Jow Forums minecraft server

Minecraft server

1.13.2 update to 1.14 coming soon probably

Do whatever you want. Join its fun as fuck

Its also pirate friendly so dont worry

if you're a poorfag then here

Join frens

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Bumping for frens that want to join

i want to join, but i'm at work.
what is there to do? is there a trading system in place? i heard those are fun

You only need to login and thats it, make a password up, remember to save your password so you dont lose it and get locked out of the server
Also there's a pseudo trading system, if you have plenty of goods you can trade them by using ingots or other goods

i have a minecraft account, i just can't be playing at work
but yeah. a barter system would work much better in minecraft than in real life. i've seen some pretty neato mods before, tho. no idea how they work. never even used them.
i wanna be a farmer/rancher

bumping come on lads lets fill the server up

another bump
just bumping lets go

told you yesterday. make a cracked rust server. it would be a blast to shoot every single one of you

if thats how you guys talk i think ill pass

>t.fat tranny

lets bump this shit

and another bump please im just trying to bumo

Mods better pin

Bumpung this shit lets goo lads lets go

instagram faggots get the fuck away btw

is this pvp and griefing allowed? don't want my comfy house getting mashed ):

bumping fuck off normalnigger instafags reeee

Fuck the server got overrun with normalfaggots

Is the user who wanted to make his own serb still there? Please do it

Oh hey that was me. I might, I got the shekels to fund it (it's only like $10 a month) but I'm not sure how I make it cracked friendl

Try this

fellas do we have a server discord

Hmmm maybe. I also really hate putting myself in positions of power though. I can't really explain why. My idea was to just never reveal my adminship though

dont worry fren, if you did it it'll be greatly appreciated

Water kills you, also there should be fewer rules

username if you can read this its gopnik

had to leave the server because i saw georgebush i disconnected the second he flew by
get on whenever you can

oh this too, install an anti-cheat

So are you going to do it?

nump? hope it doesnt get overrun by normies

Nah I ended up finding a better server on /v/ instead. Some of you guys were cool but honestly playing on an r9k server is bound to lead to some bullshit

what do you guys use to host? I'm sort of interested in making a minecraft server, maybe it could even be funded by anons