Open your front door

>Open your front door
>See this
Wat do?

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smile because someone has shown me kindness for the first time in months

lament the folly of multiculturalism and how it forces us into conflict with people we'd otherwise have an amicable relationship with

toss it. not even a racist thing, just not gonna trust food that I can't verify the source of. could be someone trying to drug me for all i know

bin it because I don't eat carbs

I'm current in Trabzon, one of the most Islamic places in Turkey.
I live closer so mountains so everyone know everyone.
If you don't count me messing up the Eid prayer it's pure heaven
>You talk with people
>You shake hands with everyone
>somehow everyone knows something about me
>You meet chill people
>You eat a lot of candies and chocolate

I wish everyone here could experience this

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>Take the food and eat it.
>Next time you see your neighbours show them that you appreciated the gesture and you wish them good fortune in the future.

Even better if you give them something back when it's a holiday you celebrate and they don't.

you aren't important enough to be attacked at random, sorry lad.

Gnagstalked mentality.

Seriously this is the most humane way to act. Always be critical in your thinking but treat those with respect that respect you.

is it poisoned?

Take it and throw it out, and say thank you to them the next time I see them

how do you guys have chocolate in the desert
is that a picture of your real place?
you guys have trees?

This. It is such a shame we live in a world where you cant trust anyone. Better play safe.

I mean I'd do the same thing, but instead it's due to a nut allergy.

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Buy them halal cookies in return and say thank you for including you in a special holiday for them

it might be poisoned but i'd eat it anyway because it looks tasty and dying right now wouldnt be the worst fate

throwing away or giving it to your guests is the best bet

I don't eat something a relative gave me, to eat something a stranger from a murderous culture gave me

Eat it
Thank them next time I see them
Maybe send over another plate of food in return

She obviously wants you to fuck her when her husband is not home

Eat them, return the empty platter with a note saying "Thanks! Delicious! Your mute neighbor"
They'll never know.

Do you think the people who did this would have done it 40 years ago? No because then it wouldn't have went viral on the internet. I was going to say the more natural thing would be to give your neighbour the food in person and exchange a friendly greeting, but that's harder to make go viral on reddit and facebook, isn't it?

Tell them thank you in person, but throw the food away as soon as I'm home. It's a nice gesture but I don't trust people I'm unfamiliar with cooking my food.

I'd start giving out cookies every sunday with little bible quotes. See if those hajis top that.

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If it were me, pic related

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>eat the stuff, bet it's something foreign and nice
>thank them for the kindness next time you see them
>think of a way to return the nice gesture

It's not even a question, unless you are a scared, sad individual with whatever prejudice towards them. They showed a nice gesture, accept it, be nice back. That's how it works.

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>how do you guys have chocolate in the desert
What? Did you mean dessert(s)
>Is it your place
No. Don't doxx.
What are you talking about? Search for Trabzon in Google maps and check the satellite view.

This, muslim women crave the white man's cock

march my ass next door with a knife and twelve feet of rope and make some modern art paintings with their blood on the walls

Sometimes I feel like my far right politics is at odds with my compassionate personality

>we're totally the religion of peace trust uh ha ha
Fuck outta here with that shit, you cringey moron

You put the note on the food when the autist next door doesn't answer because of his social anxiety you fucking mong. My muslim neighbours from across the street literally brought me over a nice dish today (our toddlers play together all the time) and I'm sure they would have done the same 30 years ago.

Most of the Muslims in the west are really chill folks. I have a bunch of Mussie friends because I live in Toronto and it would be impossible not to.

Throw it away because I know all you white people be poisoning everyone

I can see it in your eyes. Never trust a white man

That's because the alt right stuff is just a larp for you. You're probably conservative but you're too kind at heart to actually be a racist/sexist asshole like your "side" is shifting to becoming.

I feel bad for my Conservabros like you who don't have a political movement they can comfortably fit into anymore. The right is too galvanized to offer any real choice for voters.

Open it up and throw it at their front door. Not out of malice or hatred though. Just because it'd be amusing. Imagine the mess. Imagine the smell.


Eat them, I want to die anyway.
If I don't die, the next time I see them I'll be very thankful as that was a very nice gesture and I don't get those a lot
If I do die, thank them in my next life/heaven/or whatever the hell

ok wetard

Your edgy autism is showing

Wtf is wrong with you guys? You receive food as a present and the first thing you think of is it might be poisoned? Do you believe you are kings or something?

>Unironically using "edgy" as an insult
Your normalfag is showing.

Take a joke faggot, go outside and get some fresh air

>D-do I fit in yet guys? Am I 4-4-Jow Forums enough?

Put it back on their porch. I will never trust nonwhite people with food.

>Take a joke faggot
Take your own advice, normalshit. And fuck off back to r e ddit while you're at it.

LOL this nigga really scared to season his chicken! He tremblin!

>"hahahah i just fucking pwnd this fucking normie heheheh he probably uses le reddit hahah"
shut up wetard we get it you're toxic

Just because they're muslims doesn't mean they're not white

For real look how hard he's trying to fit in. It's honestly kinda cute. So desperate to be a big bad user.

Who the fuck are you quoting, user?

I still wouldn't trust mysterious food that appears in front of my door, if they were white and gave it to me personally I would accept.

your inner monologue :^]

Just call them/visit and thank them for the food before you eat it??? And if it's not from them you'll find out.

but the paranoid cucks don't want to converse with them they'll probably explode or shoot them

You're not really doing a good job of hiding the fact that you're from reddit.

ahahhahahahahashahahahahahhahahaha imagine going on reddit im such a cool 4chaner hhahahahahyahah- u

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Be mad because now id have to pretend to be thankful and nice to someone for something I would just throw away.

>D-D-Do I f-fit in now? I'm so racist, I promise guys. Please, please let me play at the big kids table. I'm like totally edgy and don't have feelings at all, like all the other cool 4channers.

>Being so assmad that you have to reply twice
Absolutely S E E T H I N G.

kek, what a bitch :)

There's two of us dunking on you right now.

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Pretty nifty utilization of Inspect Element you got there.

Have you not heard of this thing called a mental disorder?

we're two different posters wetard :^]

eat it and hope its poison that kills me instantly.

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(He wants to believe there's only one of us so bad)

Haha face it kiddo you don't fit in here just like you don't fit in anywhere else. Stop pretending and be yourself.

Kys, why are you here if you're just gonna be a fucking faggot.

>Two different posters who type exactly the same
Yeah, I'm not buying it.

wetard alert wetard alert wetard alert wetard alert wetard alert wetard alert wetard alert wetard alert

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so mad :'^[

Put together a plate of my own baking to thank them.
I may hate muslims online but the moment someone shows me the smallest kindness irl I melt.

Oh no no no it just keeps happening to him!

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>Different time zones
Well, hey. I'm not gonna double down here. You are two different anons. You both still should fuck off back to r eddit, though.

aw that's sweet. I would go and thank them and then enjoy it.

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but can't we just use le inspect element
pic related : u :o]

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>Actually admitting to using Inspect Element
You're a funny guy.

Fuck muslim ''people'' and fuck the traitors who would want to be friends with these subhumans

thank you. love you user hope you have a good time accumulating le reddit gold maybe that'll be the new crypto :^]

Thank them and discuss Psalms 82, which provides the largest chasm between Christianity and Islam while being fairly noncontroversial.

XD I don't like people who aren't like me, I'm so quirky teehee xD

I heard something a while back about muslims in india drugging the foods they sold to foreigners with sterilization pills
probably throw it

I'd take and eat it, say thanks when I next saw them and return the favour next time I'm celebrating something. Having kind neighbors is a blessing in itself. Not really a question of trust to me just people being nice to each other.

You don't even make sense, you're just doing mental gymnastics to try and sidestep what I said. The whole thing is a big sham for virtue signalling and viral internet points.

He is doing mental gymnastics, isn't he?

Thank them for the food. They seem like really nice people.

Yeah those people just wanted to reach their destination on September 11, 2001

You don't have to be important for a random sociopath with the desire to poison or kill you. Idiot.

It happens all the time. And could be for ANY reason.

You are going to get curb stomped one day. And literally nobody will care.
Your death means nothing to people.

You reek of underage.

I would honestly be scared shitless and probably move.

Go back to /b/ le epic edgy user.

Shut the fuck up, moralnigger.

>Accept multiculturalism or we will kill you!

We'll send the shitskins back to their third world hellholes but your kind get the bullet. You'll be strung up on a lamp post as a warning.

>Refers to you as neighbor instead of by name
>Generic description instead of a name
>Globally recognized holiday
I may just be a schizo but I wouldn't go anywhere near that

that's really wholesome
i'd write a thank you letter and enjoy the treats

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Call the bomb squad and get as far away as possible before they trigger the detonator

have sex alt righter

So much for tolerant leftcucks

You see that's the funniest part. I'm a moderate, even somewhat left leaning, but when I see how leftists laugh at the death of the White race and how they would gladly see me and family killed, I can't stay moderate. When right wing death squads are murdering all your friends I want you to remember that this was a monster YOU created.

You were never a moderate ya lying nancy boy.