What can young men do these days to construct a decent personality?

What can young men do these days to construct a decent personality?

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sign up for "Interesting Personalities of Successful Men" 101

Say you like anime

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I became alt-right and vote GOP 100% of the time so of course now women love me. All young men age 18-25 should do this.

Go somewhere other than a place that bases their personality on virginity

Yikes and delusional pilled

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only women that are really worth it, this is how you filter them out

Never forget to take your daily dose.

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Join a regular group of some kind built around a common interest. A bowling league, a writing group, a weekly poker game, join a fucking gang, anything other than sitting alone all the god damn time.

>voting for lesbians and speaking only to lesbians will get you a gf

? does this work

Right, because the only women that support Democrats are lesbians. I hope you're larping and not actually this retarded.

>join a fucking gang

Yikes my dude

they should join the military and become men unlike the majority of faggy millennials who are going to fuck shit up once they get into positions of power

they all look like dykes to me

>slaving/killing yourself to oil hungry government

I hate you and the way you talk, zoomer garbage. I hope you get AIDS and your parents die

Maybe because young men these days often weren't allowed to be little boys

>Join the military and die for Israel
I wonder who could be behind this post...

read and get into things people like to talk about or are interested by

only retards die for Israel just join the air force or get any job that isn't Infantry
also the die for Israel phrase is a coping mechanism for losers who were too pussy to do anything cool in their lame life

t. mad nobody cares about his camaro

For what purpose did our men die in Iraq?

>build a personality
what? a personality is just a natural thing with your social skills being a multiplier of it.
Doing interesting things might give you something to talk about if it comes up but it doesn't change your actual personality.
is this an American thing?

honestly non, i dont believe in wars but the military lifestyle is great for people who want to do cool things and meet people who aren't they type of stuck up faggots you usually encounter in college

to secure economic interests? What do you think fucking iraq has the ability to launch a cross continental amphibious invasion of America? It's so oil keeps flowing to trading partners so they can keep importing and exporting to create wealth.
Which isn't nesasarily evil. But a soldeir wont see any of that. Honestly can't imagine anything more cucked than joining the army. Especially if its America and you need to do ooga booga actual grunt work instead of being all specialists.
You're literally getting every ounce of your personality and Independence squashed out by some subhuman soully so you can be remade into more efficient cannon fodder for other peoples gain. While you're wife cheats on you. For 50k a year.

just bee yourself and you will be a genuine personality.

You already have a personality so i'm assuming you want one that people and more than likely especially girls like. Pick up a hobby, get educated in some kind of skill whether a trade or stem. Bitches love trades guys and stem as long as its not something boring like computer science. Also pick up a recreational sport. I play mens rugby and its a great fucking time. You can easily find a beginners league assuming your not two out of shape and not a little bitch. Those guys will give you a personality assuming you have the courage to not puss out. Other sports will work but i'll give you a rundown of my weekend last night.
>ride bus with 52 teammates most male some female
>take five hours
>during ride make friends and chat with lads around you
>even sing some songs
>get to opponents clubhouse and rugby field
>change and get ready for matches
>play two games winning one and losing the other
>sucks but had a great fucking time with the lads
>get the locker room to shower lads already passing around a box of bud and a flask of scotch
>after showering and changing go outside for free food and more beer
>do some beer chugging races with the team and chill
>great fucking time, not hammered cause of being a massive lad but feeling it.
>during the time there were a shit ton of hot grills around
>after some time we head onto the bus to go to value village which for non leafs is second hand store
>we have a dress code for when we head to bar that night which is daisy dukes and crop tops
pic related
>go shopping with the lads for jeans to cut and some dumb ass top to turn into a crop top
>some of the girls come in to help size us up and pick out shit cause we have no clue how to shop for female clothing
>once done we head to the hotel and start cutting up our shit and then end up in this one guys room
>lots of beer and rum going around
>drinking glasses of rum not shots at this point
>were dancing, singing and having a good time, jokes going around all night

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>eventually its getting past time to shut the fuck up in the hotel so we make our way to the bar/nightclub
>everybody is still buying me drinks cause a lot of the fuckers have money and i'm just some freshly graduated broke student
>hit the dance floor cause too drunk to care that i'm shit at dancing
>on the dance floor having a good fucking time
>don't fucking care what I look like, kinda dancing alone but the floor is packed but not really
>once the floor starts to thin out one of the ultra chads starts literally throwing chicks at me
>start dancing with random ass chicks this man sends my way
>literally doing dumb as middle school dance shit like the chive
>literally doing the shit i thought I would never do again in my life
>at around 2am we decide to head back to the hotel
>don't remember much after that but woke up with some random girl in my bed
>still clothed so we didn't smash
>turns out i'm not even in the right room and nobody made it to the right rooms it seems
>turns out to be a junior high crush of mine who plays for the same team as me
>haven't seen this girl for like 5 years since I left middle school
>head to my room pack up and then go for free breakfast
>hang out with the lads and everybody discusses their night and the dumb ass shit we did
>feel bonded with these guys even though i barely knew them two weeks ago
>bus ride home everybody too hungover to do shit so we all sleep
Whilst this greentext won't tell you how to get a personality. A personality is built through life experience and social interaction. Shit I got from one weekend with these guys. If you do shit like this you will become more confident in yourself. Being able to say you play rugby feels fucking great and makes you feel like ultra chad even if your not. You get to bond with people. Your teammates will become instant bros who will look out for you. Whether they are your wingmen or just giving advice. Plus you get some crazy ass stories to tell.

The military is not for people who want to do cool things and meet other cool people, it's for fighting wars.
War exists, whether you believe in it or not. There have been very few righteous wars in history and none of the American wars from the past 70 years are part of them.

sure but im just an IT guy ive been in for 3 years and ive never seen any real combat and when i get out ill have great memories of all the cool places i got to visit (Korea, and several U.S. states) so while i agree with you that the infantry isnt the best for normal people or ex NEETs such as myself. doing literally any other job isnt as physically or mentally demanding as people would like to think, i basically just work a civilian job with my accommodations and school paid for by the military and im paying them back by offering my expertise

that's the australian experience tho. recreational sports for adult dudes in the US are more like
>show up for the game
>have rote 3-5 sentence conversations about the weather and your job with a couple of people
>game over
>welp man that was fun gotta go back to the wife and kids see you next time maybe heh

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I'm a leaf. This is how rugby is. As the sport had a unique culture designed around that. Every club has their own clubhouse and a bar in that clubhouse. After practice or a game you head to the clubhouse to grab a drink and something to eat. All the clubs where I live do it. Plus the occasional event where we meetup at the clubhouse just to hangout. We had an Arnold Schwarzenegger night once. Its why I specified rugby as its the same way in the states from my knowledge. As the sport was brought over by rugby players from Europe where this was custom.

>landwhales that love PBR and hunting love me now that I'm a degenerate

we don't have rugby here

kys, I would never live somewhere where rugby was not available. I'm literally choosing my university based on rugby scholarship.

believe me, I would if I could

Do any cool/dangerous shit, people will think you're cool, so that's half the battle. Doing cool shit will give you cool stories and you may even enjoy doing cool shit.

I'm a NEET with an IT degree. Any recommendations on getting in or doing something similar to what you did?

Develop and explore your passions.

>join a fucking gang
Only if we have matching outfits.
Anyway, this user has the right idea: you won't find a personality on the internet.

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