I just applied to McDonald's as a night shift crew worker twenty minutes from where I live in a nigger town at a McDonald's staffed by niggers.
What am I in for Bros?
I just applied to McDonald's as a night shift crew worker twenty minutes from where I live in a nigger town at a McDonald's staffed by niggers.
What am I in for Bros?
>What am I in for Bros?
You'd be lucky to get a reply from them let alone an actual job
Your racism to turn past 11
if you are not racist yet, you will.
As if I wanna wagecuck. If I don't get the job I'll be happy. I can just tell my parents that my applications are getting rejected and I can continue being NEET.
See guys? This is what happens to your job prospects when you make dumb decisions.
Being a loser. Oh, wait.
And you'll kill yourself when they stop supporting you?
to add, then you can save money and move to france, black people in europe also tend to hate american blacks. africa too. hell every black person outside of the states is probably more racist towards ameriblacks than the average american
Ever since I worked a few months at this place I can't blame the cook if I get shitty burgers.
This job is just so soul sucking and depressing. I honestly cant understand how people can tolerate such working conditions.
Only nignogs or Mexicans work there because they invite all their lowlife friends to come work with them as well its like a family owned business.
If you're a single white robot. You might as well just drive your car into a river on your way there.
nah single white robots have their own mcdonald's too in the suburbs
do you not know what NEETbix are?
user the suburbs are filled with Mexicans now
McDonalds was my first job ever, since I dropped out of uni my dad made me get a job. I worked 2 to 10 with weekends off. They kept me on the register or the drive thru register because I guess they wanted me to be the face of the company because I was white and I wasnt likely to dip into the register. I ended up leaving because niggers never showed up and I had to stay past 12 most nights. They begged me to stay because I was the only person who worked.
Being that white boi
being the center of all jokes
Gonna be like high school again.
Prepare for crack niggers that order 8 cheeseburger
depends where you live chief, are you a LA dude?
You was that white dude. The retard who real works
and At the end of day they got the same money as you :)
are you closing? if you are get ready to sweep and mop the floor 50 times each, clean literally 100 dishes, deal with niggers that think they know what they're doing and will fight you if you give them any constructive criticism at all, be greasy and gross for 8 hours, and do pretty much everything there is to do with only 2 or 3 other people since everyone else is gonna be gone by like 11 or 12
closing is easy as fuck dude. at least where I live in a college town tho. was just making sandwiches every like 10 or 20 minutes and sweeping and shit
dish washer shit was bull shit
>What am I in for Bros?
your funeral mate
I went into one mcdonalds that was run by somalians in a black area, there was food everywhere, every table and on the floors.
Just quit the job, somehow try to get into a university even if it does have a terrible reputation and there you go, another atleast 3 years of doing nothing and maybe you pick up some new inerests if you actually go to your lectures, but what comes after this? I cant tell you and im really fucking scared to find out