Tfw mom yelled at me in public in front of people

>tfw mom yelled at me in public in front of people
I am 19 years old r9k.

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maybe quit being a little faggot?

The only person who doesn't think you're a kid is you. But your mom would probably yell at you even if you were 40.

This happens to me all the time I go out with my dad, he's an angry fuckwad. Part of being a 20 year old NEET.

Yeah same here. Kind of feels like he's immune to feeling uncomfortable in public, and so he uses this against me. Usually it's for very minor things as well.

Yeah, I mean I am autistic as hell and don't know how to do anything or function in public but he doesn't make things better by getting pissed about anything and everything. And then you just end up feeling more autistic and disfunctuonal when they make a fuss about it in front of normie kind. Hate people who get angry at anything and everything and have to control every aspect of something or they get their dicks in a twist.

boomer dad detected

>But your mom would probably yell at you even if you were 40.
definitely, your mother bitching at you never stops.
I'd take it over mine honestly, he shows absolutely no sign he's mad about something till he blows up over some minor bullshit and then starts ranting about shit he'd acted like he'd been perfectly fine with for months. It's fucking retarded. Like just tell me you don't agree/are mad about it then.

That sounds way better to me. I prefer peace and fucking quiet and I don't care for anything. So, when someone is always in a pissy mood over damn near everything it starts to piss you off. I just like being comfy. Dealing with a blowup every once in a while is better than dealing with a blowup all the time and always dealing with an easily irritable person when you are apathetic.

it really isn't honestly, and I can say that with two parents who have different reactions to anger (my mother is more like your dad, but it doesn't happen often and quickly dissipates).
the thing is you'll have absolutely no idea he's pissed off about something till he gets set off about something else and then suddenly turns into a callous dick who basically cares about nothing but his own feelings and just starts ranting. it's retarded because 90% of what he's bitching about you're blindsided about since you had absolutely no indication of his emotions.
So then you're disoriented and forced to deal with like 10 different issues at once rather than the original problem he got mad over.

Ah, I see. So a ticking timebomb you can't even hear ticking but you are expecting, you just don't know when it is going to go off and have no preparation for it and are just overwhelmed by some stupid bullshit. That does seem like it may be more stressful. Either way, boomies have no idea how to react or handle their anger, no idea why that is but it is brainlet as fuck and there isn't any helping them either, they don't listen and have to have things their way or no way.

Sounds a lot like a person I used to know. Made me a bit angry hearing it. Fuck this shit, user. Take care of yourself!

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why was she yelling user-kun? D:

>but you are expecting
the thing is I really can't because his lack of emotion (could be worse, his other relatives are fucking robots and I got lucky, but he's effected) and good poker face mean I can never tell.
>Either way, boomies have no idea how to react or handle their anger, no idea why that is but it is brainlet as fuck and there isn't any helping them either, they don't listen and have to have things their way or no way.
christ I'll give you a great example from today (honestly just venting but still illustrative)
so my parents divorced like 7 months ago and for a variety of reasons mom still has some things to take from dad's house. My father, to "trim" some flower bushes my mother loved but he hated in his idiocy used a chainsaw and basically buzzed the top half off. My mother saw it and (I can't blame her here) assumed he did it to spite her which made her upset and forced me to calm her down. When I came back I asked him why the hell he did it and he told me he genuinely did it to trim them which is lmao tier but still. I then said it upset mom so don't do that shit and he basically blew up bitching about how it was his house, all his stuff, how she hadn't gotten her shit out yet (shit mind you that he hadn't said a word about in over half a fucking year, had gone along with until now, and which she genuinely couldn't have gotten sooner unless she's a fucking magician)etc., so I was forced to refute all his retarded arguments which he had given literally zero indication about in the last half year. Like seriously retard if you're mad she's asking for your help getting shit around say you can't, don't sperg out months later on fucking me.
apologies for the rant but that felt good to vent somewhere and illustrates his style of anger perfectly

Are you autistic or your ma?

Some retarded shit about money.

thats exactly those kind of things immature people who dont know any better would tell you and actually expect you not to get angry at them because "stop being a little bitch", right?

What were you doing in public that made her yell at you?

>out shopping with mom
>she's acting bitchy towards some poor employee for something that's not their fault
>when no one else is listening, quietly tell mom ''it wasn't their fault, you shouldn't be mad at them''
>she flips her shit and starts scolding me, an adult, in the middle of the mall

Lesson learned, do not question middle aged womens ''let me speak to your manager'' rage

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Yea that what you get for being a NEET that lives at home

>tfw know this feel all too well
And now I'm right back to MGTOW

It's your fault for letting her control you like a kid. You need to rebel from time to time

Unironically this. You need to fight back

>woman exists

>mom acts like a huge irrational psycho retard bitch
O-ok mom, s-sorry...

This. I gave my mom shit back once when I was about 17 and I haven't been yelled at in the last 5 years since. Granted, I have an actual adult job and I haven't lived with them in over 2 years, so I'm sure that that's a part of it