Get a girl's number

>Get a girl's number
>She is a Democrat
Every single time

Attached: tinder.png (1200x1200, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>got a girls number more than once
fuck off normie

>get a match
>single mother

i cant do this anymore man

is that really such a bad thing? so long as they aren't overly libtarded

It isn't that I mind, it is that they typically expect a Democrat too

i went on my first ever date a few days back with a tinder match and she unironically talked about wanting to take womens studies classes, study human sexuality, and told me about her emotionally distant father

I wish I was joking

wow it's almost like they don't really have an opinion outside of what is shilled to them via media sources

If you never have to work for anything, why would you want start? So of course they are dems

GTFO tinder dude
Such a waste of time
All the girls are used up defiled trash

got my first match last week after 2 years. very average but how can i be picky. she ask for more pics, i have none thus why my profile only has one. I get deleted now back to square one.

Just smash the pussy and shut the fuck up.

That's depressing. How attractive are you /10?

I can't believe these posts. You're bound to get swiped by accident after two years more than once

I would say a 3 on my best days. I used to be way worse but lost that extra weight.

it's very real. I try everyday to not think about it and get through life.

Yikes, that's rough. What brings your score so low? I'm a 5 on a good day, and being average is hard enough.

Statistically most are, especially in that dystopian digital whorehouse.

It's your duty as a man to force-feed them schizo-pills until they admit that the Jesuits are interdimensional psychic vampires

most women are democrats. I'm a registered democrat and I would never date someone who votes republican because they're actively supporting the movement to strip women, gay people, trans people, and non-white people of basic human rights. if republicans had it their way, forced organ donation would be legal.

Haha, really? Out of all the ridiculous things Republicans would actually do if they had their way, you decided to go with "forced organ donation?" No wonder nobody takes you seriously.

only what can be seen on a picture:
- round face, weak jaws
- still look fat, extra neck skin
- non symmetric face
- shit haircut. it can be fix but it comes back after a week or 2

to that you can add
- smell bad, and no shower,deo, etc can cover that for 12 hrs
- very hairy
- bad posture

mostly lost at the genetic roulette

Round face: stop eating so fucking much
Look fat: stop eating so fucking much
Shit haircut: get a haircut
Smell like you haven't showered: shower
Very hairy: shave or wax that shit
Bad posture: stand up straight

But it's all the fault of your genetics, right?

not worth a reply since you obviously can't read but have your You anyway and enjoy the day

>Match with girl
>She sends nudes
>Never writes to me again

So it's true all registered Dems are functionally retarded. Functionally only because of affirmative action, else they would never be selected because of aformentioned retardation

if you cant stop Jow Forums posting IRl for an hour on a date you are fucked senpai

he said he has no pics. nobody's going to swipe a profile with no pictures.