Race of women with the ugliest souls?

I'm going Asian women -> White women -> Indian women -> Black women -> Latina women

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black got the best souls but are ugly

>Women don't care about dick size user! It's all in your head!


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Black and Latina women are loud and sometimes obnoxious but generally good hearted people and honest. Asian and white women are cold hearted bitches who will throw you under a bus but they pretend to be "submissive" to nab a beta provider.

my hatred of spics is only eclipsed by my hatred of street shitters.

Blacks are fucking evil. Sometimes I swear they were created by the Devil himself. You must be a nigger yourself.

nah, black women are always kind to me. It might be that I don't really know any non-ghetto blacks on a deep level, but from superficial interactions with younger black women they seem honest and not cold or standoffish. Black men are just awful though. They are always bullying people on the subway.

Asian women are just the worst. They are so materialistic and status conscious. Literally nothing but a 10/10 aryan chad will please these stuck up bitches.

latinas are not as kind as you think t.went to school near the border
black women are nice though and arabs/indians are the nicest because in their households when they were young if they were disrespectful they got thrown across the room lol
ultimate evil is attractive white woman

look at you idiots calling women evil when none of you can even get a woman to say hi to you in passing. pathetic worms

Asian women have eclipsed white women in the awful personality department. They are so successfully assimilated that they are better at being "white" women than actual white women.

ah yes, the caveskin thats always talking about asians. obsessed much? nobody would give you the time of day.

Latina women are fucking badshit crazy

Nope the Devil created white people

shut up you disgusting whore. i bet if your father saw you do the shit you hide from him he'd die on the inside and regret having you. or even worse you're a fatherless bastard whore

and to answer op, all women are shallow and disgusting on the inside. but men behave like this too. they have their criteria for what they want in men, and we have ours, but its exactly a even playing field. a lot of men are losers, such as the virgins of r9k

life is suffering and god is cruel

HAHAHA SCHIZO ALERT nice going caveskin


lol? i never even heard of that one before? bro my skin is white..... and what difference does it make what's my skin color, i think women of all races are whores. its shameless whores like you that make me glad i will never have kids. so i wont be dissapointed in raising and loving a daughter who ends up a shameless easy whore for chad. lel i wonder what your dad secretly thinks about you

>still calls me a whore
keep going schizo, youre the pinnacle of caveskin brilliance

women have no sense of justice, they have no integrity or shame. they just do what they can get away with doing. women regularly wear tight yoga pants to sexually frustrate and psude-cuck their father, and fuck random men in the house they grew up in and scream loudly just so their father could hear them. the most important motivating factor for their behavior is the opinion of other people

i have more respect for the opinion of a dog than the opinion of a women. i honestly never met a women who's opinion i respected

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nice larp. 3/10 points for sticking with it.

>ugliest souls
All of them

women have no souls

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blacks are evil in the strictest sense

in conclusion all women are crazy