MBTI Thread

NF hate Edition:
1. State why you hate NF types.
2. Name a specific NF type you hate and why (use a personal experience if possible).
3. Say something that would hurt an NF's feelings.

>MBTI notes

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1. What's your MBTI type?
2. What are you listening to right now?

1. Overemotional, irrational, and clingy.
2. Whatever type Sophie and INFJ-T user are.'
3. Nobody loves you and you're a bad person.

1. I don't hate NF types
2. The most normie NF type I guess.
3. Fuck niggers.

ENFPs are normie to the max. I remember one time this ENFP guy was ranting about nerd culture and how people are nostalgic for dumb things like cartoons and videogames. He said something to the effect of "That time in high school when I was at a party and jumped from the second floor into the swimming pool, now that's something worth being nostalgic about."

Oh no
Good that I am not at workplaces!

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i hate how accurate this is. what do now? where should i work?

I liked you better when you posted anime girls instead of Tumblr stuff

>ENFPs are normie to the max
They're the most common N type, I see them everywhere, they're the easiest to visually type because they're the most predictable, ironically when I talk about MBTI with them they calm their personality is too unique to fit the categories, which happens so much with them I that I have to point out the irony of the type that thinks they are the most unique also happens to be the most most common of the Ns.

That's actually pretty cool desu. I kind of like ENFPs they are this cute little personality that can make people smile. It's a nice personality type for women desu

I like maidbot a lot!
And I don't want to stain cute animegirls, I leave them to cute posters!

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Why is society structured in such a way that I can't work without encountering other people? Why can't I show up somewhere and have my daily tasks be dispensed through a slot in the wall and do them without being bothered? Why can't I just go live in the woods without starving to death or being vanned by the Feds?

I only fuck with INTJ. All other NT are shit.

didn't know you intj creeps could think critically

Checked. ENTPs are okay but yeah, you're right.

I don't know what you're talking about, I just want to be able to support myself but I can't because all the land has been taken by the State.

As in have sexual intercourse with or merely socialize with? Sorry, I have autism.

why are NFs always shit and ruin every community they're apart of?

Alaska looks pretty empty dude, just go invisible in the woods.

"fuck with" means "socialize with" (or, alternatively, "mess with/pick on"), while "fuck" means "have sex with"

t. is forced to hang around normies all day and understands their dialect

To do that, I would need money, and to get money I would need to get a job, and to get a job, I would need to talk to a potential employer. Hence my problem.

Just watch the primitive technology guy on youtube, dude is loving the forest life with no money, making bowls and shit with fire.

you're a retard, we're very agreeable types

To fuck with, in my area, means to start trouble with someone. I hope that clears it up.

You always jump into conversations and end them abruptly by shifting the topic to something unrelated to the original discussion and uninteresting to the original participants

Reminder never to fall for the rampant anti-INFJ propaganda plaguing these threads. These posts are from a vocal minority of people who suffer from something called "Cluster-B personality disorders". They perceive a slight from people who either are or who are believed to be INFJs for rightfully dropping them over their bad behavior.

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anyone know how to distinguish whether I'm an INTP or INTJ? My results have been confusing to say the least and I have gotten both INTP and INTJ on multiple different tests. I find that the stereotypes for both types fit me very well so that didn't help either.

INFP's are the opposite, we just don't talk. I couid see it for ENFP's, but they mean well and aren't doing it on purpose.

Is your area heavily populated by Africans and Latinos? This is a definition I hear most commonly from nonwhites.

If you're an incel, you're INTP.
If you're a volcel, you're INTJ.

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INFJs are so fucking based lmao

Every single one I've ever known is just magical

Low IQ problem, lacking brain mass.

Well the fact that you have to ask means you're closer to INTJ, an INTJ would need more external validation (Te), an INTP would understand what it sees and if they don't they'd study til they know (Ti).

You're showing your own low IQ by thinking it's an IQ problem.

INTJs have internal intuition and external thinking, while INTPs have external intuition and internal thinking. INTPs are more likely to see things around them and come to conclusions about those things, then mull over them indefinitely. INTJs will gain an idea from within, and compare it to what they see around them. Also, Fe causes INTPs to respond to the emotions and feelings of others (or, to how others make them feel), and INTJs have internal principles and ethics from Fi.

that makes sense but I did try studying at first a lot but nothing helped lol. this was kinda my last resort but thanks user I guess I'm INTJ

Te doesn't create a need for external validation, if anything, that would be Fe. INTJs have a high need for internal validation through Fi by comparing themselves to their own ideals and principles.

you're a based intj, I think memes made me hate your type for no reason.

Oh okay! Ignore then. I guess I'm INTP cause that's how my thinking process works. Even though I do have my own internal principles more than responding to the emotions of others that's probably not as important in deciding type as it's one of tertiary/inferior functions.

Thanks, and that's okay, memes will do that

That's not how logic works NFnigger.

Yeah, it gets pretty fuzzy beyond the top two in the stack

Who is more stubborn, INTJ or INTP?

And, more accurate question, in WHICH areas are they stubborn?

Fair enough, I'm neither INTP or INTJ so I just made shit up to the best of my knowledge, a INTJ would know their functions better than I would lol

INTJ - Control information, because they know what's true, what's right and what's useful to know
INFJ - Control people, because they know who's the good, who's the bad, who's the worthy
ISTJ - Control their environment, because they know how to properly order it, how to actually do things

IxxP coming up next

If information points me towards a conclusion for something that's mostly objective I won't change my stance unless I'm introduced to new information. For things that are more subjective than objective, I never take a stance because there are many answers that are equally good.

I also know what I won't enjoy before experiencing it so I will never be convinced to do it.
t. intp

If I understand correctly, INTJ are more stubborn because their ideas begin on the inside and then are compared to the outside instead of vise versa. I personally am extremely stubborn about abstracts like philosophy/theology/politics, but I am often not too invested in "real" things like how to do a group project or something.

Anti-INFJ propaganda is unnecessary; Sophie and INFJ-T user do a fine job desecrating the type just by being themselves. They win the battle for us without us having to throw the first punch.

Interesting, so we are stubborn about the exact opposite types of things.

Every INFJ I know is normie as fuck but occasionally does something crazy in a "look at me I'm weird too" way, we all know you're just pretending to be weird, that itself is the weirdest shit.

ISFJ is a good boy but

ISFJ - Control their close people, because they want to protect, because you may get hurt

IxxP now:
INTP - Freedom of thought, because nobody shall judge you for wrongthink
INFP - Freedom of dreaming, because nobody shall stop you from idealizing
ISTP - Freedom of action, because nobody can really decide what's right way to do anything
ISFP - Freedom of expression, because nobody shall decide how you treat yourself and show yourself to others

wait this makes me think I'm more INTJ. Wtf this suuuuuuucks. I'm just gonna stop flooding the thread now sorry guys haha. I think I'm gonna keep a notebook with me tomorrow and anytime I think about stuff I'll try to write down how I think about it and determine which type i am

they aren't INFJ. "INFJ-T" user is probably an ENFP, sophie I don't know, don't even know who that is. if it's a roastie, there's your explanation.

better than the trips and namefags

what does that gay shit mean


>gay shit
No need to hide your feelings, user.

being an infp is pain, literally can't function in the real world. there should be neetbux for infp's

ENTJ: Direct others, because you know everyone's ideal job and tasks, but not your own
ENFJ: Teach others, because you know what everyone needs you to tell them, but not what you need
ESTJ: Work for others, because you are a hard worker adept at every task, but not at your personal ideals
ESFJ: Befriend others, because you know how to make everyone happy, except yourself

The main goal every type has, a reflection of the true nature of what everyone is.

NiTe and TiNe can both basically be described like the INTJ said, I'll try and break it down cos it is hard to differentiate the two.

If you lead with Ni you should intuit scenarios internally (Ni) and verbalize though an objective contextual language (Te).

If you lead With Ti everything is organised and categorized into logical systems internally (Ti) and you use it to find patterns and ideas which you verbalize(Ne).

Why are you attacking me I didn't do anything please don't bully me

I agree. INFJs are just destined to be turbo normies because of their ability to connect with others. My INFJ friends always make me feel so warm and loved.

this is a false flag
still, kill yourself

And finally ExxP
ENTP: Resist control of information, because everyone should be absolutely free to judge on their own
ENFP: Resist proper form, because it's the enemy of everyone's pure expressions
ESTP: Resist structure, because everyone should be free to take the best action in the moment
ESFP: Resist anything, because everyone lives only once

Do your female INFJ friends have big boobs?


I just had an epiphany about "conclusions." So
* INTPs need (external) information first --> get conclusion for each piece of information. The end.
* INTJs need the (internal) conclusion first --> acquire information that first starts as "confirmation bias" then you basically build up a neutral, objective cache. Whether you expand energy into building that cache or only write about it in your journal depends on whether your Will (which INTP has none, or should I say, WAY too many?) sees any practical purpose of it because wasting inner resources on impractical objects is considered one of the seven deadly sins of the INTJ (which ironically is one of "seven deadly virtues" of the INTP). The end.

>1. State why you hate NF types.
I dislike specific NF types for feeding too much into others.

>2. Name a specific NF type you hate and why (use a personal experience if possible).
None. Probably

>3. Say something that would hurt an NF's feelings.
calm down, stop being so emotional. You're acting like a victim

>seven deadly virtues
Sorry, should be "seven virtues," or, well, you get the idea.

Which specific NF types do you mean?

Hmmmm they vary. I know quite a few INFJs because I myself am an INFJ and found the community pretty great. I just laugh constantly interacting with them because the older INFJs are so fucking warm and open, and it's pretty impossible not to become best friends instantly with them all

God, I love the type

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i dislike INFP, mostly because of how emotional they are. They are also illogical to house.

>seven deadly virtues

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How emotional are you, INFPuwu?

i go through stages.
Right now, not emotional at all. And i try very hard to think with logic during those periods. I also don't necessarily know whether i am INFP or not.

I do get emotional under a lot of stress.

>State why you hate NF types.
I can't hate those I pity, that's like hating a child for being a child, they're to limited in understanding others for me to have simple expectations.

>Name a specific NF type you hate and why (use a personal experience if possible).
Heavy Fi users, I don't care for people who lack empathy and have to fake it just so they themselves feel better.

>Say something that would hurt an NF's feelings.
You don't need to tell people how you feel, we can read your emotions on your face and how you engage with people and can fully empathize with situations you are in without the express prompt of overt emotion to trigger us into fake caring for your easy situation.

What do you think of heavy Fe users?

hey INFPs do you like INTPs?

I seemed to have mostly avoided these types, I believe one boss I had was an ESFJ, it always seemed like he was seeking my approval which was weird as hell because he was the boss and didn't understand the proper things to say to the subordinates while being higher in the company hierarchy.

I know a few INFJs and they seem extremely normal and bland, like the males are normy betas that seem to want to be cucked and the females seem to have a new weird illness every time I meet up with them.

Sorry I couldn't add more, my circles are very N type typical and most heavy Fe users seem to run with the normie S types.

yes INTPs are my favorite type! I have a crush on a INTP right now.

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So this is the INTJ/INTP user back again. So I think I know why I'm having trouble discerning my type. My function scores are kind of all over the place.

Attached: function score.png (621x567, 67K)

I know this is r9k, but get someone to take the test with you possibly, it may even stuff out

I'm an ENTPbro Dr PHD here, your chart reads ENTP dude.

The low levels of Se in your blood indicate it's your last function, Lower Fi than Fe weeds out ENFP the only other type with shit tier Se.

By reading the chart backwards and knowing were each function should be you get a more accurate picture without the self reported bias.

>1. I get tired of feeling sorry for them all the time.
>2. INFJ, because you haven't played the pity game until you've done something an INFJ doesn't like.
>3. "Get over yourself."
I don't really mean it though. NTs are just as flawed if not moreso.

That's an interesting analysis but isn't ENTP a dominant type in terms of socializing? Also I know for a fact that I'm way more introverted than extroverted but I'm willing to hear more. Looking back at the charts and stuff it does seem highly likely that I am an ENTP. Maybe I'm just an introverted ENTP?

Describe the deepest part of your soul and I will tell you if it is relatable or not

usually types LAST function, the demon function, actually has a bit of a role in their cognition and it's used more often than you'd think. most times i see ENTPs post their functions test results they score high in Se. and i've noticed even in other types the last function in their main stack is often lower than their demon function in tests.

not that user but i want to see what you think:
>feel fundamentally detached and robotic, very low affective empathy, but cry like a bitch at something as dumb as a sad scene in The Simpsons (earlier seasons, of course)

ENTPs are also known as the most introverted of the extroverts, that's because our first 3 functions don't require people to be stimulated, Personally I'm happy as shit on a computer all day learning shit for months, but when I finally do go out an socialize I can walk around people logically like a Einstein/Micheal Jordan hybrid.

Yep, thats ENTPbro

>noticed even in other types the last function in their main stack is often lower than their demon function in tests.
Yeah but I'm guessing their first functions weren't all fucked up like this dudes though.

Okay, well I thanks for the help I'll look more into it. It's just that I have two ENTP co-workers and they fit the stereotype of dominant and argumentative. I'll try doing more research and stuff

>very low affective empathy, but cry like a bitch at something as dumb as a sad scene in The Simpsons (earlier seasons, of course)
For the record you don't have strong enough Fi to notice your own emotions, crying over simpsons characters is Fe, in other words you empathize with others, you just aren't good at categorizing emotions yet (Assuming young).

>ENTP co-workers and they fit the stereotype of dominant and argumentative
There's different flavors, personally I've got a more developed Fe and prefer more social cohesion than most ENTPs.

>(Assuming young).
ha. i'm in my 30s actually. it's not that i can't categorize emotions but i shut them down when dealing with others and process them later, if at all.

Doesn't sound like me, primarily because of what said, I don't feel robotic, just don't relate well to others

>just don't relate well to others
i get that too. but we are pretty different if you don't relate to feeling robotic. thanks for the feedback though it's interesting to see how another INTJ feels.

>it's not that i can't categorize emotions but i shut them down when dealing with others and process them later, if at all.
Dissociation is normal when others emotions are too much, its a shitty side effect of Fe.

Are INFJs easily traumatized due to their sensitive and emotional natures?

>i'm in my 30s actually
Also deal with your childhood trauma, yes I can see it, it's there even if you can't acknowledge it yet.

I'm not INFJ so I wouldn't know if they have ways of dealing with it or not

Everytime I open the fridge, I get Vietnam flashbacks of dying children struggling without food to eat. I think about dead people alot and relate to dead people more than living people. It's annoying.

To some extent I can relate with the crying thing, though; I am normally extremely stoic but if I see a dog die in a movie or something I will probably cry.

gotcha, thanks for your thoughts

agreed. also seems like the default INTx way of dealing with others.

>Also deal with your childhood trauma, yes I can see it, it's there even if you can't acknowledge it yet.
thanks. i'm trying. i "understand" it and i've made strides to change so that i handle myself better but it's still impossible to maintain relationships. that's the biggest hurdle.

yup, that's exactly what i'm talking about. the emotional distance is definitely a defense and a means of conserving energy, but it seems like being touched by music/art/stories is a way of safely relating to the idea of tragedy.

I think my most "defining" trait is that I feel completely detached from the current time and my current location (i.e. as if I should have been born elsewhere or in some other area, although I might feel that way no matter when/where I was born). Can other INTJs or other types relate to this, or am I just autistic?