How many guys has a girl had sex with by the time she reaches the age of 22?

How many guys has a girl had sex with by the time she reaches the age of 22?

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it depends on the girl. grow up. also it doesnt matter.

as many as she likes

between 3 or 4

At least 6 dicks

Just roll 2d6

it depends on the country/race/body type
but the average is 6/7

realistically? 20 to 30

>t. roastie
Get out

how about you have sex instead, incel?

If every girl in his country takes double digit cocks by age 22 then he probably has

more like 37

Nowadays probably 10 to 20.

The only girl I really know well enough to talk sex stuff with is 20 and she said before that she's had sex with 17 different boys/men. I believe her cuz she goes out with different dudes constantly. Unfortunately not me though. I'm "friend zoned" as is my life story.

>be me 3 years ago
>20 no gf
>meet girl on tinder for the fuck of it
>solid 6/10
>pretty chill, likes to hang out and do our own things but together
>we're both now 22 and im the only guy shes slept with

We're all gonna make it bros

Why are you friends with her if she doesn't respect you?

>20 to 30

t. permavirgin seething incel falling for every single piece of propaganda that'll just make him angrier and angrier as he loses touch with reality

Not that user but I had sex with 3 people before 25.

What is considered a lot or too much??

Waaaaaay to much. You should have negative numbers at that point still: cockblocks and missed opportunities

I talked to this girl who makes tiktoks and she said she had sex with her boyfriend 4-6 times a night, every day until he ditched her

wtf nigga u dum

I lost my virginity last year at 24 but I'm a guy and it was to a hooker.

You should practice a lot on hookers so you'll be really good at fucking your future wife

Not the man you replied to, but do you not find reality boring. There are better things to do than deal with the real world.

some guys are born cucks

You grow up. Everyone but me must learn this

When I was 17 (I'm 18 now) I dated this girl who was 16, and this whore had already slept with 8 other guys. It bothered me to hear that but I was desperate and a virgin. We only dated for 5 months (I got tired of her manipulative BS). She was insane. She dyed her hair all kinds of crazy colors and was an emotional mess. Women nowadays (especially the young ones) are almost all damaged goods.

Average american girl after she end university is about 25 guys

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Who am I, Steven Hawking?

zero for meeeee

At least 5 minimum. That's being generous


This is gross. I rather my future bf only have sex with me instead of "practicing"

Average in the US is like 7. Way up higher for Euros though.

>vaginal + condom
>raw vaginal (what girls consider sex)

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Based and actually redpilled realist

Average girl has fucked 200-300 by the end of middle school. Once high school is over, she'll have fucked 800-1,000. By the end of college, she's fucked 30,000-40,000. The number of cock strokes in her pussy, ass and mouth would be in the hundreds of millions. The cum could fill up a lake.

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reminds me of this unoriginally

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mine says his peepee gets numb after 3-4 times

>on average, one girl is fucking six guys before she turns 22
>on average, I am still a virgin at almost twice that age
>on average, I have passed over by every girl I have interacted with, while she goes and cucks me with another fucking chad, six times in her life
>on average, we are supposed to accept this as being fair and just
this is a fucking clown world

Dont tell robots that there are more women in the world than just their mommy. It will scare them

Your life is a tragedy and a comedy. Just like the joker! You really live in a society. I bet you havent flirted with ten girls today, and theres no surprise why youll stay a virgin for life

obvious bait is obvious but you realise most people only become acquainted with 500~ people in their lifetime?

>haha le joker
I want plebbit to leave. its not my fault I am forced to remain a virgin forever.

I met more than 500 people a year growing up in a small to mid sized city

before 25? double digits is degenerate at that age m or f

True true, youre just like that movie character the joker, arch enemy of the Batman.

See the Batman also has mental disorders but that doesnt stop him from flirting with girls. Not, one, bit. The joker doesnt like this because he thinks even the smallest inconvenience in life means you should sit at home being a virgin. So the Batman asks him, why so serious.

I bet you don't even know what (t.) means. I bet you have autism.

If trash tier, more than 3
If meh tier, 1 or more
If a decent human being, she'll wait until marriage because she has morals and integrity (this standard applies to men too, triggered roasties), so 0-1 depending on marriage status

This. If you havent offered your house, half your income, and a lifelong public and religious worship of a woman, dont even think about touching her sexually. If you do I will call you a bad person even though most religious people divorce or cheat or live bitter shit lives anyway yikes

about 12 for the average girl but probably much higher for normals

why are you bullying me on arcanine of all pkaced? its like uour tryung to win at the specuill olympiacs. fuck. congreats retardo yuour the biugggsst retarafsd ofuut hiumfa,

I asked my 19 year old stepsis about this actually and she says the average is probably 1-3 bfs and they have sex 3-5 times a week.

>getting mad at strangers for having sex
lol. also, nobody stopped you to fuck 6, 12 or 24 women yourself, except you weak, pathetic nature. And weak pieces of shit like you don't get to have anything. All is as it should be, friend.

So 3 and a manlet?

between 50-100 for the average western female.

Why am I still a virgin? I'm 21 and fit. Is it because I lack personalitiy?lp

You can't really go by the actual number. We've all at least once had multiple sex partners at a party and if you add those guys it makes it look more than it is.

>things that make you go hmmm
too bad this is a larp

The repeat sex is the part that everyone seems to neglect.

When I was 17 I had a kid and the father (the only guy I had ever had sex with) left me for another girl at a party. I got really drunk and crying and 7 guys at the party had sex with me. Believe or not but I've since told the truth and it didn't go well for me with a new guy. So now I say 2.

letting your boyfriend know your an unrepentant slut who let seven strangers run a train through you because your nigger baby daddy ran off and left you with your mulatto spawn did not work out so well? ya dont say.
instead of accepting your damaged goods and finding someone willing to look past your flaws, you decide to lie about it. typical roasty behavior.

utter scum.

My babys daddy is not black and his family was friends with my family and the only guy I had been with and he still dumped me. He never took responsibility though his parents tried to make him but his mom and dad have been in my childs life and help out with her. His mom did ask about what happened because the coward of a son told her I was shit and she just hugged me and cried with me.

He's scum, 6 of the 7 guys scum too (one apologized and asked me out after but I cried and ran away)

probably up to 16 if she's an average thot
above 45 is she was abused
4-6 if she's a normal QT

This just in! Girls are whores.

You realize guys treat women according to the way they act right? Want to be treated like a princess? Then stop acting like a slut

normies OUT!!!!!!
fucking origami

>it depends on the girl
>it doesn't matter
false, no quality man will ever date a whore

I was virgin till 21. Then I decided. Should try to get into relationships. Fucked 2 people that year, my record is 3. I am basically a nun.

10 for the chaste girls, 50+ for the rest

In an ideal world, only her father

depends on the girl lol. But if she went to uni and attended parties/went to the bar a lot, can easily can be 15-20 or more

8 semesters in college, roughly 15 weeks long
20 guys / 8 semesters = 2.5 guys a semester
That's all it takes, hooking up with a new guy from a party every 6 weeks during the semester. Add in a hs bf, a few summer flings, a tinder date or two and boom

I knew girls in college that would party twice a week the entire semester and 20 would be rookie numbers

A typical roastie at the age of 22 has just completed 4 years of college by taking the easiest classes possible, exploiting betas for answers, and coasting off of daddy's money. Every weekend, every night, she will head to some degenerate party and get fucked by a guy. Every other night she will probably get gangbanged as well. If she has a "boyfriend" she will probably fuck him about once or twice a week as well. So every week we can estimate she fucks about 5 to 6 guys. 5.5 * about 52 weeks in a year is about 290 guys yearly. Multiply that by four to get approximately 1160 guys through college. Now, we must consider her middle school and high school years. Under the permissive and submissive gaze of her father, in middle school she will probably dedicate herself to an older Chad boyfriend, swapped out every month or so. In high school we may assume a two-man-per-week regimen. So, the average roastie will have about 420 partners in high school and 20 in middle school. We get a number of 1,600. Now, we must factor in the gangbangs at parties, the blowjobs given to wild Chads anywhere at anytime, and the numerous one-night stands. A low estimate gives us 400. With this information we can conclude that the average roastie has had sex with about 2000 guys by the age of 22. A prude may have had only about 250 to 300 partners, a slut perhaps 4,000 to 5,000, while the most far gone of degenerates have probably had over 10,000 Chads inside them. A tough pill to swallow, but necessary if you want to understand the average modern womyn.

Shhh let the sperges sperg. spergy wergy

why would I want to date a girl who's been a literal cum dumpster

who do you currently date?

The girl I lost mine to had fucked 34 guys before me. She had a list with all of the names stuffed under her bed. Trust me dude, it's not an impossible situation, and your denial of it is far more "seething".

The 500 girls i had sex with in college were all virgins with no list of names. You seem seething af

You should work on writing better fiction.

you shouldn't seethe so hard lol

cope more, virgin

fuck you robot

>still seething after getting btfo
get laid

Around 250 if she's not a whore

One every week (very few exceptions) for 5 years if anybody wanted the math