I hate my life

>crush asks me out of nowhere to go to the bar
>get shocked but excited and agree
>day before the event
>"hey user, you're driving right?"
>"yeah I am!"
>"oh okay, good, you can give me and my friends a ride home after, we'd really appreciate it!"
>she never told me other people were coming, made it seem like it would just be me and her
>realize I'm just free transportation for her so her and her friends don't have to spend money on Uber
>already said yeah before she mentioned other people coming so couldn't even change my mind now

So I went and it was exactly what I feared, just a bunch of her and her friends and bunch of other guys I didn't know. They all mingled and chatted while I just sat there like a loser. End of the night I just dropped them off silent most of the ride as if I was a legitimate taxi driver.

I knew it, should've never fell for it. She asked me out of the blue with out even us talking that much, I should've known a girl would never want to voluntarily hangout with me. I was stupid to fall for it and deserved it. I wish I stayed home and posted on Jow Forums, I was a complete mess in that big of a social setting.

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women like this are really disgusting.. I feel your pain man

if you werent such a beta faggot you wouldve told her to fuck off and not drove them. how can you be such a spineless fucking doormat, jesus christ dude.

youve never been in love

a dickhead would drop the cunt off, have a drink and chill, then left an hour later to fuck her over. grow a pair you faggot. if a cunt is using you, fuck her over.

unironically true but still, once you start acting like that women see you as a disposable object they can use whenever, they hate men that let themselves get pushed around.

Not that guy, but I'm married and I agree with him wholeheartedly.

And you have no idea what love is, retard. It's based on shared values, of which you have none with her. What you had was infatuation.

I sympathize with you but you're a dim bulb.

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From reading you I can clearly tell you never loved anyone. Maybe when your mom will die you will change.. maybe.

It's not that easy, she played her cards well. She made it seem like I would be somewhat of a date for her the night, but at the last second it was the complete opposite. What am I gonna do in that situation? Sperg out and tell her I won't drive her and her friends even though I'm the one with a car and said I'm already coming? I fell for it plain and simple, she baited me in and got what she wanted and if I refused or bailed after agreeing to everything i would've looked like a complete manchild.

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what i find absurd is that you stayed. could easily bailed sooner and not being the ride home for a bunch of drunks that had their fun. honestly i wouldn't even showed up

>From reading that someone staunchly stakes the reality of love on strongly mutually shared values instead of the kind of dumb infatuation that leads to being used as a doormat, I am determined you never loved anyone
Doormat gonna doormat

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You're going to a bar retard.... You know one thing that can give you a good excuse for not driving?

>couldnt even change my mind now
You are miserable.

Understandable. Sometimes they can be ridiculously subtle. Should have ghosted out of there right when they were at peak drunk though. Driving them back was stupid.

>tfw same thing happened to me but instead of friends mingling it was 2 couples and I was the 5th loser just there to give a laugh or comic relief

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>females hang out with him
>has people that hang out with him
Fuck off chad

>>"oh okay, good, you can give me and my friends a ride home after, we'd really appreciate it!"

You should had question why you'd do that and tell them to catch an uber. If she gets pissed and decides to cut you off, you'd know she was full of shit.
Never be afraid to press women for your respect.

>in love
>with someone you're not only not dating but also never really hang out with
I miss being 16

I mean you still got to go drinking with them. And it was an obvious chance to bang her...
>Drop all her friends off
>Drive to her house
>walk her to the door
>Kiss her goodnight
>Turn it in to making out
>Go in and bang her
Is what a chad would do. You only got played like a beta because you are a beta.

you already looked like a fucking manchild, at least that way you would look like a manchild that's not a complete fucking doormat

Why do you give a shit about it? It happened so just forget it not worth your time

You needed to drive away when they were partying and message your "crush" why shes being such a bitch and that you are not being someones taxi driver.

"There's a hundred-thousand streets in this city. You don't need to know the route. You give me a time and a place, I give you a five minute window. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything happens a minute either side of that and you're on your own. Do you understand?"

After that tie your watch to the steering wheel, blast some Kavinsky and drive by the beach.

>ok ill do it
>wait an hour
>you know what my dog got sick i cant go after all good luck


>>already said yeah before she mentioned other people coming so couldn't even change my mind now
This is why you're a retard, if you just refused like a normal human being you'd be fine now. But you can't just say no to people? You fear rejection that much?

Well at least now you no to not bother with her again, or if she asks for help like this again find a way to get petty revenge.
You can build up a whole narrative in your head about how you arent good enough and shit like most of the people on this board, or you can look at it as her revealing herself as not being good enough for you.

>take them to the bar
>drop them off
>"you go on in, I'll park"
>drive around a little until they go inside
>leave and don't come back
>silence phone
If they ask, you were never there, they must have drank too much.

>Sperg out and tell her I won't drive her and her friends even though I'm the one with a car and said I'm already coming?

That's exactly what you should have done you fucking moron. That isn't "sperging out", it's how any self-respecting male would act.

Don't explicitly state why just say that you aren't coming any more. She will get the hint.

It's because your driving style was slow and boring. Should've taken them on that rally section in the local forest.

>What am I gonna do in that situation? Sperg out and tell her I won't drive her and her friends even though I'm the one with a car and said I'm already coming?

>>Drop all her friends off
>>Drive to her house
>>walk her to the door
>>Kiss her goodnight
>>Turn it in to making out
>>Go in and bang her
you go try that

Honestly, your life will be better if you learn to advocate for yourself.

There's nothing wrong with you saying "I thought it was just us, so no thanks, we can do something another time".

Wanting to fuck doesn't have to be a trap you spring. If you put your romantic intentions on the table, even if you're rejected, it will feel better than the limbo you're currently in.

It sounds counter intuitive but it's true.

>that pic
Our goal is to use the OS that gives us the button [Focus on the present forget the psychic past and drop the hope from the future.]
ClownOS sucks and wants its users to be sad fools.

You should have just said you have some urgent matters the day of the event and not even come there.
Those people are assholes I can't comprehend it.
I mean, it's a classic roastie behavior but the lads should have been more decent.

Actually based and confi-pilled

If you actually knew these people you should have just tried to have a good time at the bar lmao, maybe make some friends
If you didn't know them at all tell the roastie to get fucked you're not a taxi driver

This. You have to create opportunities for yourself even when conditions are not ideal. It's also easiest to make a move when alcohol is involved

You could have also left and said you had other shit to do
>my other friend needs a ride
>hey sorry I told some other people I'd hang out with them tonight
>this bar is lame I'm going to chill with another girl
She would probably respect you more after this and show more interest

Try calmly texting her. "X, the other night I was led to believe that we would be alone because you liked my company. You mentioned your friends only after I had already given my word and couldn't back down. You used me as a taxi driver not only for your friends, but also her boyfriends who are complete strangers to me and I owed nothing to.
How do you think that makes me feel and what are you going to do about it."
Then tell us what her reply is.

Poor naive cuck
That's when you refuse or at least lie to her

>confess to a girl
>she starts avoiding me

why are they like this

are they even human

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they don't like it when you dump a shit load of feelings on them out of nowhere

But she literally asked me how i felt about her

I don't know ask her why she's doing that. If you want closure I mean

Legit one of the most autistic things I've ever read

Yeah and the response you should give is something like:
"I think youre pretty cute desu, why wanna get drinks some time?"
Your response was probably more like this:
"You are the light of my life, I spend every night thinking of you and my life simply wouldnt be the same without you my love"
Going too hard in a "confession" is top tier cringe, she might well have hoped you would say something nice but you have got to keep it subtle.

Man you got a chance to hang out with your crush! That's great news, I would be grateful to her for the opportunity.

I said i really liked her and that she crosses my mind often
I think that might be worse

I know playing hard to get seems like a bit of a meme but you cant be so upfront when you first mention interest, you gotta work your way up to it.
If things go well then maybe a few weeks into the relationship you could say that.
What was her initial response btw?
Think there is any chance or are you fucked?

We've been going out for a month or so now
Her initial response was like "that's fine,i'm glad you were honest about your feelings"
but then she said she'll "think about her feelings" towards me which means i'm utterly fucked in a way
I think i got carried away a bit

Wait, you were dating when you confessed and she then ghosted you?

I've had women who weren't interested in me (obviously, I'm a 21 yo khv) but thanks fucking god I've never had any of them pull this predatory shit on me

I mean one of my co-workers sometimes asks me for my shift when she wants more hours and most of the time I let her, but I did have the balls to say no when I actually needed the money

How is it autistic?

Shit man i don't know if we even were dating

We went out for coffee regularly for over a month and talked about our feelings and shit

I don't know if i've been ghosted or not,we still talk via text kinda but it's not the same

I would have just said something came up and not done it. If she's gonna be deceitful (even if it's a lie of omission) you're not obligated to be truthful either.

Oh well in that case I dont know what to say.
That is the kinda situation where a confession kind of makes sense.
She probably just saw you as a friend, then saw that you might see her as more and wanted to confirm that you didnt.
Either way RIP man.
Hope things get better.

>Hey Becky, how are we gonna get home from the bar with Chad and Brad tomorrow night?
>Shit, I hadn't thought of that Stacy. Oh I know, remember that guy from my classes we whose messages we were laughing at a few weeks ago? I'll ask him to drive us

Leave early
If she asks you about why you left just say " oh sorry I left with a girl" or some shit

Yeah i'll try to catch her sometime and talk to her about it but i'm not optimistic

This, of course it's too late but it would have been the right thing to do

>Hey, where did you go you were driving us home?
>Oh, I left sorry I just wasn't really vibing with your friends. Forgot I was meant to be your driver, lol winky face

I don't think you should do that. If she left you hanging without a response the message is clear. A confrontation won't change that. She was feeling wishy-washy that day and wanted some validation, which she got from you. I know you want closure on this episode, but you're not going to get an answer from her that isn't a deflection of some kind. Move on, and don't obsess over it.

Bro trust, you're not in love just lonely.
If another pretty girl started talking to you, you'd drop this other bitch so fast.

Speaking from experience, desperation makes you hold such insignificant moments (like a call to hang) so close to you.

You're definitely a cuck for bending over like that. But moving forward, drop all contact with this girl. Purge her (and all other thots) from your sight. Start reflecting on your cuckery, work on yourself. Come back (however long it takes) when you've built up enough confidence to no longer be a pushover and are ready to find a proper girl worth your attention

This but completely unironicly.

I can't ever tell how she's feeling
Fucking two days ago she texts me like and says "i like you" and then "no" and then she starts talking about some fucking movie or whatever

I don't wanna be negative but i simply don't know what she's up to

You drove them around? Grow a fucking pair. You deserve to be used if you're just willing to let people use you.

How old are you two seriously.
Thats some teenage angsty level romance

I'll say 18
But this shit is completely fucked,red flag central man
She's sexually confused and on meds and she has like every red flag about her in the book but i'm still completely drawn to her

>I'll say 18

So 16 or 17? Rightt.

Listen user, a mixxed response is still a response, I've been in the position too when I was your age too, I know it sucks to hear it, but the truth is she's not into you. The best thing you can do is get a grip on your emotions an cut her off.

Whatever you do dont keep hanging on hoping she will change her mind.
Go full cold turkey.
If she changes her mind she will go for you.
If she doesnt youll save yourself embarrassment.

Holy fuck. This is horrible. OP, grow a damn spine. You are your own man, and if you like her, you let her know and you let her know that you wanted to go out 1-on-1.

You know he won't. He's going to be pic related and he's going to come crying to us in a few days whinging about some thot giving him the old Spicy Friendzone. Oh well. You can't save people from themselves.

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I really don't want it to end like this

I think is probably right on what will happen

It feels like im no longer in control of my actions,like there's some parasite controlling me

>I just dropped them off silent most of the ride as if I was a legitimate taxi driver

Kek! OP bfto!

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there is a light that never goes out hopefully

There's nothing wrong with this, your mistake was just being there instead of trying to get some new friends and stuff.
Hope next time you can be one of the people drinking if it makes you feel less of a loser

as if
she would obviously prevent you from dropping her last to avoid this

The only way to win this was to tell her to fuck off

You could have just had a few beers and had a good time with everyone? Made a few new friends and socialized

Honestly if you want a gril to like you, you have to be flexible in social situations. Alternatively you could have told her to fuck off and said you had better plans. Any opportunity to hang out with your crush is usually an advantage though.

>I really don't want it to end like this

Then it will only get much worse, and you'll get nothing out of her other than looking like a weak beta male. Fuck it, go ahead, you being a pussy costs me nothing. It's not often I give advice on Jow Forums and this is the main reason, seems like 90% of the peoples problems on this board are self made.

Sometimes its not worth spending time with your crush

Shit man it cant be that bad
I just need to talk to her

>"Yeah user will take us lol, that loser will do anything for me!"
This is what she said to her friends when they were brainstorming how to get a DD. Remember this. Internalize it. You are better than them.

Why are they all evil

I don't know any drinking environment can usually be played to your advantage. I always finder to talk to women when I'm drinking and they're drinking

The only place for you is on Grindr you wont be a TOP of course a bottomboi and a boislut, your beta OP get your boitwat and put it to use

find it easier**

>Sperg out
>Tell her I won't drive her and her friends even though I'm the one with a car and said I'm already coming?
Yes. If she wants to go again next weekend what logic will you attempt to use to say you had no choice?
>I'm still the one with a car and I already agreed once so...
No. She changed the details last minute? You changed your mind last minute. Or, what you *could* have done, is take everyone to the bar, and then leave in the middle, leaving them there.
You have free will. Use it.

Women are only roasties when the men allow them to be. If men are the confident ones, the ones that women try to impress, the ones with the "real" power, then modern day woman's behavior is due to their collective failing.

Love, *legitimately* affects your brain, mindset, and actions like drugs do to a drug addict.
Look up "how heart break affects the brain'.

Most people's problems are self made, user. Even poverty is often due to people being retarded with how they spend their money.

No you don't. You feel you need to, because you're currently -literally- addicted to the feeling she arouses in you. Cut her away hard for a week or two and you'll be better.

OP man up and tell her you wont be her taxi next time

I'm in a really dark place user and it's just gonna get darker due to certain circumstances

If i cut her off i don't know how i might be able to get through the week

Because any self-respecting alpha would, if he were mad, not say anything and just never associate with the girl anymore

If she tries to pull this shit again, then yeah, go ahead and say exactly what you typed up. But a real man wouldnt say anything while simultaneously cutting the girl out of his life

Don't think there's anyone in here that's self respecting or an alpha

Youre missing the point. You dont HAVE to be self-respecting or an alpha to behave that way

Conversely, if OP did that to her she may have started to respect OP. Doesnt make him alpha immediately but its a start

it's too late for OP to do that now

Maybe not
What if OPs oneitis tries to pull this shit again this weekend?
OP will be wise to it

So when taken advantage, a self-respecting alpha would say nothing and drop it. Are you fucking serious?

Who knows,what if he didn't learn anything

>Are you fucking serious?
Yes. I am fucking serious

Im not saying you cant be mad. But dont go on an angry tirade and lecture/yell at the girl, ESPECIALLY not over any text/IM setting. Then she can just show her friends and white knight enablers who will obviously side with her and make your life worse. The best option is to completely cut her out of your life and forget a trash person like her exists

I mean, probably. This is more than likely bait and not real

>The best option is to completely cut her out of your life and forget a trash person like her exists

This. Cut shitty people out of your life.

what op dosnt understand is these drunks could have taken the bus or a cab easily she just wanted to get a rise out of you and put you down

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