Will you incels stop being such babies? I'm tired of reading stupid incel theories and all the other bullshit excuses they make. TALK TO FUCKING GIRLS! Dont lie to me and say you do all the time, and you do everything right, but girls just refuse to date you. I've seen you guys, every single one of you is a shy little bitch. STOP BEING SHY YOU LITTLE FAGGOTS! Fucking open your mouth and speak! Loosen the fuck up! Stop crying about it online, you spend so much time bitching on the internet you wouldnt even have enough free time for a gf. Its not fucking rocket science, just fucking do what everyone else is doing and stop being a whiney bitch.
Incels are faggots
Girls look at me like a freak
>just talk to her
>just say hi
>just b urself
get out, roast/normie
Shut up lying faggot. That doesnt happen, people dont make faces at you when they talk to you because they dont want to appear rude. Every fucking woman on the planet fake smiles when they talk to anyone ever.
Good meme you little bitch. You probably say this more than you say "hello."
I hope this special ed post is bait
>Every fucking woman on the planet fake smiles when they talk to anyone ever.
They give geneuine smiles to chad
>Every fucking woman on the planet fake smiles when they talk to anyone ever
autistic chad doesn't take the hint
just get the fuck out, females don't smile at robots, and even if they manage to hold back their disgust while talking to us, they will desperately try to get away as soon as possible
I'm not an incel but women arnt worth it. Let them come to you, you do your thing and that's all you have to do. If nobody approaches you than don't fret.
It's not worth it anymore
If you're still lost and seeking further advice (how much advice do you need? Either wise up or shut up), than look up Aaron Clarey on YouTube. You don't have to agree with him on everything but he dose have some good points
Because you're all a bunch of actual freaks. You dont know how to act around other people.
I'll hive you a hint, shut the fuck up and stay in your league. The shy ones melt like butter if you give them affection
>Wwaaaaahh! Girls feel uncomfortable when random guys try to talk to them
Yeah, everyone feels fucking uncomfortable talking to strangers. Just keep talking to them, they will get over it.
>let women come to you
Thats not going to happen because incels avoid women at all costs. They nedd to learn to loosen up a little and socialize.
>just talk to girls, bro!
>tries to talk to girls
>shut the fuck up, freak!
yeah, fuck off
is that an euphemism for revolted?
More fucking memes. No adult female is going to call a man a freak unprovoked. It doesnt fucking happen.
>But muh rare anecdotal example
Go fuck youreelf faggot. Grow a pair of balls and stop crying.
> No adult female is going to call a man a freak unprovoked
are you fucking retarded? you literally advise to talk to girls, but if we do and it doesn't go well you tell us to "shut the fuck up" because we are "actual freaks"
besides, I don't need to be called a freak to know the female is disgusted by my presence
That wasnt me who said you were freaks. Quite being a fucking nancy and just talk to girls. You are talking to me right now when you could be talking to females. Maybe you are just gay?
Shut the fuck up freak
You fuckers are a bunch of ignorant wastes. You're worst than the roasties
How it feel to be a untermensch
What's the harm?
>oo she might say no
So you move on. I bet you never even asked a girl how her day was let alone make a move
Fucking captchas man
>maybe you're just gay
OP is right, the internet was a mistake. Well at least for those with social issues
But I do talk to girls. At best they politely turn me down but some of them have been actively disgusted by me.
OP is right but only in the sense that life is meaningless.
I highly doubt it.
You fuckers always play that card, I've seen your type before. You're completely retarded when it comes to social interaction. Now that's not to say that it's all your fault, society as a whole has decayed but you have to learn how to adapt.
Like I said before, do your own thing. Go to work, play video games, whatever the hell you do but make your existence known. To even just wonder around the streets is good enough
I'm single, I would love to hold a girl in my arms but I dont care to pursue them
>That wasnt me who said you were freaks
why the fuck did you bring it up then?
>You are talking to me right now when you could be talking to females.
am I supposed to give someone the entirety of my time just because they have a vagina and maybe they won't be repulsed by me -or will at least put off their revulsion long enough to give me a "chance"?
why do you keep coming here if you think robots are "ignorant wastes"? or are you a falseflagging shitbag?
the harm is wasting my time on a roast that will reject me the moment I express the slightest interest in her
>move on
I move on and get nowhere
Like I said, I do talk to girls and I talk to them casually, same as I would anyone else in most cases. You're just plain wrong dude. You've convinced yourself that it's losers fault for being losers, for whatever reason you refuse to conceptualize a different reality
That's just who I am
>Fucking open your mouth and speak!
I have nothing to say
There's so much wrong in this one sentence
>That doesnt happen
Ahhh, to live the ignorant life as a normal fuck
I don't know if you are just baiting, but you got me. I seriously hope you fucking kill yourself
What's "wrong" is that your fragile normalfag mind can't comprehend a life different to your own.
another one of those threads, huh? this is "newfags get baited by a faggot replying to every argument with "just talk to girl, incel" while posting smug anime girls" number like... what, 300?
I think it's better that I keep my mouth shut, I've been on pol for too long I might put my foot in my mouth.
Also where the fuck do you talk to women?
Talk to them without trying to date all of them. Just let some of them be friends. This will help you to learn how to talk to people.
The guys who are most successful with women are the ones who spend a lot of time with them. Even a very attractive guy would be an incel if he didnt talk to girls. You have to give them a chance.
Shut up dog. Go back outside.
Like I already said, I talk to them like I talk to anyone else. People don't even want to be my friend. Because I'm a creep, a loser. Why do you refuse to believe that losers exist?
Jr. High ended a long time ago. Why dont you stop being a baby now?
Mate I have spent 10 years as a shut-in. You're speaking of fragile minds but your default reaction is to defend yourself by accusing the other one of not being able to comprehend your suffering. That's pretty fragile if you ask me.
It is. Its flagrant bait and everyone is too retarded to notice
or maybe they are baiting as well, or I hope so at least
>I'm a creep
>I'm a loser
>Waaa I feel bad for myself
Can you do me a favor and stop wallowing in self pity for 5 fucking seconds? I also think you are lying about how social you are. Its just like skinny guys who struggle to bulk up. You arent doing nearly as much socializing as you should, and lying about how much you do socialize isnt helping.
You're not a robot just because you don't get pussy.
I've been coming here few years now
Fak off
How long dose it take to ask a girl out?
>>hey I got some seats reserved at this (insert nice restaurant) but nobody to go with me. Would you be interested in coming with?
If she says no than that's ok, she wont think you're a freak but rather a kind guy that wants to take her to dinner.
You shouldn't be asking random strangers anyway, maybe a waitress or a cashier that you talked to for a while. You're not gonna get instant results
I didn't say it's your fault you stupid dumbass.
I clearly stated in another post that society is a massive turd and the odds are against men