Would you date a suicidal girl

Would you date a suicidal girl r9k

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theres no such thing as a suicidal girl, suicidal ideation for girls is just an outfit, actual girls who commit suicide only do so on their period

Yes so we can shoot ourselves together

Actually female suicides have spiked dramatically in the past few years especially in teens thanks to romanticist shit like 13 Reasons Why

Yeah but I would convince her not to commit suicide

Of course, I'd be hypocritical if I wouldn't.

You don't have evidence to back this up so shut up.

Yeah, I'd keep her alive by force and make her be my litlle love slave.

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LMAO I recognize that hand, hair, clothing and picture quality. Is this you Audrey?


either youre a roastie or a faggot

I already hate myself enough as is. I don't need the threat of a girl killing herself because of something I did. I can't live with that because I always expect to fail and in this case fqilure has extreme consequences.

No fucking way. One of my best friends commit suicide and it fucking destroyed me. If my gf did it, I don't think I could recover.

It messed with my head. I never felt like I was free to breakup with her because I was always so worried about what she might do to herself.

Yes. We would either make a suicide pact or help each other get better.

I did but she died on her own

Yeah. Anyone who says yes to this question is either psychotic or has never dealt with a suicidal person before.

Not by suicide I forgot to mention, important distinction.

Fuck to the no
If she can't appreciate life then I don't want her near me. No suicide talk, no self harm, nothing that indicates she's a crazy unstable hazard to both mine and her own safety.

Probably, if she was a nice girl.

Whats the point if she's gonna be fuckin dead within a year

I might be dead in a year too.
And anyways, I'd like to experience love in my life, even if it just for a moment.

This. Just for us to hold each other for just a moment to believe everything will be alright is worth it.