You have to know that no one respects you and there's no way you respect yourself either. You're useless to everyone and you have no sense of purpose, no meaning, no fulfillment, no self esteem. The only reason you're still alive is because you're too cowardly to kill yourselves.
How do NEETs live without any respect?
Wow that's some serious wagie cope
Fuck you normal cattle. Get the fuck back to work for shlomo dinkleberg and slave your life away for that piss poor paycheck.
I'd rather be called a coward for that than to be dead
Neets are better than wagies anyway
Neets have the freedom in their lives you'll never have.
Yeah you're totally right and do you know what?
I don't care.
I have been drunk since I woke up at 6pm and this not new information about my life barely moves me other than the movement to type this bullshit out.
Both working and being a NEET sucks. There is no fulfillment in anything. That's the ultimate blackpill.
living to serve and be liked by others kys
>Being free means staying in your room for months, only eating, shitting and consuming media and vidya on a daily basis.
What a life.
They really do have the freedom to do whatever the fuck they want however they choose without having to slave away their lives for people they hate and adhere to social rules. They're not drones parroting the "normal" status quo. God watch over them.
Why would I want respect when I have done nothing to try to get it, it is not on my hierarchy of needs as of now and is completely unnecessary in getting to where I want to go as of yet.
Wageslavery is exactly this except replace 'room' with 'cubicle', no?
Hahah exactly
Thank you for your service, wagie :^)
Basically this, if I really wanted respect, I would do something to get it. Why would I choose the NEET life if I didn't enjoy it?
>How do NEETs live without any respect?
Don't need worthless normalfag respect because I don't have to deal with you losers anyway. So have fun earning Shecklestein more money and paying chunks of your income to the tax-jew, wagebitch.
And yet it's STILL better than wagecucking.
based, NEET life 4 life.
I've been seeing that guy on the right A LOT lately. His hair is pretty cool. Real attention grabber, it is.
fuck off with this freedom bullshit its not as if you're like a freelance businessman. you're just a pathetic man like the rest of us except you dont contribute anything to society or your family. Wagies are just robots that actually have a shred of worth, NEET's are in the dumps of society, only above pedophiles and criminals.
>This much cope for slavery
It's not even funny just depressing and absolutely pitiful.
Keep whinging faggot. You're the only one who's going to have a cry over all of this
Oh no, somebody doesn't agree with me, what will I do? That's right, I'll do whatever I want because not only do I have freedom of time, I have freedom from social norms.
Imagine being a slave to social shame. You must be a numale or a woman.
i know people like you like to think that being a NEET is the most enlightened way of living life, but i was a NEET for about 6 months at one point in my life. was fun for the first month not having to wake up and drag myself into school, but eventually it got extremely depressing and i realized that i had no purpose. literally going out and working at a shitty resturaunt was more fun than sitting indoors endlessly browsing Jow Forums and playing video games. ask yourself this, do you really use your freedom to its fullest (ie. creative pursuits that you actually get paid for) or do you just leech of your mum and/or disability benefits and sit indoors.
Have you thought that, just maybe, you're a fucking normalfag and that's why you didn't enjoy being a NEET?
Lol the neet delusion is real
I could do either and the only one to cry like a little bitch about it would be you. Just because you can't handle it doesn't mean the rest of us are like you.
Have you ever had an original thought in your life,or are you braindead
since when is being a normalfag worse than being a robot lmao. id say im somewhere in the middle desu, still got social issues and all that but i still push through it. its not about being a cuck to society, its about helping out as many people as you can in your lifetime. you can lend money to your family in times of need rather than stealing money out of their purse so you can run down to the store to buy tendies. its about having your own house, your own possesions rather than sitting in your childhood bedroom into your 30's. being a NEET is the most childish thing you could do and theres no way to defend it really other than with the same lies that you tell yourself.
You should be asking yourself that question. If you can't handle being a NEET then you are a normalfag for two reasons. One, you care about what others think about you so much that you feel bad about not working. Two, you lack the ability to entertain yourself in a time when you have infinite knowledge available to you. You will never run out of things to consume, things to learn, or things to improve at, yet there you were, bored.
i cant handle what? being completely useless? fuck off dude you cant handle doing what 97% of society does on a daily basis.
>you dont contribute anything to society or your family
>its about helping out as many people as you can in your lifetime.
I don't really care about doing those things though
basically you're just saying I should work 40+ hours a week for decades because other people will look down on me if I don't. Well, they look down on me anyway, so why bother?
It's true. You just had to seek out be a wage cuck so bad because you couldn't handle it.
>E-e-everyone does it neet!
Just another conformist drone ready to do what a drone does best.
>you dont contribute anything to society or your family
what about the taxes that i pay that you fucking dont that benefits society, what about how im able to help my family with investments or am able to allow them to stay in my own apartment that i own if they need to, or give them a ride to somewhere in my own car. i am able to contribute alot more than a guy who sits in his room demanding people do things for him.
jfl at this idiot making it seem as if sitting indoors all day is an arduous task. i cant get through to you, acting like you're a pioneer of freedom and intellectual thought when in reality you havent had an original thought in your life,
>shit I don't have any counters
>I know, I'll just make fun of him
>if I do that then I'm right
Classic wagie.
its not about public opinion, i couldnt care less what my boss or co-workers think about me. its about helping out those around you. you're the epitome of selfish.
What's an "original thought"? Like typing something on r9k and not getting blocked for u lack of originality?
>"You don't contribute to society!"
>"I don't care about that shit"
I just said I don't care about it, reread the last post
you keep saying that being a NEET is something that i can't handle. i counter that by saying that sitting indoors 24/7 is easy and anyone can do it if they reach that point of self destruction. then you completely throw off the conversation and call me a classic wagie after you say I made fun of you. its just not consistent mate and i cant be arsed to argue with someone like you. i know you're gonna think of this as a mega debate win in your own twisted little reality but remember these facts stand true, you are a burden to your parents, once they die you will have no support system, and its an extremely niche and autistic opinion to think being a NEET is better off (unless you're making millions off of crypto or you're a super popular streamer but i highly doubt those two things could be true off of someone as stupid as you are).
ahhh okay so you're selfish. you keep defending being a NEET but can you defend being selfish other than with this incel bullshit about how society has wronged you.
>ahhh okay so you're selfish.
we all are
most jobs available to NEETs will not get them any respect either, quite the opposite actually. the only real difference is more money, but with it a lot more stress and less free time
>sitting indoors 24/7 is easy
Yet you couldn't do it.
>self destruction
Only if you let it be, and even if that's so it doesn't matter.
You also assume that I'm a NEET, when I'm not and it's irrelevant. The truth is that freedom is the most precious thing one can have, trading that for money or validation is something only a fool would do. I value freedom over absolutely everything else so I will always prefer being a NEET to working. I will always prefer being alone to being with others. I will always prefer having no responsibilities to having them.
Ok there loser, thanks for the essay
Working entry level jobs with a bunch of retards is much worse. They don't take kindly to the gentle NEET soul.
This. Case closed. Fuck "contributing" to a society full of malevolent pieces of shit where you only get ahead by being a fake sociopathic normie faggot; ingratiating yourself to people and sucking cock. I'd rather sit in my room and absorb entertainment than deal with faggots for a paycheck. You're actually a moron if you think trading your finite life for meager paychecks is better than not working and getting a meager subsistence. You talk all this moralfag bullshit about helping your family, helping others, etc. Why? It's not rewarded at all. 99% of human beings are self-interested pieces of shit just like me. So fuck em!
If you wageslave for a corporation, it's not like anyone respects you for it, you aren't even valued by the people you generate wealth for. You are just a replaceable cog in a machine.
I play an mmorpg. Even if nobody respects me outside, I'm still well respected in my game for being a top player.
Nobody respects you, nobody respects me either, the only difference is I don't care enough to be shamed into wasting my life in a rat race I don't support or want any part of.
I was a neet for 5 years after i finished highschool
I didnt get betabux because Im not an autistic retard and perfectly capable of things like labour
Poor NEET life is dog shit, anyone who says it is is full of shit
>cant get delivery
>cant travel
>cant get new multiplayer games
>have to wait for single player games to get cracked
>something breaks, you cant replace it
>rely on mommy and daddy for everything
I quit my job a year ago and have been NEETing it up until now
I have low 5 figures in the bank, and can spend it whatever I want, considering buying new tech just because
I dont even consider betabux income, its so minimal you cant do fuck all with it.
$700 dollars, literally nothing if you dont have mommy and daddy letting you live rent free
how long did you slave andhow did you get the job?
3-4 years, almost 30 now
rotting away your best years will ruin you when time comes for you to enter the real world
Lmao you have the complete opposite of freedom from social norms. You dont have the ability to pursue anything and are stuck getting the minimal amount of social interaction necessary to mitigate blowing your fucking brains out on an anonymous cartoon forum because of the fact you cant adhere to social norms. Neets are so delusional but that's probably psychologically adaptive so cant really blame them I guess
why the fuck would i want to contribute to the society when i hate people ?
Why the fuck wouldn't i want to be a parasyte when the richest people in the world are usually parasyte living with high rent cause them or their parent invested somewhere.
Why the fuck would i want to work only to get paid almost nothing when i'm contribuing some lazy rich asshole to become even more rich
Why the fuck would i give a shit about what npc think about me ?
I wont contribuate to this society cause i don't like this society
I do not need respect from randoms.
And being enslaved to clock and demands of a society I despise would hardly give my life more meaning.
Sounds like you'd like the Soviet Union where everyone was equal
Just kidding, you'd be put to death there for being a leech
There is plenty way of being a neet i for myself don't work but i still travel a create stuff, you just need to find what you like
Neet is freedom what will you do of that freedom is up to you
Also you don't need to live with you parents money to live as a neet, with social revenue plus some small scam you can make a living. You just have to be organized and to manage correctly your expense
I a bedroom musician with 10s of thousands of listens on my music
I've contributed more to humanity than you :)
Go move into the woods and live off the land then you fucking degenerate faggot. Neets are probably more worthless to society than crackhead niggers, they're at least entertaining
>Just live frugal bro and manage your pittance amount of money
>Get sick one day
>You are absolutely fucked by healthcare
At least in America.
I have no issue with someone deciding to be a NEET if the option is available to them and they are truly content with that life. (though I don't support governments giving out NEETBUX and if I had a kid who wanted to live off my dime in their 20s without working or going to school I'd kick them out) But for God's sake if you're going to be a NEET, just own it and live the kind of life you want to, why criticize other people? Not working at all comes with so many limitations that most people are not okay with. If you don't care about those limitations that's fine, it's your life.
With that said, the amount of self righteousness is off the charts. I will admit that being a NEET seems better than working 40-50 hours a week, getting two weeks vaction, and never saving enough money to actually have any flexibility. Though plenty of people are retarded enough to live that kind of lifestyle (and yes that does seem worse than being a NEET) it's not nearly as many as some of you NEETS think. You can work part time, you can live frugally and take time off from working, you can choose jobs that fit your lifestyle and quit, etc.
Not more selfish than you or any other human being, you help people around you cause it feel good it's just self satisfaction.
Plus it's useless as long as there is people starving while you live in comfort means you don't do enough according to ethic.No matter what you do you'r selfish and without selfishness you can't live
Neets are fucking retarded mainly in that they are totally stagnant in terms of personal growth and are obsessed with juvenile garbage like video games and anime. This is also true with a lot of normal niggers with jobs though so it's not so much the neetdom itself i see as deplorable as what usually comes along with it.
So since you cant fix all the problems in the world theres no difference between wallowing in your own filth and trying to improve your life and the lives of those around you? This is one of the most retarded things I've ever read on par with anti vegans saying plants feel pain
You can make a living without being a wage slave or relying on your parents you just didn't make the effort to learn how .
Also being clever you can live and travell for almost no money.
I live in france so i don't have this problem
all i'm saying is that we are all selfish and since all you do in your life in to help a few people i think you hardly really less selfish than i am
As i said you only the cliche of the neet in your head but you can do plenty of thing without working
Why would I get a job if I have enough money to do what I want? My dad worked hard so I dont have to. I still work out, run, and engage in activities that I enjoy. I got a universal HVAC/EPA liscense, am a qualified electrician, attend orienteering events, attend kayaking races, take vacations to exotic places like the Galapagos and Alaska, and am currently learning how to draw cute anime girls and play the clarinet. I want to try gardening but I dont have the motivation right now to do it.
As for respect, no one knows I live this way because I dont associate myself with anyone to a meaningful degree. I've never liked being around others beyond what is required to accomplish a task. I havent had friends or a romantic relationship since I was in college and, although i sometimes feel lonely, most of the time it doesn't bother me. That doesnt mean I'll always feel that way, but it's how I feel now and how I've felt for almost a decade. Even if I had a typical career my social life wouldn't be different.
I suspect you dont care about that, though, and my entire post was a waste of time. I think you just want other people to feel bad and wont accept any other outcome.
This is barely even coherent. This is what happens to your brain on neetdom
No shit, nobody that goes into NEETing thinking
"Im going to set up a timetable and learn this this and this"
Most people that NEET just finish highschool, play video games and sleep all day not caring about the future, then the future slowly creeps up on and you've realized you've wasted the majority of your time doing literally nothing
respect and worthfulness are made up concepts by men. There is more to life than filling up a replacable role in society. It's about finding eternal hapiness and inner piece
Lmao stfu neets arent philosophers and poets you live with your parents or on government money and dick around on the internet all day. So much coping in this thread.
Exactly this. I'm wondering every day how am I still alive. Escapism I guess. No self esteem, no love, no reason to live. No matter what I do or don't do it ends up the worst possible decision. I wish I were good in anything at last but nope. Or maybe there is something: any time I start telling people about my life they get extremely upset and tell me to kill myself.
>trustfund babby
congrats you won the easy life, the years of trade school were not necessary
The one who do it this way are stupid that's all, whatever the way you choose in life you have to do it correctly
>Choose to be NEET
I dont think its a choice at the beginning.
You finish school, you're enjoying your summer, nobody is pushing you (or maybe they are), you continue doing what you enjoy which is whatever, video games, mindless entertainment consuming
>Months fly by, then years
What you're saying is you're educating yourself, even if it isnt formal education, thats one of the E's
I'm not a NEET, I'm still in school actually. Just saying that a high social status or wealth is nit the only way to find hapiness. As long as you can provide for yourself you can find a way to be happy.
I was a neet twice. I miss it sometimes and wagecucking has its huge disadvantages. But at least I have money to do things I like. I can go to places I want, events I want. Not just do the same things everyday.
I don't judge neets. And yes, I've replaced my daily neet routine with shitty wage routines at a crap job. But the days I have to myself are a lot more enjoyable when its a reward, not just my every day life
If you work 9-5 you still 8 hours of enjoyment after work assuming you dont have some hour long commute like a retard.
Can even get the 8 hours of sleep, too.
I don't want to be successful or respected in this sick society, being loser is a badge of honor
How to neet: there is plenty way of living as a neet depending on your moral value, country but i'm gonna give you my advice
_ Look for as many social found you can get, don't hesitate to fake invalidity to get more
_ Find a small activities to get extra money , legal or illegal, i for exemple offer to repair PC in my neigbourhoud, i offer to hack social network account, i blackmailed some
retards once or twice and i also mine a very few bitcoin.
Expense :
_ Reduce your expense as much as possible, always remember you can always find cheeper.
_ Free is the best, collect and repair as much abandonned stuff as possible : for exemple my pc is made from several part of pc that people abandonned cause they were
broken, i also steal some material from the scrap dealer
_ Build your own stuff from what you recover,
_ Stealing can be very usefull
_ Plan expense at the beggining of the month and keep record of your expense.
_ You must never finish a month with no money, you must always have an Extra that you will ad to your "shit happend fund"
_ Find a hobby,mine is building furniture from what i can get.
_ Walk or go outside at least 2 or 3 per week, you need sunlight to not be depressed it has something to do with some vitamine i don't remember
_ Travel, do stuff there, there is plenty way to travel or to do activities for almost nothing. I made a 1 year tour of south america with bus ( i had to work a bit sometime when
i was there tho)
_ Stay healty, wash yourself, learn how to cook and try not to eat to unhealty
Lmao, you low lives wagecucks on the imageboards are mostly minimum wage workers.
You think you have a respected life? Lmao
Only Jews are allowed to be NEETs. Goyim exist to work for their Jewish masters.
This is some serious cope. People like me for my personality and respect me because of my body. I don't have to work.
people dont respect me when i'm not a neet.
i'm not a neet atm and constantly fantasize about being a neet again because the alternative isnt much better. the only good thing about being employed is financial security.
Well thats how they do it. It is a combo of having a lot of pride and being a huge chicken shit
No there is fulfillment in finding a good woman and having children with her
But in 2019?
Why not work part time?
You guys always seem to see the world as black and white.
This R9k
Its all or nothing here
>be neet pedophile and read this
>feel fully content with life
Hey bros, Neets are by defenition menchildren.
Neets who arent intrested in a skill or practical knowledge that makes them money from their parent's home are menchildren.
Retards that compare themselves to their brothers that chosed to apply for a job in the 1st world to get 1st world wages the best in the world.
Anyhow, NEETs in general need trauma.
How much of an asshole do you have to be to look down on someone because they don't work. Like, normalshits really are smug as fuck when they see someone without a job and then think to themselves "heh I'm a wagelsave and this guy isn't he must be a pathetic loser". blows my mind.
I've rarely seen this many faggots getting triggered. Judging other people surely is fun when you lack empathy. There are all kinds of NEETs and prejudices are clearly overwhelming. Individuallity seems to be a lost cause here.
>is himself a triggered faggot
+1 for the picture though
Flip Flappers isn't dead