Which part of this is the discrimination?

which part of this is the discrimination?

Attached: lol.png (1169x779, 81K)

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The women line isn't high enough. It needs to be much higher than the men line to make up for decades of discriminatory industry practices. Tech can't stop being a boys' club until Women are basically the only ones entering the field

such is life

>which part of this is the discrimination?
you questioning the success of women in stem, dipshit

The part where women get interviews with fewer match requirements. Basically creep recruiters trying to get a piece of ass. Male feminists being the biggest creeps of them all.

Could you post the source please?

Attached: 1466295036091.gif (140x105, 187K)

>thirsty nerds

Only if you post more cute little girls.

Imagine living life on easymode as a woman.

Post this in hacker news

Small pool women and high HR for more women made more interview for women, but usually male get employes and stop using Online hire for networking.

sauce now

Attached: 1460140395816.gif (500x250, 970K)


I used to pretend to be a girl in wow back in 2004-2006. I used a voice changer but mostly just did text and wrote with lots of emoticons and ~s. I posted pics of a girl in my class as if it were me.

It was honestly addicting and so validating, more than you can believe. People were so fucking nice to me all the time and gave me so much more attention that I found it depressing to go back to real life as a man where essentially nobody gives a shit about you in any way. I would log on to gifts and messages and constant tells from people just wanting to chat. I had guild members send me computer hardware, chocolates, and random gifts. And I got all kinds of in game stuff, including most of the best loot.

It was so nice. Honestly it was just so nice. I still miss those days and remember how much easier things were then. I wish I had been a girl, and when I see how easy it is for them in STEM it makes me understand why people want to transition. But that's not me. I don't actually want to be a girl, I just wish I was treated the way girls are treated.


>gay news

it's the meme gender

This only works until you're in the upper 20's for most women. Some are really lucky and stay young until the mid 30's, but it's rare. Still being single as a woman after your "best years" are over is a worse hell than being the incelest male incel.

Also, you could have probably just kept ERP'ing if that was your thing, just in different places. Hell, I still ERP because I like the attention lol. In some paces, you can even make money from it if you're smart.

Kek I pretended to be a girl in RS and my bf spent like 12 hours a day fishing lobsters so he could buy me a partyhat


You jest, but there are feminists out there who think like this.

Kek, i have seen clans getting torn apart by woman joining.
I tottaly get what you are saying, now these beta orbiters just throw money at streamwhores.

Attached: buster lies.jpg (600x450, 60K)

I understand what you're saying and all, but I hope you realize you were profiteering from the misery of hopeless degenerates like a liquor store does off the alcoholics'.
>b-b-but they wanted to do it, and they had positive feels doing it
That's no excuse. That's like the host/hostess clubs in Japan: the clientele is sick, and thus participating in it emotional and financial abuse.

And no, I haven't given a single thot or a camwhore a single penny.

>he wants to believe cat fishing isn't real

Attached: camera.jpg (600x907, 48K)

Lol I did it too in phantasy star universe when I was like 16
Clearly this is your first day on the internet

I know cat fishing is real, but that sounded more like a conditioning post.

Not that guy, but your definition fits most of the people on this planet at the moment.
Most people qualify as similar kind of sick, because their consuming is based on identity building and trying to patch that empty hole inside them by buying stuff.
All of the Apple drones fall into that group and so do all of the families who have built their identity on visiting Disney and posting videos about it on youtube. Same with this board. People wait to upgrade their computers even though there's no need whatsoever for it, but it makes them feel like they have accomplished something and moved on in their lives.
Mainly the only people who aren't completely fucked in the head are the creators.

Been there, done that. I had the cutest wow Human sorceress. Never posted pics though but orbiters would still give me gifts all the time.

Creep recruiters? Have you noticed most recruiters are women now?

Same thing as OP basically. Who's to blame here? Women for having it easy or men for being thirsty beta perverts?

We all know the real, hard to swallow answer.

And this shit keeps happening again and again, see female twitch streamers or e-thots. Retarded men keep putting women on a pedestal and giving away all their income just to get a (minuscule) chance at some love/poon.

>he didn't roleplay as female on IRC chans in the 2000s
I lead a guy on for months when I was like 14-15. He was literally falling in love with me until I had to cut contact cuz it got boring having to talk to him every day and pretending to be two people at the same time.

I certainly agree, but there are degrees to it, and people who send internet thots gifts are definitely in the severe end.

>I had to cut contact cuz it got boring having to talk to him every day and pretending to be two people at the same time
You were falling in love with yourself?

>Those error margins

Women only get interviewed so the interviewer can try to rape them. We need to start direct hiring women so we can dismantle this toxic culture.

No you dummie, I was two people at the same time in the same channel but I wasn't erping with myself. Both my personas had to be on at different times usually so people wouldn't notice we were always on at the same time. Shit was a lot of work actually.

all the tech companies have hiring quotas and and would rather hire underqualified women and minorities than qualified white european or asian men

its an illegal race/gender discrimination

Yep. Which is more severe in your opinion? iToddlers or Nintendrones?

>Who's to blame here? Women for having it easy or men for being thirsty beta perverts?

Good question. The cock munchers go full Scientology with the money they spend, but the nintendosoys are engaging in hardcore escapism with the nostalgia angle. I'd still say nintendosoys are more degenerate as their habit prevents them from behaving like adult men in the world.

Congrats on your transition user

Have sex.

Nothing to see here goy, move on.

Am I retarded or is this entire graph based on like 8 data points?

you are not retarded, it's very small. also no t values present.
this was all done to push their ApplicationAssistant bullshit.

the entirety of HR at my company is women, I'm pretty sure tech companies realized that they could boost their % female by hiring women to HR instead of fighting over the few women in STEM that are already highly desired everywhere

if you look at the link it's several thousand data points

This LARP story is probably a LARP itself. Think about it anons, you gobble this shit up because you're all NPCs starving to validate your pre-conceived notions no matter how bad the confirmation bias is.