Have you ruined your life yet? Doesn't matter this thread will be gone soon

Have you ruined your life yet? Doesn't matter this thread will be gone soon.

Attached: Why Who.png (600x600, 355K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What's up with that character?

Some dumb roast with too much time and delusions of grandeur. I don't know. You probably won't even see this post. That's how fast they're deleted haha.

Attached: Regrets.png (600x600, 362K)

I see you, Aiste. Keep being the tranny schizo we all know and love.

post more ass brother

Where do you get your pics it looks like a character creator but its not Rinmaru?

giv link pls

Attached: firefox_2019-06-04_19-23-15.png (292x863, 241K)

Might as well do something not selfish for once. Here it is:

The site is full of different creators.

Attached: Roses.png (600x600, 339K)

I'm honestly interested in how jannies decide to stop deleting my threads. They deleted dozens and stopped with this one. Is it because I said this one would be deleted? So they're making fun of me? What's your deal, janny?

Attached: Mute.png (600x600, 341K)


thanks user, time to make some qt girls

Attached: 2327_pmZShWUg.png (600x600, 293K)

Ah, these delusions of significance. Shitpost all you want: you'll never matter to anyone on this board, not the janitors nor the posters.

I want to lick Op's feet so bad..

Simply imagine.

Attached: discordnudes-aiste_1.png (415x661, 653K)

I honestly wonder how smug and self-satisfied people who make replies like this to me are. You have defeated me, sir. In all these months I've felt no shame, but after seeing your post, I finally do.

Attached: Hills.png (600x600, 365K)

Good body
And cute avatars
Post titties

Hopefully I'll move to Norway before I manage to dox myself in some retarded way.

Attached: Confident.png (600x600, 415K)

is that a taint or a pussy

Attached: 7AD72C10-C4F7-45E8-9BB2-0BE90AE05149.jpg (225x224, 11K)

I'm pretty sure it's a taint, bro. look at the feet, also that ass shape is not female.

that's why I decided to get creative since it seems like these threads are here to stay

mommy aiste

>tfw no kunoichi gf

Attached: 2327_gf4k9W0A.png (600x600, 342K)

>that's why I decided to get creative since it seems like these threads are here to stay
What do you mean?

Attached: Very Serious Business.png (600x600, 367K)

I made my very own aiste-sona! Are you proud of me? uwu

Attached: aiste-sona.png (600x600, 593K)


now with 20% more weeb

Attached: 2327_KjKpXW3u.png (600x600, 650K)

I can't guarantee you won't be banned if you post with these.

Attached: North.png (600x600, 363K)