Does anyone else here have the curse of high appetite?

does anyone else here have the curse of high appetite?

>bike every day
>walk every day
>constantly starve

none of this matters because i can eat 4 ice creams and pizza and still feel like im starving a little bit later. why is it like this? why am i fucked?

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Eat food with fucking protein in it. Pizza and ice cream are loaded with sugar.

I dont really eat meat I eat a lot of vegetables

You need to eat meat, jackass.

grow up and stop eating whenever you want to, not hard

That explains a lot. Ok?

I starve every day but my stomach is 30000x the normal human stomach

veggies + protein + fat (in meat or in oil on the vegs)
Also when you're used to eating a ton of food it literally stretches out your stomach and makes you hungry more easily so you just need to deal w/ being hungry til it fixes itself

Stop eating sugar. High carb things will also make you hungrier sooner. Eat more proteins and fat. You will stay fuller for longer.

I had a normal appetite and weight and then I got really sick and put on steroids. The steroids gave me a huge appetite and I gained weight fast. Although once I realized what was happening I simply implemented some self control to stop eating.

veggies dont fill you up. if you only eat fast carbs and vegetables you're gonna be hungry. you need to eat healthy fats and protein because thats what keeps you full. how can you not know this what the fuck

im on the same boat but thank God im a pure skinny ecto so i dont get fat no matter how much i eat.

Literally never felt full in my lifetime. I used to eat two large pizzas, six hotdogs and a two liter of soda and my stomach would growl from hunger afterward. Got tested for celiac, type 1 diabetes.... no dice. I never get fat either but there's no sensation of a fulfilling meal so it's not like I enjoy eating nonstop. Docs are fucking clueless what's going on.

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no you're delusional, just like fat people, your portion sizes probably look like they belong to a bird however they're normal to you because that's what you've always done
the inverse goes for fatties, they eat big portions but they think it's normal because that is simply what they have always done

see a doctor, you may have hypothyroidism. however it's much more likely that you have binge eating disorder (BED) and should see a therapist who specializes in eating disorders.

keep in mind there's a difference between being hungry and wanting food. if you don't want to eat an apple, you're not hungry. you just want food.

i used to binge eat but I'm in therapy and getting treatment for the depression and anhedonia that made me want food all the time. now I've learned to eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full.

im 100% sure I have thyroid problems

What if this has been happening since early childhood and there's no precedent for it

then go see your doctor and ask to get your thyroid tested. they'll draw blood to check if your thyroid hormone levels are low.

lots of people think they have hypothyroidism when in reality they just don't know how to be hungry. it's healthy to be a bit hungry and wait an hour or two to eat your next meal. if you want to lose weight, you WILL inevitably be hungry a lot of the time.

eat more veggies and protein. just have lighter foods and no sugar and you'll stop being hungry you fat fuck

children can have BED. the only physiological explanation for a disproportionate appetite besides hypothyroidism is prader-willi, and you would most definitely know if you had that.

i eat a ton like more than triple of what my older siblings eat and theyre all built bulky. I eat lots of fiber though and avoid anything baked cause they get me constipated. Its just food in and food out for me.

I know any type of meat, gluten, and dairy I can devour for days. One of my friends suspects it might be something pertaining to Ashkenazi heritage. Not sure what tho, have to do more research.

Imagine a canyon. On one side is you with high appetite. On the other side is you with a less high appetite. In between is a gulf you have to cross of not eating until you get to the other side.

Crossing the gulf is hard but appetite isn't a constant same level. I am normally in a high appetite state and eating too much can put me back there, but I have gotten to better appetite states after a period of ratcheting down my eating in attempts to diet. Not easy but keep trying all the time.