my face when an Asian guy messages me VS. my face when a white guy messages me
My face when an Asian guy messages me VS. my face when a white guy messages me
is that really what your face looks like, you being a man and all?
how come - i have noticed this just now - asians (both women and men) have these chad jawlines? just look at how sharp , squarish and big the motherfucker is
That's just Koreans.
wow, look at it. wow
super chad genetics right there
Chinese too if they grew up eating mostly american style meats
Fuck ton of Chinese girls with habsburg jaws and underbites at my uni
Nigga looking like the Rasta banana you win at the carnival
Koreans have lego heads.
They're the most powerful race
they either have square faces of their faces are literal ovals. There's no inbetween
>white boi so triggered he had to make a cope thread
top lmao
>having to hear by whore sister fuck her white bf while I studied for my SAT
HS for horrible bros and college isn't much better tbqh.
>cherry picks omitting the dozens of women that wanted a cute foreign bf
lol asian interracial dating stats here speak for themselves
>stats from 20 years ago in okcupid or yahoopersonals
lmao the incel mspaints are hilarious
Hello anons, had sex with my first Asian last day. Questions are welcome if anyone interested.
Two hours long content of suicide fuel for rice dicks:
Look buddy. Here's some content.
>jewish tv show
lmao let's see what's really on their minds
You wish. All Asian women crave white dick and choose yt every time given the opportunity. It's like they have a part of their brain the exclusively makes them crave BWC.
>20 years ago
cope this is from 4 years ago
>lmao let's see what's really on their minds
white pride in this bich!!
TRUTH. the white dit is unstoppable
>Asain women prefer white men even more than white women
OH NO NO NO NO NO. Yellow cunts are serious white supremacists.
damn they really want kick that scared yankee out of their country lmao
>same okcupid stats
who even knows about this site anymore haha
the white man cannot be deneign!
>foreign men?
>not really
What causes white worship in Asian women? Do they all want white kids?
cease your slandering of Good Solonius this instant, dawg
He posted a shitty chart. This one's better visually.
big dingus
big chungus
big wungus
big mungus
white men are 4/4 rice cookers cant compete
>asian mom
>blue eyes
pure delusion haha it's gonna look like elliot rogers
>more okcupid stats
why does every white incel have this saved on their hard drive lol
>hating on blue eyes
seethe more, dingus
Asian women are some self hating whores.
nah thats white men lmao
Can you blame them? They look like chimps and their "men" have dicks of a preteen white boy.
>>more okcupid stats
>why does every white incel have this saved on their hard drive lol
Here's something "real life" for you.
white men look like ogres and have a culture of lusting over little boys!
Are you retarded? Japanese are not Asian, Japanese are white and proud.
Or the Japanese are honorary Aryans, at least.
In the modern world, women are the ones who do the choosing. Men are just happy to get pussy.
>what is genetics and recessive genes
blame your failed genes pinkoid lmao. if a white """male""" can't find a white female his bloodline effectively ends. also white men are dicklets and infertile generally this is why western nations needs yellow, brown and black dick to help the women out.
Photoshop. I get how they can change the shape of the jaw but how did they fix the Asian nose?
Asian guys somehow always look better than asian women (without makeup, with makeup, it is a different story).
This speaks volume about Asians as a whole.
Chinks = racemixing traitors
Gooks = racemixing traitors
Japs = prefer people of their own race
Japs are really based and redpilled even though I hate their infantile culture.
theyre so white that america dropped two atomic bombs on em
>yahoopersonals from 1990s
state of cherry picking for white males to hold together their ""masculinity"""
>Japanese are white
>mostly old people
Most of the young people do not give a shit.
These bitches ugly as hell. I don't see what whitebois see in them.
white men are certainly GLAD to date an asian goddess, i know
a boo boo boo
looks cuter when sad
They can prefer whoever they want but they're probably going to be exint if they keep going with the anime and otaku extravaganza
There has been several threads about Asians vs whites
Is this a trend on Jow Forums now?
Also Asian women prefer spics of course
Shut up, subhuman.
Also, lul. Comment not original. Who would have guessed....
based. come home, white man! who needs lemon when yew got vanilla n choclate.
They are not European but they are white. Also, according to your own graph they are the farthest from other Asians.
japs confirmed to be white
did i hurt your soft white feels?
Better die out than be a race traitor. I can respect that.
Why are yellow bitches like this? It's obvious projection. They have white fever.
hell yeah brother, let these scum know that White Pride aint going nowhere.
Stay mad, nigger. Stay super mad.
>they are the farthest from other Asians.
Yes, meaning they are even more Asian than other Asians as the Japan locus is even further away from whites than Koreans.
>yellow bitches
lmao, i only see one bitch in that picture and its not anna
ooo i gone and hurt yo feelings, bro??? sowwy
>white women when they see a golden man take one step of the airplane
That is unironically true. White men are the most sexually dimorphic creatures on Earth. Their archaic faces look well optimized for a caveman face crushing "sport" (like football) than the civilized world of today.
This also explains why so many white trannies fail to look convincing lol.
based and cavepilled
cease and desist. white women are the extension of white men. by posting such unholy profanity you commit sins against God.
>Still mad
It just keeps trying!
You have been muted for 8 seconds, because your comment was too low in content (0.001% content).
Either way, fuck asian "men". Oh yeah I forgot. No woman wants to do this.
>it hurt my fewls
If it isn't a thread about whites and blacks shitposting each other, it's a thread about whites and asians shitposting each other.
Why do whites like picking fights with other races?
fuck asian men! except unless youre a woman, ofc.
They're the chad race even when they're betas
>whites think this is "fighting"
LOL. no discipline
they make racebait threads online because everyone mogs them irl in current year
Blond hair blue eyes are recessive genes of the white people. They are caused by mutations when they survive the fucking Ice Age in Europe. This is why half back half whites are always darker. That bitch is lying about the blue eyes.
We are living in times when it's okay for losers to project their insecurities towards superior people.
Who takes creep-videos of these people?
and dingus=seething
He has dated Asian women in the past. Asian women really have no dignity.
>Chad race.
>Is the literally play things of the Jews.
>Their women are getting BLACKED daily by the race they once had in chains.
Yes, very Chad-like.
I have a real life photo of OP. Check it out now might delete later ;)
>We are living in times when it's okay for losers to project their insecurities towards superior people.
Likes whites towards God's chosen?
>caveboy carrying an asian goddess
>talks about women having no dignity
lmao you cretin
The Nazi knew this. This is why they wanted to keep the Aryan race pure.
>jews and asians have higher IQ, lower crime, better innovation and science
we should team up a eliminate the white cavemen
yew sho are good at posting nice graphs, my man.
the aryan race IS pure, frien
No one likes Asian men, especially Asian women. Some of the most racist shit I've ever heard about Asian guys came from the mouths of Asian girls I dated.
Not if whites racemix.
>white written article
>woops all our maths were stolen from the arabs
>woops all our inventions were stolen from the Chinese
>not separate from mexican/latin
Here's your answer. Where's your superior IQ, you couldn't even realize this simple problem.
>>woops all our maths were stolen from the arabs
>>woops all our inventions were stolen from the Chinese
maths = greeks
inventions = chinese WHAT?
White man brought all the knowledge to Asia. Eastern Asia was literally nigger-tier shithole almost before the white God reached there.
asian men need to buck up and confront this bullshit
>British Jews
>French Jews
>German Jews
>Italian Jews
>Austro-Hungarian Jews
>Russian Jews
Cool, you showed him!
>Whites turn their cultural thefts into accomplishments.
Name a bigger race of frauds on this planet.
What else. Ancient greek jews? Ancient roman jews? Ancient aryan jews? Also, arabs are more white than they are anything else.
thats a cool story sir
Why do whites act like they're so important when they weren't in the Bible? You'd think God himself would care more about the "master race" instead of "dirty sandniggers" as the whites call them.