Heaven of Hell?

Does Jow Forums prefer Heaven...

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... or Hell?

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heaven is for caveroaches

i dont prefer this either

Where did the benis go.

Oh my Lord insect, seethe MORE. Imagine having your eyes genetically wired shit so you don't see your disgusting ass in the mirror and immediately jump off your 43story apartment building

fuck heaven
fuck hell
i want neither
i choose me

and i see my disgusting ass everyday just fine no thanks to you.

>No thanks to you
If my will impinged on your life it would not be positive? Why would you respond with this

How about purgatory?

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you think your "will" can affect me, yours probably no one.

yea freeze me up. ice me out lock me up

Oh you just don't know how to speak English well, never mind. Also kill yourself, chink. Nagasuckysucky these balls you Simpsons jaundice looking bitch

ugh...I'm desperate, but not that desperate.

oh you think youre tough, that's cute. tell me about it, sucking balls is what your mommy does best, and it runs in the family.

Would you guys really say no? She does not go to cons anymore because there are too many Normies.

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find out for yourself. find a heaven right here

you dont understand how attraction works. youre here to learn but how do i explain it someone whos never had to chase after anyone?

is there a name for girls like this? this kind of face with the long bulbous nose and thin upper lip drives me crazy

A septum piercing is basically a flashing sign that says "I have BPD"

>Larkin Love underboob style tattoo
How long before she starts wears corsets to hide that mess?

Judging from the fact that I'm here, I seem to prefer Purgatory.