This world is all a simulation and I'm the only real human bean
You're all NPCs
>wow user has a disability I guess I should fuck him
>June 4th 2019
we've had this post for years
Does this mean I can park in handicapped spaces now?
Yeah yeah, everyone knows the WHO is a propaganda outlet. By what metric do they even make decisions? Everyone knows trannies and gays are mentally ill, but the (((WHO))) says otherwise, without justification.
um guys in wheelchairs have sex. Maybe stop being an incel
>maybe stop being an incel
Being an incel is not a choice. That's kinda the meaning of "involuntary."
Yep this is going in r/inceltears
Um yes it is. Just be yourself you fucking virgin
Holy shit just stfu. Incels are right, they have data and studies that prove their points right
Does it mean we're getting incelbux now? Where do I apply?
Ok, wait up let me just paralyze my body from the waist down so i can be interesting enough for some normie to have sex with me.
tfw we are littreally shaping the world
Get off our board, normie. Go hang out with friends or have sex or something.
this is ableism, stop mocking my disability
I've been myself for 33 years, and it hasn't worked yet. I think being myself is the problem.
yikes you sound like an incel
>tfw we are littreally shaping the world
That's how dead the rest of the world is, dude. All cultures, religions and ideologies are exhausted. The normies are paralyzed by the terror that they'll say something wrong and be crucified for it by the Twitter Gironde. That's why nothing new seems to come along that doesn't have a fucking cartoon frog involved in it in some way.
Imagine how pathetic and decadent your culture has to be for the last living part of it to be Jow Forums.
I am an incel, so I guess that would explain it.
another incel, when will you idiots learn? You know what? I wish every incel died a painful slow death. FUCK YOU DANGEROUS MiSOGyNISTS
How long until women start taking advantage of this and claiming they can't find a sexual partner? The WHO has to make this solely a male problem.
You're a threat to everybody due to your involuntary celibacy. I hope you die dirty virgin
The important question is, how many incelbux will you get for applying?
How exactly am I a threat to everyone? I don't want to hurt people; I just want to have mutually consensual sex with them.
Seems like a super credible news source, typos and all
I browse r/inceltear I know how dangerous incels can be. You guys are a bunch of mutts, brown people haha. If you're brown you deserve to be incel. Only the white incels deserve to make it out alive
I'm as white as the freshly fallen snow.
The WHO is a complete joke anyways, it's not like it matters if it's true or not. Just the other day they made video game addiction a disability. Like, they made it it's own separate thing even though it's just a copypaste of addiction but they replaced some words with video games.
Come join us at r/inceltear then. I'm u/BrazilianSigma. r/inceltears is a white supremacy sub disguised as a mocking sub against incels
you aren't born a woman but you are born disabled, totally different issues. ableism is a serious issue, toxic people like you think joke.
Screen addiction is fucking ridiculous imo
Incels are mostly brown/ethnic people so we should encourage them to kill themselves
what the fuck are you even talking about? I just searched that subreddit and it's just screencaps of incels saying batshit insane things
there is one solution. Much like UBi the government simply must prove gf's. Upon turning 18 every single women is to be conscripted for 3 years of national service as a state provided gf.
Now I can get money for this AND for my gamer disorder
You do realize r/inceltears false flags and cherrypicks only the most retarded posts? Browse r/braincels if you want to see the actual content. Better yet browse r/blackpillscience to see where they keep their studies and articles.
Even putting morality aside, being with someone who doesn't actually want to be with us isn't going to solve any of our problems.
I guess you could use your incel bux to buy games, and your gaming addiction bux to buy sex.
We are secretly a white supremacist sub. The incels don't actually do or say anything crazy, we just want the ethnic/brown incels be demonized.
Cool, when do I start getting my vurginbux?