you have to do is tell people here where you're from. Someone might be close. But don't worry about your looks too much. Unless you are literally deformed or morbidly obese, you'll be fine. If a boy has feelings for a girl, she seems prettier to him.
Or maybe you could work on yourself. Read a book about social skills or work out.

Ey sup Lesbian, I'm Michael.

He does most of the cooking and cleaning but that's only because he works construction and gets home around 3pm and I work a lot later than that and I'm exhausted when I get home. It just makes sense for him to do that work after he picks up our son at daycare.

And we still have sex almost every week plus he gets to go down on me as much as he wants. I think he's happy.

This is despicable and fior the sake of my belief in womena and humanity in general, a bait.

>And we still have sex almost every week plus he gets to go down on me as much as he wants.
This has to be bait.

And you don't need to call me "Lesbian".

>lots of freckles

Any woman at or above a 3/10 can easily find a guy. As long as you can reign in social anxiety enough to meet people you can do it. Also, don't date a robot. Online relationships are stupid.

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I felt like teasing you for not saying "a lesbian".

I'm not the only person who's ever cheated and it really doesn't happen much anymore and has only been with one man since we got married. I do feel guilty about it but I've accepted it as a part of my life experience and I honestly think that what he doesn't know won't hurt him.

I really don't think I'm despicable. I love my husband very much and I know he loves me too. We all make mistakes sometimes and we all have cravings. It's not like I'm out slutting around on him, it's just one man who I'm very attracted to. I'm sure hubby would forgive me if he ever did find out.

its not a sub thing, its just sexy because its sneaky

It's not bait he knows I don't like giving him blowjobs. I'll suck him for a little bit to get it hard but that's all I do. But he loves going down on me and even likes when I sit on his face so I'm not going to deny him that when I'm in the mood for it.

Being in a relationship means respecting your partners wants and boundaries, I just don't really like giving him blowjobs. He respects that now and stopped asking for them.

You sucked chad dick in college but you're too good to reciprocate it for him, and on top of that you cheated on him. I wish I could doxx you, find your husband, and personally tell him you cheated. Better yet, I hope he finds out on his own and flies into a rage and kills you. Does your kid know what a worthless piece of shit his mother is?
You are despicable, and don't you ever fucking forget it.

oh my god stop talking please this board already hates women enough without you just shitting all over your gender

Fucking off yourseld ugly old vagina, you're disguisting and as soon as he finds out about it you'll be left alone forever and youll deserver it, cheating is the worst. Cunt.

medium quality bait, almost got me

Hello, do you like Tom Petty?

Your post reads like you're rationalizing your bad choices. "Other people have done it too" Other people have also raped and murdered. This doesn't make it any less despicable. If you love him tgen why did you seek the company of another man?

Good bait, made me angry

Nice try at damage control roast.

I date almost all of the guys in college who I was giving blowjobs to and my husband is not the type of man who would do something disgusting like that. He loves me and I love him there is no way he could ever try to kill me no matter how angry he got. I think he would understand and forgive me, it might take time and couples therapy (we went before when he was out of work for a year and getting depressed) but we would work it out for each other.

And my son is only 2 so he would have no idea what any of this meant. He definitely doesn't think I'm a piece of shit and I don't see why he should.

I admit it was wrong to cheat but I really don't think I'm despicable. I'm just a woman like any other and I maybe made a few mistakes.

I'm not shitting on my gender I've already said that I'm a mostly good wife who did a few bad things before.

Cheating isn't the worst there are so many people in relationships who cheat and it doesn't mean they're bad people. I just had cravings that he wasn't fulfilling and had a fling, we hardly ever see each other anymore.

Because love isn't everything. I wanted to feel desirable and sexy and the man I slept with did that for me. It happens all the time and it's not like I ever stopped loving my husband or sleeping with him.


Your husband killing you would unironically be the rational decision to make. Telling him that you love him and then you cheat on him, backstabbing cunt. I almost feel for the poor guy. Then I realize, he's probably a cuck so he would get off to the idea of getting cheated on.

If you are real, you are a bad person and your husband deserves better than you.

Since when Jow Forums transformed into /soc/?

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Pls gib answers pls I really must know

When I'm ovulating it's all I think of


probably means half, lying piece of garbage. good for nothing succubus. can't believe guys fall for these types.

I am real and you're honestly hurting my feelings. My husband loves me very much. He always shows me affection and makes sure I'm cared for. I hate feeling like he deserves better than me.

I do love him, just because I cheated doesn't change any of the feelings I have for him. I have no idea why you think he would kill me I really don't believe he's that kind of man. He'd be hurt but I think we could move on together. We already have our love for each other, our son and our life together. I'm sure he wouldn't ruin all of that just because I make some mistakes.

When is gonna be the next time you're gonna ovulate tho? I want to know to talk to you then

What planet are you from that betraying the love and trust of someone so close as your own husband doesn't make you a bad person? You ARE a bad person and a sociopath to boot!

Maybe for blowjobs and stuff it was close to half but I barely ever had real sex with men I didn't date. I don't see what the problem with that is anyway. My husband knew I wasn't some boring virgin when we started dating and it was good that I had some experience since I was his first (and only).

I didn't say he would murder you, you dumb insecure lying cunt.

I am right now, OP's pic caught my eye

There's quite a big amount of people who likes short girls, so you don't really have to worry about it much.
>Dirty brown/red hair
Have no idea what stacies bullied you for this, but that's really personal preferences and there's nothing wrong with that.
>Lots of freckels
Have you seen UK/Scottish girls with freckels? They're quite cute, just find user that is understandable or some slight weirdo who's into it.
>Terrible eyesight
I bet lots of user are with glasses with their burned eyes, so it's pretty common thing unless you don't like how you look with glasses, then I guess this is understandable, try to make eye operation one day or learn how to walk around with terrible eyesight outside when walking like I do.

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Huh, so the ovulating thing from porn where they have women lust for cock is actually true. That's pretty cute and hot. Do virgin women have the same thing, where they ovulate and want to be fucked? Now that I think about it, it's similar to animals in heat. It's amazing to think about how animalistic humans really are.

insecure cunt thinks I have a problem with girls sucking guys off. I have a problem with your lack of honesty and integrity. 33 and you speak like a 16-year old child. If this is not bait, I'm really angry

your use of the word twink worries me, but young-looking skellies are god-tier. not to even mention the obvious bonus in question desu.

Post discord then originally

>not to even mention the obvious bonus in question desu.
What's that?

i was talking about your case, user. the dicc.

>I wanted to feel desirable and sexy and the man I slept with did that for me.

You probably should have divorced him. But you probably dont want to give up all the privileges he affords you.

I totally wont be surprised if it hits you that the relationship is bad and you want out if you meet a hot guy that can provide the same income, life, etc as your current husband.

You're just rationalizing shitty behavior because you dont want to be that bad guy in your own story. But ultimately you're betraying your husband and child no matter how big or small you consider that betrayal.

Oh I see. I also am very hairless and have minimal pubic hair development and can grow no facial hair or body hair. Would this be appealing to you or very many women you think?

Manage to convince a fwb to come over to see to my needs, sorry

Bi, actually.

honestly, i would only envy you. and i don't particularly like hairy men anyway, so quite appealing. no idea how the majority perceives it, but i guess in the end it depends on how good you generally look.

Not the other user.
Most women like less hair, though few have a fetish for it. Being smooth is comfier for cuddling

I have kind of a "pretty boy" boyish looking face. I get told I look 16-19 a lot.

Post pics of you getting impregnated

>I have kind of a "pretty boy" boyish looking face. I get told I look 16-19 a lot.

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Anyone lusting yet?

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Yeah and I've been told my skin is very soft. And I grow so little body hair I don't even have a happy trail.

Would you PLEASE go back to /soc/?

Cheating is much more than a mistake whore

Can't it's full of normal fag scum. I'd shoot up the place of it was physical.

Based I wouldn't be able to protect you though from cat callers and stuff like a real man can since I'm a weak boy

don't be so hard on yourself user, at least you'd be smart to not engage with them.

Anyone who falls for this obvious bait is a brainlet

Kind of yeah. I don't really have an outlet for it though so I usually just find distractions.

where can i get a cocklusting femanon?

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only for a specific person

I'd worry more about those twigs you call wrists than your dick.