They are obsessed with whiteness. You can look mildly retarded and have a shit job and get a qt Asian gf.
Asian women will date anything white
SEETHING cave boy
It's just the truth. Asian women are obsessed with white guys.
why dont you find out personally, caveskin?
>That comment
>"greentext" story outside Jow Forums
Fucking disgusting
he may be white and ugly but he isn't a manlet
she isn't cute at all, they're looksmatched
Paging tendie-chan for some good ol truthbombs.
I'm a bit envious of him.
She is very cute.
They are both 4s, a complete looksmatch. Are you a bitter chink male?
Same with spic females
tfw worried even if i went to japan no woman would want me because i'm 5'4 and don't have blonde hair/blue eyes
She looks like a tranny wit a masculine face
Eh maybe a gaijin hunter would date you
Not really a bad deal if you just want a job that allows you to pursue your hobbies and want to get laid. I'm 27 and that's all I care about and I don't see myself changing in the future. I live my life to bang hookers and improve my hobbies.
wtf is wrong with Asian women?
Why do whites always get accused of having yellow fever when it's Asian women that lust BWC
People freak out when it's a couple outside their own race. It's okay for black girls to get white guys but the second a black guy gets a white or a white guy gets an Asian then it's just fetish trash apparently. Fuck double standards.
I think it's safe to say that Asian girls are the biggest race-trading whores of all time. Stats prove that they are the biggest race-traitors of the modern age at least, with many refusing to date asian guys.
Also, Chinese bugpeople are disgusting, but I would love a Japanese gf.
>aSiAn GiRlS aRe RaCe TrAiToRs!
People like sex, get over it.
Where do I get asian gf?
No, they're all fetish trash. If someone has a double standard, its because its their particular fetish trash.
What does liking sex have to do with betraying your race?
I'm a white guy, so I'm looking at it from the outside, and it disgusts me from a sympathetic standpoint. I still would happily take a qt Japanese gf, but I wouldn't want to hear that she hates asian guys or anything, cause it just makes me sad and disgusted with the girl.
Also, you're obviously a redditor, and almost definitely a gross roastie.
>It's okay for black girls to get white guys but the second a black guy gets a white or a white guy gets an Asian then it's just fetish trash apparently
What the fuck are you talking about? Black men are OPENLY anti-BFWM, not to mention that it's instantly written off as "jungle fever" when a white guy gets a black gf.
Also, white girls who fuck black guys unironically only do it for the sick fetish they have, and the sooner you realize this I'm assuming you're a nigger the sooner you can get over your stupid "tfw no white gf" thing.
Everyone would be happier if they dated in their own race, and only a couple of roasties, namely asian women, would get a bit antsy from their urges to fuck white guys.
>Everyone would be happier if they dated in their own race
Fuck that, white women are B-tier on a good day
rest assured. all these """white""" guys have brown eyes and dark hair.
Dark hair is good, blondes are just a novelty item for the cock carousel
Well, mentally damaged people like you would simply be given the ugliest of the stock, since you can't appreciate the beauty of your own race anyway :)
Ethnostate larpers will NEVER have sex
>tfw beautiful green eyes
>tfw light brown hair
>tfw fair skin, but not ghostly pale
>tfw no asian gf
It's not fair. I live in a nigger-infested american town.
Imagine if the jealousy that everyone innately feels when they see a member of their race (of the opposite sex) dating a different race was removed. Race relations would improve drastically, and ethnostates wouldn't even necessarily be needed.
Your hypothetical necessitates the acceptance of the idea that race is arbitrary and carries no importance whatsoever, which I doubt many actual non-racist people would agree to.
Why would people go out of their way to date other races and reject their own unless there was something desirable about another race? You're thinning those desirable traits out of the gene pool by race mixing. You're treating racial idiosyncrasies like fossil fuels when you breed a race out of existence.
>Racism BTFO forever
Feeling jealousy makes you a mentally ill incel. Normal people have no stake in getting mad because they live their own lives and have their own relationships. If you get mad at your own race dating out, genuinely consider killing yourself because your life is pathetic.
>tfw beautiful green eyes
So does that make you a woman if you have beautiful eyes?
>yet another toxic fetish thread by """"""whites""""""" (brown eyes dark hair)
go to a big college
Why are all race larpers such pathetic little snowflakes?
I have brown hair and dark eyes, pale skin and redheads flock to me but I like girls with blue/green eyes and dark hair (preferably straight).
>dark haired, dark eyed """""whites""""" at it again
How did she have a kid with blue eyes. I know eye color is polygenic, but the likelihood is even if the most aryan man on earth got her pregnant, the kid would probably have brown eyes
Look, it's very very possible. I don't understand how to explain gene science that well, but I can tell you that many hapas or mixed whites have them. Even black people can have european colored eyes. The thing is though, that the asian baby will probably lose color in their eyes when they get older. I do know a mulatto with green eyes. I also know you can be half mexican half white and have blue or green eyes. It's also possible to lose them as you grow older. It's quite complicated.
I understand, the odds are not in most peoples favor when choosing darker partners. Thank you for reminding me that infants tend to have light eyes.
I had an English teacher back in middle school, who was black as night, but he had the brightest, icy blue eyes that stared into your soul. Freaked us out. Nice guy, though. So even though it's extremely unlikely, it's possible.
That's not how you spell traitor, dumb ass. What is it with Jow Forums and not knowing how to fucking spell? Dumb asses, the lot of you.
I don't know about that but Asians have treated me far better than whites and blacks have. Can't really say anything about Hispanics since I've never been with one. Southeast Asians are great in my book.
>Inb4 man or ladyboy
No and you're not funny for making the same joke over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
Most aren't obsessed with BWC, some are but majority don't because they can't handle it. They obsess over the physical traits of white men such as the blue eyes and blonde hair etc.
>You made a spelling error in your series of long posts, you fucking idiot HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Keep seething, asianboi.
Hispanic girls aren't mean, they'll just try and drag you down with their horrible decisions and brain-damaged adolescent idea of love.
Disgusting jungle gooks are the bottom of the barrel
which barrel, the one thats yours and has nobody?
China has no ethical qualms with genetically engineering a fetus. I think the program is called like crisper or something. They can select sex, hair and eye color, and increase height and IQ.
Yep, sure does suck to be me. God I hate my life and the endless blowjobs I get. You sure got me with your rhetoric, guess I'll just kill myself now.
endless blowjobs, what a king
Said the 400 hundred pound virgin.
>couldn't even score a SEA Han Chinese
That guy probably has a nice personality.
Kids have blue eyes from birth until 6-9 months old, that's how.
Also, as a whitey, I had blonde hair as a child that turned brown around the age of like 5.
She may well lose everything she thinks she has.
please see It also answers your statement.
lol i believe in the freedom to choose your partners and all, but how do you even end up with a caveskin that loathes everything about you and only uses you for "endless blowjobs". you know what youre getting into by hooking up with these vermin
>defending the literal prostitutes of the entire Orient
>the biggest customer of said prostitutes looks down on them
>Asian gets with white guy. immediately a prostitute.
How insecure are you exactly? Does Asian vagina scare you or something? You can just ask if you're curious about it, it doesn't have to terrify you so much.
Yeah, it's not really yellow fever when it's Asian women who disproportionately like white guys.
>Scary Asian female is scary.
I've heard their vaginas eat men whole.
is that right? ill let them know next time i see em bro
Only if its a SEA native.
youre a good example of the sperg caveskin that doesnt even get an asian gf, supposedly "easy mode" for you all
what's even the source for this graph anyway
This is really disingenuous though, the stats are coming from America, which is predominantly white, and Asians are the smallest minority here. What are they gonna do, breed with their parents?
I'm not the one that's literally terrified of Asian vaginas. Maybe you should seek help?
the bottom of a crusty cheetos bag in a caveskin rape dungeon
is that right, ill take it under advisement, based caveskin
>Only if its a SEA native.
Oh, you really are terrified of sex? Wow, I was joking at first but you're actually scared of sex. How pathetic.
Bumping this post as I am curious as well.
>I had blonde hair as a child that turned brown around the age of like 5.
>tfw had red hair until about 5 until it turned dirty blonde
Things were almost much worse.
>"b-b-b-but Asian vaginas eat men w-w-w-whole. Don't you know how scary t-t-t-that is?
You're such a weak male, it's truly sad.
Its not the Han in SEA that make up the prostituted of the Orient, that's for sure.
i think you need to shed your old skin first, caveskin
How scary is this, you pathetic virgin?
who are you quoting? not my words thats for sure.
>Sex terrifies the Westerner.
You might as well be saying that, you're such a coward when it comes to Asian women. They're not going to kill you so you don't have to be a scared beta male.
If you could score a real Asian no one would care, but you're bragging about the worn out cock sleeves of the world.
thats alotta projecting, not sure what to do with.
cock sleeves LOL this is how caveskins talk about women.
Your dumb meme won't catch on, silly asianboi. Don't you have some girl clothes to try on?
Says the guy that's scared of Asian vagina. Don't be scared, mate. Be brave, they're not that scary, you'll be brave some day. Maybe.
Redpill me on FOB/second-gen asian wives.
The Asian women I've seen generally look good, but I think the whole 'submissive' thing is a meme. Not that I would mind a tiger mom, but perhaps sharing a home with someone like that might not work out so well, even if I am a pretty clean-cut and hard working man.
alright. how about snakeskin? cause you slither around in caves looking for children to swallow.
>All Asians are prostitutes
t. woman hater.
idk where this is coming from so im assuming its projection. but please feel free to direct me to the source.
Asians are great, no idea why people complain about them so much.
HAH i told yew it werent me, it was this grima wormtongue, balding snakeskin cave dweller.
The source is you being literally scared shitless when confronted with Asian women. Why are you like this? It can't be healthy, get help or get laid.
>Goes on r9k
>"What a misogynist!!!"
Fucking hell, are you trying to be stupid?
Silly asianboi, we are proud of our white skin. You can call us cumskins for all I care (since that's already established), and I'll just laugh at it. When will you realize that making fun of someone who is fucking your sister won't make them stop fucking your sister?
what the hell is this argument even about
snakes are great too, but its best to leave them alone and theyll slither off into the crevices that they came from.
Can you read? I'm specifically talking about Southeast Asians.