Should I transition or stay a tomboy? Im 5'1 and I pass as a manlet very easily.
Should I transition or stay a tomboy? Im 5'1 and I pass as a manlet very easily
I think you should put a handgun in your mouth
Fucking hell, just stay a girl and be my qt tomboy gf. Do you really think having your thigh skin fashioned into a meat stick stapled to your groin is really going to make your life better
First of all, you are a short fucking person so unless you get leglengthening as well, you're a goddamn midget and will be seen as one.
Not even gonna address your mental illness.
You can just be a dominant woman. No need to fuck up your body for a delusion. The best news is there's plenty of effeminate men who will date you for the way you are, sweetie.
Ya. You'll be more cuter and more useful as a qt trap. Also a shit ton of girls I know are into that and fantasize about dating a cute girl with a lil something extra.
The life of a short woman is infinitely easier than that of a short male.
I have trouble believing this post at all because I doubt a tomboy would ever come to this wretched place.
Do as you will man just don't fuck up your body. Chances are you'll regret it. Resign yourself to dyke hair and a strap on, faggot.
My penis is as big as hers
What does this mean?
Do you actually look manly or just androgynous?
I happen to have a thing for short girls and tomboys, so you should really stay a tomboy.
This person is female, retard.
Boards are exactly the kind of place a tomboy would attend.
t. tomboy
You asked a crowd of tomboy fetishists whose replies are motivated by what makes their peepee hard.
>tomboy make peepee big me likey
>hairy men peepee no make hard no likey
How very smart of you.
The answer to your question depends on many things. Do you have gender dysphoria? Is it uncomfortable to feel your sex characteristics: breasts, hips, soft body?
Do you like living as a woman? When people find you attractive as a woman, do you like it? When people mistake you for a guy, do you like that?
Do you live in a transphobic or homophobic place? What is your family like, would it be supportive? Do you have means to transition?
Are you alright with things like balding, growing more body and facial hair, being a short guy, possible turning out ugly? Would you have means to mitigate it, like buying anti-balding medicine?
Would you be okay with having few dating choices? Not many people would like to date a FtM transgender, and if you don't live in a big progressive city, you're very likely to stay single for a long time.
In general, why would you want to transition? What do you think you will get out of it that you don't get out of life being perceived a woman?
Picrelated is a FtM, btw. I like him, top-tier boya.
That just looks like a cute girl to me, why even bother calling her a boy?
Why would you want to become a guy?
You've already got all the advantages of being a girl?
Never transition. But groom and dress androgynously if that's your thing.
Why do you come here though? It's nothing but hateful spergs, and I can probably count myself among them because I'm not totally delusional yet.
You guys are disgusting. This person is genetically inferior and wants to overcome this by being a dominant male, whereas, she would still be weaker than an average female of normal genetics in both mind and body.
Because what somebody looks like has little bearing on what I call them. I like androgyny. The best boys are those that look like cute girls and the best girls are those that look like cute boys.
Moar pics of the same duderino, further into transition.
I come here for generalised banter and discussion since I have no specific interests to attend topical boards. Very rarely do I post in /fa/ or /lgbt/.
Jow Forums in general is shit, not just this board, Slav imageboards and much, much better.
There're disadvantages to being a girl as well and some women just don't give a shit about those advantages that there are. Life experience differs between genders, and it's not unusual to want that which you don't have and not value what you do have.
Well, I can't say that's unbelievable because that's part of why I do it.
It's a little hard trying to give lucid replies right now because I'm in pain, sorry for the length between some replies
Are you a girl into cute guys? I'm a somewhat androgynous looking guy myself
Well, what do you want to do? Do you dislike being a girl enough to make wanting to take HRT and shit or do you just wanna be androgynous?
>implying OP hasn't abandoned thread already anyway and was just trying to bait more tranny hate out of Jow Forums
What a qt. It'll be a shame when he starts growing facial hair. Facial hair is gross.
You should let me make you pregnant.
It's alright, I wait until there are a few (You)s anyhow.
To add a bit to my character portrait, I've been posting on different imageboards for six years, since I was thirteen. Started because I had nobody to talk to. Not much had changed, but have some online frens now.
Yep. I'll disappoint you in other way, though: I don't look for an e-bf. Not only is it pointless but I'm also affectionless.
Laser hair removal is the answer.
Picrelated is an androgynous female model, Erika Linder.
What's so bad about being affectionless?
I didn't say it's bad. I named it as part of the reason I don't look for an e-bf.
Clearly you haven't heard of this amazing new invention called a fucking razor.
I don't want to believe that this is a man