Another one of these. You know what to do

Another one of these. You know what to do.


Attached: PicsArt_06-04-02.06.51.jpg (2000x2500, 904K)

Here's a clean copy for you guys

Attached: 1559532305566.png (2000x2500, 89K)

this is difficult as fuck

People that want to be game developers almost never become game developers, because they realise it actually takes effort and it's not just brainstorming ideas like a retard. hope you're aware of that.

Also, added some more albums to mine.

Attached: suckmyass.png (2000x2500, 1.88M)

>foot fetish
good comedian choice tho, I got to see him live in a small venue it was great.
interesting choices on the map user. I think we'd get along well enough IRL

Attached: me.png (2470x2500, 1.15M)

>intelligence 10
>hobbies are a board game and playing video games
>books empty
>films empty
>music is top 40 pleb trash
oh for sure youre an intellectual giant my guy

Oh yeah sure, now post yours so we can admire your superior taste in everything, my dude.

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I don't hate on anyone, if they want to put their intelligence/looks/wealth at 10 that's their prerogative, but I just want them to really ask themselves are they REALLY in that 1%? I'm smart but honest I don't even think I'm an 8 compared to everyone in the world.

Yay, another one of these threads. At least these threads are fun and not the usual shit on this board.

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would someone with 10/10 intelligence and 10/10 looks be posting on r9k and have zero interests and be a virgin at 18?

>Libertarian, foot fetishist, BDSM, atheist


Also gross, for similar reasons

A bit better.

Attached: 2019 chart.jpg (1990x2838, 1.85M)

Probably not, I'd like to think if I ever became famous though I'd still come to Jow Forums. I'm only saying if someone wants to think highly of themselves it's whatever, I just want some self awareness.
Working on it continuously. You're still my canigga

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fuck the jannies
and especially the trannies
I hope they die
I'll eat pie

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so far mostly just the people from yesterday.. hopefully the grumpy janny isnt prowling again

Attached: chart.png (2000x2499, 884K)

bergman? yeah man i love smultronstallet and seventh seal.. the list goes on
>intellgience 8.5
>looks 7
>sex life 1
stupid FAGGOT

Sex isn't my priority in life. Mind over matter degenerate.

yeah nujabes.. shits fire bro.. mind over matter..

I wouldn't put sex life at 1 if you are happy with your current level of non-sex.

Perhaps that's a valid criticism. My bad. I was only trying to be objective.

+vidya designer, piano, games are alright
-feet,"reading is gay"

postin again for frens, made some last time who were epic so come again. thanks jannies

Attached: fuckthis (1).png (1988x2824, 724K)

what kind of planes? oreganolli

Protip: f you have the skills to be a game developer, don't be a game developer. It's one of the shittiest industries to work for and it will inevitably ruin video games for you.

had fun making this

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I for the love of god cannot figure out that flag? Japan? Canada? Please im retarded

a lot of bland pretentiousness in here. try making friends in real life folks

Based as fuck with the movie tastes. You're my friend.

I have some but they get on my autistic nerves. This helps me feel less lonely but be less annoyed.

Kelly's Heroes is such a fun meme ww2 movie. Oddball plays the blonde dude in mash. the sgt plays the crazy dude in dozen, and Clint Eastwood is Clint Eastwood.

any plane ever, i just want to get on the skies sometime
its the canadian flag

I really don't do anything these days. Just relax.

Attached: me.png (2000x2500, 250K)

Sushi and Dr Pepper are top tier my man. You seem very cool.

Cant draw on work pc :( and paint fucking sucks

Attached: kake3.png (2250x2850, 876K)

saehqrjwfgjwwwww whwh

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spent a while making this

Attached: chart.png (2000x2500, 548K)

>tfw I haven't edited this in almost a year so it's probably outdated

Attached: My Graph.png (1746x2370, 1.12M)

There ya go OP. All done

Attached: MASHALLAH.png (2000x2500, 1.31M)

filthy faggot go kys please nobody wants you in this world

Bored so I'll do them rates
pretty cool dude, I think ya might like guns but need more evidence
>senator armstrong as idol
nanomachines, son.
also, told you to stop being a furry.
christfag gtfo
>Mordhau, KCD
try For Honor :^)
based goblin boy, keep fighting against the wagies
++Cool person in general
-didn't like the idol joke
still would protecc
Hope you get your very own tomboy soon user
So much in common, and so much not in common at the same time
too 'murican 4 me
it's a big cultural thing in my state, but I'm not fond of it
>AoE2, Motorhead
based FTM tranny
overlord wasn't that good tbqh

I wish I had a better mouse so I could finish this without getting a handcramp

Attached: whydididothis.png (2000x2500, 458K)

>fucking degenerate
>subaru legacy
Anyone could've guess that gay boi

I'm suprised someone here recognized Upotte. Here's more evidence. Outdated family photo.

Attached: my half assed new family foto.jpg (1222x1142, 764K)

>surprised anyone here recognized upotte
upotte is super overrated in the Jow Forums community but its a shit anime either way. I liked the sa80 bully jokes but aside from that it was bland as fuck. the manga is alright,

I don't even watch anime very much. I just thought it was neat. I haven't seen it mentioned on Jow Forums in a while, just Girls Und Panzer or whatever.

>Switch in bed
Like Nintendo or like you want her to peg you?

>Jay Inslee
Can you be any more of a raging faggot?

apparently it means he likes to be alpha but also beta

whats degenerate about it??? i dont see it

Attached: DecisiveUnconsciousGordonsetter-mobile.jpg (640x360, 22K)

is that a real m1 garand? what year was is manufactured

Attached: guns.jpg (1100x725, 149K)

Yeah Springfield 1942

>overlord wasnt that good
Where do you live? Just wanna pay you a friendly this that's all.

1v1 me AOE

fuck yeah dude, ide give my left nut for one of those

I got it for total cost less than $1000 through the CMP

Southern part of the country known as Brazil. Doubt you'll make it past the airport tho

Last time I posted someone said they wanted to punch me, would you guys punch me?

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ey lmao it was me

I guess you get to live this time... this time.
Overlord was a great game, I fucking loved that shit man. Even played the Wii overlord game I'm such a fan.

The new one is fucking shit though

Yeah you seem pretty punchable.

I appreciate your honesties friends.

It was just the mouth you made for 'you currently' and favourite tv show that made you punchable, atleast for me.

For me it was the "At your best" face, it seems ready to receive a pummeling, and starlord too

The last thread got pruned before I finished this

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I just wanted my mouth to be a straight line, not happy or sad. I guess the cheek shit I drew is kinda gay.

I was a happy young cute 18 year old boy ready to go to college, excuse the rosy red cheeks. Ngl I didn't see the last two avengers movies, I chose starlord based on guardians of the galaxy 1+2.

>Another one of these. You know what to do.

Attached: r9k chart thing.png (2000x2500, 272K)

Here it is, judge me

Original oregano

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you forgot to put intelligence at 10 and everything else at 3-6

your eyes look like tits.

Top kek


different format but same idea

Attached: templatefilled.png (2281x2474, 576K)

>you forgot to put intelligence at 10 and everything else at 3-6
that's actually right but things are subjective

Based my original user

>dislike all of africa
edgy tier
based israel hater
based entpbro
why do you like florida
hapas are god tier good taste

Attached: r9k(1).png (2000x2500, 1.26M)

>the great Gatsby

Attached: 62010139_1718771198266648_1656951619192881152_n soy.jpg (780x748, 24K)

>wants to be big jobber
>never wants to be an extremist retard
okay so which is it?

Went there on a family when I was about 9, spent most of it at the beach. Good times.

*family vacation.
Sorry I'm a brainlet that can't spell

define jobber

Chill as fuck/10, would recc

Most are newfags and children thats why the first page always is fill with porn and retards

jobbs to solid snake everytime
and the boss
she let him win

>olho de teta
>that comedian is for autists
>that politician isn't even from your country
>spiderman is trash
>melanie martinez
what are you, a 14 yo white girl?
>map suggests colorblindness

I kinda hate you tbqh

Hey, I knew this one pretty well :D 10/10 Would recc

>are you a 14yr old white girl?

Top kek

>this politician isnt even from your county
Se os gringo fazem o bozo copia ent conta pra gnt tbm

>comedian is for autists
He's old videos are funny

>spidermen is trash

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based minus the nailed bat
they get stuck if you actually hit someone

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o bozo so gosta de judeu e putinha de judeu, tu ta achando que esse comedor de cachorro ai vai substituir o trump no kokoro do bonossauro?

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How do you like the HK93 (clone?).
I'm thinking about picking one of these up as next gun.

Attached: Stats.png (1981x2850, 648K)

nazbol arthoe nationalism with Khomeinist characteristics

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reposting cuz thread was dead yesterday.
>hating Australia

Attached: me.png (2000x2500, 640K)

back again tell a friend

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I am slowly filling this out despite being too lazy to do it all at once.

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These take too damn long.

you seem punchable, good luck with the cancer though

Attached: z.png (2000x2500, 1.14M)

Why do you hate Spain

bumparino oreginales from oregon

there's no rule that says you have to fill out every single thing

What's your favourite comedy from the 2000s?

Jan Pieterszoon Coen did nothing wrong

Attached: personalchart.png (2000x2500, 1.33M)

based af political compass

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Hey all, OP here again
I'm still gonna go for it
Underage b&; no opinion
Based and chillpilled
>Full stats
>Always wears suits
>No music taste
Boring-tier shit
Southerners rise up
Domino's sucks mongo dick
Leave tranny
Chill type but also underage
Both please
No but if I was an asshole I absolutely would
You finished it? Also, more bland-tier stuff
Not even reading it; put in some damn effort, anons.
Good book and also Brasil numero uno !!1!!!!
Bland with good music taste
Mega Charizard is gay
>Just carries around a fucking banjo
Cool guy
>"Dude! Weed and communism dude!!"
That's all
Basic bitch
So since you're from WV, does that mean you love or hate the John Denver song?
>Clearly done with a drawing tablet
Pretty good, and your art is fun
>Only anti centrist
Cool hangout tier stuff

10/10 books and movies my guy

wtf does country flag location means