Be drunk

>be drunk
>make anonymous facebook account
>message old crush from school and tell her how beautiful she is and what I would do to her despite that I haven't seem her in years
>2 days later she accepted my friend request and wrote an answer

too afraid to open facebook

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Other urls found in this thread:

She doesnt know it's you right? Fuck it bro just be bold.

Open up a beer check the message and post it here. Let us decide what to write next.

it would be hard to be a girl have guys creep on you

>make anonymous facebook account

#doubt. this isn't 2009 anymore. you can't make a facebook account without an email and your mobile number. unless you actually went out of your way to buy another number

dude she doesnt know its you, and she has no way to find out. just open it for lulz pls

open it and pick a reasonable response from here, nothing can go wrong cause you already fell out of contact

i dont think you need a number

idk she could have a clue. Not many people are that autistic and weird.
>email and your mobile number.
gosh making an fake email and using an online sms receiving service is not that hard user
alritght fuck it

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OP, just calm down. What did you tell her initially?

>gosh making an fake email and using an online sms receiving service is not that hard user
You didn't do it
OP is larping motherfucker faggots /thread

open & post pls

she replied with 2 question marks

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reply with two exclamation points

shit well i am aborting good luck with this goys

Cause she has no idea who it is, retard

send screenshot of ur texts

Dickpic time imo

Post the message! Are we asking for to much?

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I did something similiar before. I created fake account with my real name, told her how I feel, then messaged her from my real account that my little brother did that to prank me.

OP, she doesn't even know who you are. You are honestly wasting your time if you're too afraid to reveal yourself. You're tying to get blood from a rock. It's time to move on, and find someone else.

You cannot get a woman when you WORSHIP them. You are already mentally enslaving yourself to this girl for years, and this is why you are an incel on Jow Forums. There's nothing magical about her pussy, OP.

Holy fucking christ you guys are pathetic.

The sperg psychology of OP is quite interesting. I like how all spergs think women think just like they do. And when he finally gets his answer: , she doesn't even know who the fuck he is. Women get hit on all the time by different men, but OP is so autistic he thinks he's somehow unique to this girl, when he simply isn't.

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>send screenshot of ur texts
or better yet, and sorta plot twist, send her screen shots of this board.

well, that could be it
its not in english, I told her some cringy that I love her etc
I mean at least she accepted my friend request.

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She probably accepts every friend request.
You need to realize that you are literally no one to her. I doubt she even remembers your name, or face.

>Alright :laughing smiley:
>who are you ?
wtf do I do now, I can't tell her

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>"I know who I am but who are you ;)"

pls just screenshot and show her this thread. then screenshot that txt and share it back here, and back n forth like that until one party stops the madness.

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now reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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like i said its not in english

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Fake and gay since no screencaps
Bread is over

okay that might just be something in Nazi
no1 can know
Points for speaking Nazi tho

ah alles klar wer bist du = Alright, who are you?

>that feelio

send her this

Temporarily disable or shut off your real account and tell her who it is on fake one. Women only think shortterm. If she tries to out you, she has no immediate outlet so she will give up and imagine you as some chad now to cope.


>Temporarily disable or shut off your real account and tell her who it is on fake one. Women only think shortterm. If she tries to out you, she has no immediate outlet so she will give up and imagine you as some chad now to cope.
also, send her dick pic

damn diggah bisschen cringe ist das ja schon

>continue to walk through the streets and hope that I will see you someday

lmao what beta

what did you respond now op?

so, OP, what do you plan to do? you gonna be a little bitch forever and regret it?

said "guess who it is"
no chance in hell she remembers me

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I feel bad for your autism, but at least you're trying. Try to learn something from this shit.

OP, this is why you are an incel. You come off as a weak-frilled woman. You need to learn to be a man. You need to stop being afraid of rejection. To be a man is to be rejected. Most women find 90% of men disgusting, but you need to find a woman who views you within that 10%. You need to stop being a pussy retard and grow a set. No woman is gonna remember that you're a sperg and asked her out. Women don't think like spergs, she gets asked out everyday by faggots. You're nothing special, and you need to get over yourself.

you're doing well there champ. halt die ohren steif

Surprisingly I'm not an incel. lost my virginity recently to another girl.

user I don't think women get asked out literally every day.

and did she guess correctly?

idk waiting for answer
its late

If she is social, and goes to clubs. Then she probably does.

If she goes to clubs every day then it might happen that she gets propositioned for sex very often, but that's pretty much it user

>guess who I am
>How should I know?

I don't knwo what to do now. Should I stop trying and forget about it ?

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I did the same thing with my aunt because I wanted to check if the rumors about her being a whore were true
Long story short, phone sex was had, and I still jerk off to that to this day, especially after a family reunion where she's there.
Just remain mysterious and charismatic by believing you're someone else and try to get as much as you can out of this

I didn't read the whole thread user and it is kinda cringe but if facebook says she isn't in a relationship and you wont have to see her irl if it gets embarrassing then why not.

The only thing I can make out in this nazi speak is the "I love you" at the end.
No sane human says that to a stranger, you completely blew it right off the bat. You should have played the "secret admirer" card, not the actual stalker behind a fake account. Wait until 2020 and do it again with another account, preferably on an other social media platform

should I give her a hint and say we went to school together

>but if facebook says she isn't in a relationship and you wont have to see her irl if it gets embarrassing then why not.
this is true then yeah

No nigga, abort.
She seems more worried than anything, the last thing you want is for her to know it's YOU who sent her a long text that ends with "I love you" in the middle of the night after so much time.
When you talk to a girl you know under a fake identity, you should always pretend you're a Chad, think and talk like a chad and reap the rewards if there are any. Here, you just killed you chance as soon as you began.
The best thing you can do is send a dick pick and delete the account when she's seen it, if her own eyes looking at your actual dick turns you on.

Why are you telling her who you are? She won't magically say she loves you. I thought being a creep involved being anonymous.

OP, don't even hope to tell her who you are through this account, if you wanted her to pay attention to the real you, you should have changed your anime profile pic to a good picture and used your real account.
You can't have your cake and eat it too, either pretend you're the perfect guy for her using everything you know about her or don't do any of that shit at all, it will just make her more scared of men in general

yes no way I'm telling her who I am.
Probably going with the dick pic suggestions

Alright since I'm not going to tell her who I am, I will describe in detail what I would do to her body if I had the chance. All the perverted thought who accumulated over the years. Right after I empty this jack daniels bottle.

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Sounds like you really love her, user

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Its not like I ever had a chance

Whatever, sending her that dick is the closest you'll ever be to anything up close and personal at this point, from what I understand.
It's your only shot, make it count. Hell, your pecker might even strike her interest

only incels think this is true

bad idea, just say you went to school together and leave it. She's been replying this whole time, may still reply

what language is it in? is it in spanish? because if it is I can translate it, just share it with us fag to prove you're not larping

Microscopic IQ

just send her a dick pic you fucking nigger

Jesus fucking Christ learn how to read you idiot.

absolutely DAMAGED

do it right now and post response

He obviously hasnt read the text you peabrains

did it
its 4a.m and im drunk af agin
waiting for eply